Clonefactory fEstival 2009


Well-Known Member
Alright thought Id start a new thread to help out people with alot of the familiar questions I keep seeing pertaining to cloning.
The whole idea was to get the pros out with there proven techniques to show and describe them so other new growers have a spot to go and learn about this very important tool.
Ill start with mine.... I got a thread on cloning in a cup of water that desribes my exact method down to every step i take with pix included and tutorials. I actually explained my whole entire process several times.
In the thread I also describe how I adopted another growers cloning method that now supplies my grow with the plants im growing.
Ill add a link to my techniques and this should get everything started...
my techniques are not the only or the best so this is an attempt to get people to share how they clone and describe there processes.

I forgot the link to my cloning techniques.


Well-Known Member
Good point... Just like to learn new ways and it would be nice to have some of the seasoned cloners come down post pix and explain there processes so if new cloners might see this then they can learn a proven technique.
Guess that is what i had in mind.


Well-Known Member
Right on. I have read your thread on your technique before. Thought it was pretty cool.If it works, then good deal then! I'll actually be reviewing all the cloning stuff here soon. I start my first round of cloning here in thne next 2 weeks.


Well-Known Member
cool man theres alot of good stuff out there just search around for whatever is going to work best in ur grow.