Club 600


Well-Known Member
maybe i'm missing a lot of the story but you got fucked with by french customs is the gist of what i'm getting? hope everthing is going well and you have managed to source some smoke:bigjoint:
Yeah man, D and co were driving through into france. Passed the border. 15 mins up the road customs pulled them over, opened up the van, smelled the plants and proceeded to get serious. The boys had outrunners all through town, blowing red lights and all. 3 hours including strip searches. Took all the equipment, plants, herb, seeds, and hash. Also the fucking oil rig I was due for my birthday in a couple days. :( They only got a 350 euro fine, so i guess it's a blessing. Lesson learned. The french suck.

as for herb, don sorted some hash that we stretched for a couple days. Smoked the last of it yesterday. So now I'm without any smoke. Pretty ironic huh? They don't have many clubs near me at all. Not sure what I'll do. Might just be off smoke for a few months while the plants grow. I actually thought this might happen so I'm mentally prepared. It's making the journey through living in a different country, without my wife and kids that much more interesting. Not to mention practically no one here speaks a lick of english. I thought it'd be like itally. Almsot everyone there spoke at least OK english. Not here. My spanish is far superior to most of their ingles. So I've been rocking my second language like nobodys business.

OH SHIT!!!! The best part of everything hahahaha.... apparently in spain there is a term for a man like me. A man who is married, but his wife is away. I am what would be called 'de rodriguez'... basically gives me licence to be a flirt. I swear the guy who told us about it christened me into even. As he said about me being de rodriguez he put his hand on my shoulder, like "alright son.... it's now your time". not sure if it was such a good idea to tell me all that. :)

Sorry for such a long answer. It's quiet in the house.


Well-Known Member
half baked, i once eat a full tub in one go, diabetes much?

did you decide what you are keeping to flower yet? tough to say in the vid, i'll take another look
No i haven't lol. To be honest, I didn't expect so many females, and so many robust females. Its kinda a tear between a dog x hb and a super silver haze x jabbas.

I will go snap a shot of the 9 contenders I have under the hps and post it


Well-Known Member
Same exact genotype, different phenotype?

I guess I am confused on the process. Call me confused. What goes in the garbage can and ?? Maybe I smoked to much this am already.
That's where you put the material. That's the working bag. Put it in there in a 20 gallon bag and mix it around with water and ice and then afterwards let it settle for a lil to let the heads drop and then drain it into the 5 gallon bags and then pull bag by bag spraying down with cold water the bags to form the hash in the middle and then scrape it onto your screen. Silicone pads work the best.


Well-Known Member
Got my axle replaced now and will be back on the road in just a minute. I got lucky and the wielder i got to put the spring blocks on used the fork lift to lift the trailer and had air wrenches to do the work. He saved me so much time and was super cool old guy:)


Well-Known Member
Ok, these are the 9 contenders. 1 has to stay in veg and not make this cycle.

And to clarify,

DL X SS is hemlocks Dream lotus x sensi star
SSH - Super silver haze x jabbas stash
OGL X BMS - Og Larry x Bluemoonshine
dog x hb- 2010 Dog kush x honeybee.


Well-Known Member
From just those 2 pics, Dog x HB#1 appears the smallest...its also the most indica with the the tightest nodes. The dog x HB in the second pic is probably the least robust, but would also be a pain in the ass to keep in veg since its been topped/supercropped so wide