Cloning problem. Opinions needed + REP!


Active Member
I have been having some problems recently with my clones.

I have no problems with them rooting in rockwools inside a humid dome within 5~10 days.

But the problem comes after the clones root and tranplanted into soil.

When clones root i open the dome and leave it off for about 10 min and plant the ones that doesnt wilt and have roots coming out of the rockwool.

I put soil into the pot and make a hole in the middle and plant the clone.


Within MINUTES after being planted into soil the leaves CURL UP and than straightens out and turns normal after a hour or so.
But one or two clones dont make it and turns all droppy like its going to die.

My question is

Does the clone go into shock cuz the humidity dome is off?

Does the clone go into shock cuz the roots coming out of the rockwool was exposed to air when transplanted?

Does the clones go into shock cuz the roots are long and they touch the soil and pressure is put into it?

Does the clones go into shock becuase i didnt leave them out with dome off for few hrs and days before i planted?

ANY HELP will be nice.

Will + rep for help.

Thanks.! bongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmilie
i personly have yet to have a sucessful rockwool to soil transplant. Im sure it works but not for me. I started using ez grow plugs for soil a while back. there is no ph adjustment needed and they work really well, plus they are cheap. I dont think that the roots being exposed during the transplant are causung the problem. I currently use a homemade areoponic cloner and all they have is air. I also dont think the roots haveing pressure has much impact on them unless it is causeing them to break off. try checking the ph of the soil and the water being used. i find between 6-7ph is ok. Also make sure you dont put your cuttings under a intense light for about a day or two. this can cause the leafs to wilt and even kill the clone. if nothing works move on to hydro. its cleaner and has less bugs to deal with. good luck


Active Member
How hot is the soil? Sounds to me like you soil is hot and the small babies can take to it right off. I think you need to supply the soil, light, and nutrients your using before anyone can give you a better answer.


Active Member
Using fox farm ocean forest soil and clonex. No nutes for the clones yet.
What do you mean soil is hot? the temputure of the soil? They are under 250MH about 2 feet away in the corner.

It sounds as tho shock may be the case. Instead of taking them out of the dome immediately, uncover the dome over the course of day and even give it another day or two to acclimate before the actual transplant. How developed are your roots when you do the transplant? Assuming that they're small, perhaps give it a few more days for greater root development. Also, do you foliar feed at all? Perhaps spraying a mist of water on the leaves after you transplant may help as well.


Active Member
Some roots were about 3 inchs or longer and some were just sticking barley out of rockwool. I think he ones with longer roots suffered more.
well, i am still a novice myself, but have read in many places that the ocean forest may be to rich for such young roots... maybee try a handfull of regular potting soil.
I would take clone,dig out hole in new pot where your gonna put it...sprinkle a handfull of reg soil in the hole first...then try planting your new plant.
I have read of this working for some, but have never tried it myself, GL

Oh, i also remove the dome slowly...leave it off for a few hours a day...then slowly leave it off longer and longer...ween them of of it so to speek...then try planting as listed above...should be just fine
i personly have yet to have a sucessful rockwool to soil transplant. Im sure it works but not for me. I started using ez grow plugs for soil a while back. there is no ph adjustment needed and they work really well, plus they are cheap. I dont think that the roots being exposed during the transplant are causung the problem. I currently use a homemade areoponic cloner and all they have is air. I also dont think the roots haveing pressure has much impact on them unless it is causeing them to break off. try checking the ph of the soil and the water being used. i find between 6-7ph is ok. Also make sure you dont put your cuttings under a intense light for about a day or two. this can cause the leafs to wilt and even kill the clone. if nothing works move on to hydro. its cleaner and has less bugs to deal with. good luck
dont listen to this guy hydro is cleaner and less bugs ok there hydro has no forgiveness and if u get bugs your f****d its the soil ur using its to strong use promix bx it should fix this i use jiffy pellets and also use rockwool and they both go in to promix with no problems


Well-Known Member
Using fox farm ocean forest soil and clonex. No nutes for the clones yet.
What do you mean soil is hot? the temputure of the soil? They are under 250MH about 2 feet away in the corner.

i've never had any problems going from rockwool to soil. i'm using fox farm ocean forest as well. do you root your clones under the 250MH? i root my clones under cfl's/fluros and i also keep my transplants under cfl's/fluros 24x7 until they get much larger. then i move them under my 600hps to flower. i transplanted some clones to dwc buckets and introduced them straight to 600hps and they were dead within a couple of days.