Club 600


Hey All!

Exciting update for my 3x 600w grow!

As i have said before this is my first time on my own, while i wish for more density. I learned a lot and have some ideas on how to improve on my next grow.

Part of that is moving to 4x 1000w overhead and use my 600w vert hanging bulbs for lower fill.

However I will continue my 600w 4x8 tent but more for veg, and overfill situations.

As for my current grow, i pulled my Jack the Ripper and on of my Ace of Spades phenos down. The JTR was pulled a bit early but i needed the room to help finish the rest of the tent.

Here are a few shots of the JTR dried and the AOS B wet on scale, and a few small shots of it being close to dried.

JTR pics

Scale was not tared (-87)

JTR Test duff


Now the wet AOS pheno B

Scale was not tared (-87). Just top colas weighed, mid and lower buds were excluded in this shot.

first semi dried test nug, hard to see but these nugs have pink trichs and slight hints of purp.

no flash

lower duf turned heavy purp

Still my 3 pheno Chernobyl, 4 pheno Plush Berry, 2 pheno dariy queen, last AoS pheno and 7 Garlic breath pheno left to cut, dry and update : )

/wipes brow...


Well-Known Member

awesome pr0n everyone! keeping a peeper out for yours Gigs!

oh and doobs, plants are looking good bro.

back to mixing a pouring concrete :peace:


Well-Known Member
EVENING LADS! Phew after a zombie like day i went on to harvest my Barney´s Farm Blue Mammoth. Very easy trim!(Or im so high i just didnt bother(looking closer im a slob lol))Smells very yummi. I got 180grams wet. IDK what that will be dry. But i know it wont last as long as i would like it to :) I hope its okay i sperm up the place a bit :) The pr0n is already on ;) Next harvest date aprox. 6/6. :( Gotta get perpetual so i can feel the happy harvest every 2 weeks. Stop ramblin´an Jizz on em!
ps. That is my girls thumb. Mine is much more pretty!
Oh and only a few popcorn nugs. Thanks for the info on removing lower buds DST! Inline with the radiator i believe lol ;) Shit im high. Ill be roaming til i pass out :) All the good ending lines are taken so ill just yell PUNANIIIIII!


Well-Known Member
Giggle pr0n time!!!

Sorry for the light guys but I didn't have enough time to pull them out as lights were going off in 20 min, ya I got stoned and slacked off lol. Oh well enjoy. Happy plants makes a happy giggles :D


And now for some auto pr0n, ya I know lame but they were free and I'm not about to pass up free weed :D :D :D


enjoy guys!!!

giggles out


Ive been tryin to get my thumb to sit like yours for the last 10mins,(Yeah iknow, im fucked) Impossible. Have you had it broken or what the fuck? ;) Beautiful plants and intriguing hands lol bongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmilie
That's my roommates hand. He tried to fight me once.. I dislocated his thumb on accident. Im a 10 year jujitsu student I didn't mean to it was somewhat a reaction. We are good now. He wants round 2 though... stupid lol.


Well-Known Member
Those are some fucking monsters moch!

I hope my outdoor does that well this year lol.

Oh and whodat why don't you do outdoor?


Well-Known Member
Because I dont want my plants beeing seen from a fking mile away lmao! ^ soooo awesome there Mo! I just wanna lay down and take a nap in the shade of those lovely ganja trees.

edit: yeah but Im paranoid enough... Im thinking on it, I would have to keep them small.