Club 600


Well-Known Member
And a Hello to you too Hotsause. Hope all is well in Hotsauseworld.
Hello D im usually lurking around I have some Dogs in Veg ill have some flicks when it gets interesting

Uh... I was an observer... do i get a prize lol.

What strains is everyone smoking on today????!!!!

Dog Kush and Banana OG in the jig house.
Just some Chem, Chem 91, and Flo


Well-Known Member
in my exp they will never burn under the cooltubes but you will get bleaching from the light if they get too close.

i'd like to leave at least 6" away if growing horizontally, preferrably 12".


Well-Known Member
Thanks. The big ones are from seed, the little guys are a first pass of clones from them, thus they look a little crappy but they are growing strong right now.

I think the bottom looks more jungley than it really is; I took 25 cuts from their nether regions in the first week of flower but left the fan leaves which are sticking in the camera's face. It's really kind of bare down there.

Lemon skunk shoots up like a sumbitch. You have to be prepared. I only topped once to give 4 tops per plant. Filling the trays with hydroton is a new practice for me. Really glad I did it. Last cycle I found the entire tray was filled with roots;a beautiful sight. Cuts down on fungus gnats too. I pot up in netpots to aid the process. Dyna-Gro, as usual.

nice clean set up those babies look amazing.....maybe give that undercarriage a tune up? looks stellar though man seriously


Well-Known Member
from what some lad was saying to me, they just take it off you if it's personal. He said he just stuffed some in a pocket in his trousers in a bag. He was adamant that if caught it would only be taken off him and he would be sent on his though he had experienced that before.
every time i have been i have brought weed back with me. i go on the plane or ferry with it and have taken well over an oz with me before, you'll be fine.

i would recommend you go to asda and look for kids snack bags by the sandwich bags, they have little pictures of animals on ( monkey, dinosaur etc).

they are the best smell proof bags i have ever seen, even better than the smelly proof bags you get at the grow shop. you can easily fit a half in one if you want to. the only problem is they are stiff plastic that makes a rustling noise. what i normally do is place the bags i have acquired in one of these then place that inside another one then place both of them in a normal zip lock bag that is soft plastic to avoid making any noise and also to stop the sharp edges of the bag sticking in your balls when you are walking through customs.

i used to put it in my bag but twice in a row the baggage handler had it!! i actually heard him when i got off the plane saying fuck me this stinks! i had to laugh once i got over the initial rage but now i keep it on my person.

oh the joys of smuggling personal amounts of weed.


Well-Known Member
Here's a six pack of purple kush 3.5 weeks old under my 600. 2 more weeks of veg then, into the flower room.
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With all this rain these little shrooms have popped out all over the place in old piles of donkey manure. I dont think they are the psychedelic kind but I'll look into it ;-)


These popped out of an empty raised bed I got.

Edit: something I found "Now here are three images of the deadly Galerina Autumnalis in woodchips"

IDK man lol


Well-Known Member
Nice plants zack,

word up shnk, they looks awesome mate.

as far as traveling with bud...ever tried just throwing a handfull of nugs under some dirty cloths stuffed into a duffel bag? worked for me countless times. not alot just a quarter or so.....


Well-Known Member
whodat... i dont know how much you know about mycology but those certainly do not look like psilocybin or psylocin varieties. they dont seem to be amanita or fly agaric. be very very careful mate. best shrooms IMO are thai aborts, penis envy uncuts and blue hawiians.


Well-Known Member
whodat... i dont know how much you know about mycology but those certainly do not look like psilocybin or psylocin varieties. they dont seem to be amanita or fly agaric. be very very careful mate. best shrooms IMO are thai aborts, penis envy uncuts and blue hawiians.
Im with you on that, and no, I know NOTHING about mushrooms. I was going to eat them if I found indisputable evidence showing they are not poisonous. Thanks for the insight! :-) I was hopeful for a second there haha


Well-Known Member
no worries man, ive just had alot of time to play with them up here in the mountains, im still learning too but dont want to see anyone get sick


Well-Known Member
no worries man, ive just had alot of time to play with them up here in the mountains, im still learning too but dont want to see anyone get sick
Im currently in the final phases on building my rooms. I am limited in height by 6ft in each room. As a result I figured 600w hps was a high wattage as I could go due to limited height. I'm now wondering if I should go 1000w hps.... I haven't bought my gear yet. That should be next week...


Well-Known Member
no worries man, ive just had alot of time to play with them up here in the mountains, im still learning too but dont want to see anyone get sick
Yeah I learned the hard way. When I was 14 or so my friend picked some and said "yeah man these are totally tripping shrooms" my dumb ass took his word for it... An hour later projectile liquids start shooting from every orphus on my body haha, it was TERRIBLE! Now even smelling mushroom makes me gag pretty bad,,, the body does not forget. When I trip I have to put them in peanut butter. I love cooked mushrooms in a dish though!


Well-Known Member
user....go with 2 600s if a 1k is on your mind. better light spread with cross light about the same amperage at 120v.

whodat, i know what you mean man when i was around that age i did the same thing in florida and i was sitting around a patio table with 10 or so friends and girlfriends and the blunt came around to me, i hit it, and promptly projectile vomitted all over my buddies GF sitting on his lap across from me. It got in her mouth lol gross sorry.


Well-Known Member
Im with you on that, and no, I know NOTHING about mushrooms. I was going to eat them if I found indisputable evidence showing they are not poisonous. Thanks for the insight! :-) I was hopeful for a second there haha
Do not eat those things! I grown shrooms and go shroom hunting every year and if you eat those you wont be whodat any longer you will be whodead :S