Club 600


Well-Known Member
i just drill a hole in a mason jar lid. a big mason jar that is... the jar gets filled with kief not trim and then i blast anywhere from 10-40 cans into it , i use a different lid with a 100MICRON silk screen atached to it to pour the liquid butane through and into a pyrex dish.. (ALL OF THIS IS DONE OUTSIDE) once evaporated i whip and scrape up the yield and vacuum purge it for 5-9 hours . then i let it sit out.

my personal, non tube method.


Well-Known Member
baked off to the spring links soon munchied, then change the res in the morning or monday see how it is, twice a week is a bit work will it really make much of a differnce twice a week to once a week


Well-Known Member
I never changed my rez twice a week. I changed it once a week my first few grows... now I don't change it at all... just refill. I'd suggest you change it out once a week though to make sure you don't develop any issues. You can play with the schedule once you get the hang of things. Twice is too much in my opinion. Too much work, too much water, too many nutrients, waste of money, and the plants aren't going to be any happier (in my opinion at least).


Well-Known Member
i just drill a hole in a mason jar lid. a big mason jar that is... the jar gets filled with kief not trim and then i blast anywhere from 10-40 cans into it , i use a different lid with a 100MICRON silk screen atached to it to pour the liquid butane through and into a pyrex dish.. (ALL OF THIS IS DONE OUTSIDE) once evaporated i whip and scrape up the yield and vacuum purge it for 5-9 hours . then i let it sit out.

my personal, non tube method.
Damn, I guess I could just use a box to get my keef off, I just didn't want to go to the extra work. Have a link for your method or can you give me a little more run down on your blasting part? Not sure I quite get what you're doing


Well-Known Member
lol... what's with the photo shop on the thermometer thingy. Was 111.3 too hot?

And can you tell me what you got going on there... is that a hot plate? with a pan on top... does the pan have water in it or anything? I use my toaster oven... it's a pain in the ass to keep it a good temp.


Well-Known Member
Damn, I guess I could just use a box to get my keef off, I just didn't want to go to the extra work. Have a link for your method or can you give me a little more run down on your blasting part? Not sure I quite get what you're doing

hey! the number 1 recommendation, ( DONT BLAST INSIDE)

AND just be safe and clean through out the entire process..

i made a little tutorial, manyyy pages of info, if you are really interested, learn it up!, its a very slow way, but it covers pretty much the essentials with the vacuum..

there are plenty of methods out there, which ever you choose, just ALWAYS REMEMBER, THIS, THE HIHGER QUALITY THE INPUT MATERIAL, THE BETTER THE OUTPUT, bottom line.

How I Wax On
you shoulddd start from page 1


Well-Known Member
lol... what's with the photo shop on the thermometer thingy. Was 111.3 too hot?

And can you tell me what you got going on there... is that a hot plate? with a pan on top... does the pan have water in it or anything? I use my toaster oven... it's a pain in the ass to keep it a good temp.

I was like, wtf are you talking about... haha!! honestly, im not sure!

was probably for a reason.. the slight temp variances from 107 to 111 aint too much though..

that is my OG setup.

whats going on?

layers from bottom up:

hot plate

frying pan full of water

mason jar

this is how im currently getting down, check out my wax tute mang



Well-Known Member
sure man, no link but il run you through.

ok so when you get the butane it should come with the accessory tips....i take the metal mason jar lid, match the drill bit to the size of the tip and drill it....ok then i go outside. ive got the jar full of kief......maybe 3/4 full...i start by holding just the disk of the lid (i use the 2 part mason lids ring & disk style) down onto the top of the jar, i begin emptying the cans into the jar burping as the pressure can feel the gas build up in the jar with you just holding the lid on there without the ring on......once i feel back pressure i burp (simply just slide the lid to release the built up vapor) then i resume blasting the jar. once the jar is full of liquid butane (boiling presumably) i switch my lids....i take the ring that i didnt use when blasting and i just throw the silk screen on top of the jar then tighten it into place with the screw on ring........i then just tip the jar upside down over a pyrex dish. once the dish is full and the butane runs clear from the jar i know the jar is done for the most part.....I never use direct contact heat!!! i go inside and grab a bigger pyrex dish and hot water (below 120 degrees above 100, too hot will burn terpenes off) and place the collection dish into the other dish then pour the hot water around the collection dish to warm it up and speed the process of evap......once all is evaporated i scape and whip it up for a sec then into a jar it goes for ultimate purgage.


Well-Known Member
An old friend of the 600 just texted me. His wife is going into labor... there should be another little club 600 member in a few hours. :)


Well-Known Member
I was like, wtf are you talking about... haha!! honestly, im not sure!

was probably for a reason.. the slight temp variances from 107 to 111 aint too much though..

that is my OG setup.

whats going on?

layers from bottom up:

hot plate

frying pan full of water

mason jar

this is how im currently getting down, check out my wax tute mang

Did u jb weld right away or later on I think ime going to jb weld now just got.all new equipment same chamber New pump etc oil slick pads slick balls etc