Cloning Males


Well-Known Member
I dont suppose too many people bother to clone Male plants.
More breeders territory really.
I can see why. Fem seeds are readily available , space constraints, fear of pollinating females.
Maybe easier to freeze the pollen for later use.
Anyway, here is a Male clone plant that's been vegging since around last August. ~ 7 months
The male seed plant's pollen was used on some females first. The rest of the Pollen was frozen.
The male seed plant was too big to be brought inside for revegging so it was revegged outdoors.
Took a while to reveg but eventually did.
Male Malawi seed plant.
Male clones
I just kept one Male clone.
It sits in corner in veg area. Doesn't take up any room. It's in a very small pot. When it becomes too unruly I give it a haircut.