CloudFlyer Grow Journal


Well-Known Member
shit looks sweet cf,ur probly a part time photographer too,huh,lol,really though!you only do it indoors?


Well-Known Member
shit looks sweet cf,ur probly a part time photographer too,huh,lol,really though!you only do it indoors?
Well I cant draw worth a shit but I like to create. So I do photography as another hobby. I don't grow outdoors because I cant control the environment and I dont have to worry about anyone finding it, bugs ext... I grow hydroponically and aeroponically to increase o2 to the root system increasing overall quality. I am about to start breeding too.



Well-Known Member
i hear u on the outdoor thing,every year im gonna get me a lil crop keeping 1 alive for as long as shell let me.(kush)i was actually supposed to pick me up a 400wt hps this friday that passed,but (school clothes,shoes,sipplies)can get real expensive,i have five beautiful children.and yes,they come first!!!but other than that all i need is that,my rooms built,electrical running!!next week is when im shooting that your design?


Well-Known Member
i hear u on the outdoor thing,every year im gonna get me a lil crop keeping 1 alive for as long as shell let me.(kush)i was actually supposed to pick me up a 400wt hps this friday that passed,but (school clothes,shoes,sipplies)can get real expensive,i have five beautiful children.and yes,they come first!!!but other than that all i need is that,my rooms built,electrical running!!next week is when im shooting that your design?
Yea I build everything myself. I switch back and forth between flood and drain and aero . Flood and drain during the summer because of it's low maintaince, and aero in the winter cuz I dont go anywhere and I can keep a closer eye on everything. If something goes wrong with aero your plants react VERY fast.


Well-Known Member
what did it run u,materials?just curious.
The hydro chamber with pump and baskets $55

The aero chamber 125 cuz the pump has to be high preasure low GPH

I use 3 tubs one is just incase of a spill cuz im in an apartment
(plants in this pic were from another grow)



Well-Known Member
It's not a Deep Water Culture (DWC) system. So it would make sence you dont like it as one. 2 grows a year its flood and drain and 2 grows it's aeroponic.
my bad, but the tubs makes it look a lil confusing.

everything looks so bulky and takes up so much room, with all the equipment u have U coulda easily took better advantage of it and ur space, but if it works then great job..

I give U props for the design/creativity of it, but from what I see the results are just "ok".

hopefully the next journal we'll see some nice sized bushes with all those watts U got


Well-Known Member
my bad, but the tubs makes it look a lil confusing.

everything looks so bulky and takes up so much room, with all the equipment u have U coulda easily took better advantage of it and ur space, but if it works then great job..

I give U props for the design/creativity of it, but from what I see the results are just "ok".

hopefully the next journal we'll see some nice sized bushes with all those watts U got
Yea yeild has never been my goal. I grow medical so I 1. have limits on how much I can have, and 2 I just grow enough to have before my next grow. I pulled 3.75 oz off 2 plants. Understand that the pics you saw were 5 1/2 weeks in flowering. I do have a lot of light. Mainly because they dont make a 600MH. I do use an airstone in my flood and drain so I can see why you might think it was a DWC. I dont like buying premade growing systems. Premade aeroponic systems dont allow for the roots to hang (PVC fence post is only so deep). Building it is half the fun. Here is my design (F&D)


Well-Known Member
hopefully the next journal we'll see some nice sized bushes with all those watts U got
Also part of the reason I use so much light in the veg stage is because I don't VEG at 18 light 6 dark. I veg a 12 light 6 dark. Because I have a AC for climate control. Day and night time tempatures are up to me so it does matter that the lights are not on at the same times of day. It's the dark stage that determines what stage of growth your plant is in. So now I am not wasting 6 kw everyday. So during veg, I get to run my 1000 for the price of a 600.


Well-Known Member
wow, that design is very impressive! I love it.

what doesnt make sense to me is if U have a limit on how much U can grow, why would U go out and get a 1000 watter? I mean if U cant grow giant trees for legal reason then there is no need for that much bang, ya know? U could've easily gotten the same results under a much smaller HPS. It seems so wasteful to me, but if thats ur thing then hey, its none of my concern.

U seem experienced enough to know that by running it 12 hrs that will cause them to flower from start, Im sure U know that the plants need at least 16hrs of light to veg properly but that would explain the low yeild.

3.75 oz WET from a 1000W HPS is (no offense) kinda pathetic, thats .105 grams per watt and U can easily pull .5g-.75g/watt with a 1000w some cases people even do that under 400watters

also Ur wasting a lot of electricity running that light, I understand the temps but I dont understand the concept. If U went with a 400W hps U could probably get the same (if not BETTER) results than what U are getting. Plus the temps would be a lot lower, and U could keep the light closer to the plants. on top of that U definately wouldnt be over ur legal limit for growing and ur light bill would be less than half the size it is. U can actually run a 400W at the price of a 400W the full duration (16hrs/daily = $35/month) instead of running a 1000w (12hrs/daily = $72/month) for the price of a 600w (16hrs/daily = $58/month)


Well-Known Member
wow, that design is very impressive! I love it.

what doesnt make sense to me is if U have a limit on how much U can grow, why would U go out and get a 1000 watter? I mean if U cant grow giant trees for legal reason then there is no need for that much bang, ya know? U could've easily gotten the same results under a much smaller HPS. It seems so wasteful to me, but if thats ur thing then hey, its none of my concern.

U seem experienced enough to know that by running it 12 hrs that will cause them to flower from start, Im sure U know that the plants need at least 16hrs of light to veg properly but that would explain the low yeild.

3.75 oz WET from a 1000W HPS is (no offense) kinda pathetic, thats .105 grams per watt and U can easily pull .5g-.75g/watt with a 1000w some cases people even do that under 400watters

also Ur wasting a lot of electricity running that light, I understand the temps but I dont understand the concept. If U went with a 400W hps U could probably get the same (if not BETTER) results than what U are getting. Plus the temps would be a lot lower, and U could keep the light closer to the plants. on top of that U definately wouldnt be over ur legal limit for growing and ur light bill would be less than half the size it is. U can actually run a 400W at the price of a 400W the full duration (16hrs/daily = $35/month) instead of running a 1000w (12hrs/daily = $72/month) for the price of a 600w (16hrs/daily = $58/month)
I see where you are coming from but there are a few things you should understand. First I am a MH grower. HPS makes a diffrence when it comes to yeild. I dont care about yeild at all. I am looking for strength of THC. HPS has Zero UV light. One of the purposes of THC it to protect from UV.

About light cycle. How many hours of light (over 12) has noting to do with the stage of the plant. It is the darkness that effects it's growth cycle. Its the time in darkness that determines what stage it is in. So that being said In the veg stage. I can go 12 hours light, 6 hours darkness and have the exact same effect as 18 light 6 darkness. The reason most people dont choose to grow this way is because it means the lights are not always on the same time of day. You cant use a simple 24 Hour timer.

As for the temps. From seed to pipe. Not one time did my plants get over 74 deg.

I do agree with you though the 1000 is a bit much. I am going to be moving soon so I think at my new place I am going to revamp my lights. MH will still be involved but I am not sure how everything is going to be.
Remember man I dont care how much yeild i get per watt. It is my focus to make strong plants first. The next stage is genitic breeding. Then after I have my superplant I can focus on other goals. It's all about trial and error. I have 10 years of practice and the only way I will know what does what it to try it. I use White Widow seeds from the same mother as my control. And yes there was a stage in my past where I used HPS. The plants were bigger and had more bud, but they were not as strong. Strong enough for slinging great weed but that not my deal. So I went back to the MH