
Well-Known Member
It’s my birthday! Happy one to Julianne Moore and Ozzy Osbourne, as well. (We are all such inexplicably sexy bitches...especially you, Julianne Rawr!)

Drunk before 10am, derp. Insomnia ain’t just a river in Egypt.
Oh I know you seen Boogie nights then right!?!! Full on Moore's red bush, and to get butt naked with Heather G., good lord every dude on that set was sporting chubbies, lol.

Big what up on a fellow December baby! Happy bday buddy


Well-Known Member
Id say you'd be fine. Just be cautious with pollen and spray down after a couple days.

I pollinate plants with other plants in the same tent using a qtip and rarely have seeds in non target plants. Just turn off fans and know any breath or air flow will send plooen flying but its not too bad in my experience.
Good to know. I just have that one in flower, after that everything else can get seeded, that is fine. I'm just making seeds this winter, wife says my stash is too big.

Michael Huntherz

Well-Known Member
It's in my basement, and one tent is tucked away in a closet on one side of the basement, and the other is a pretty well sealed cabinet about 40 feet away. I think you're right. I'm just gonna wait a couple more weeks and trim the clones down, then flower them out when I know the other one will be done quick enough. Thanks for the input.

They played a track off of "We're only in it for the Money" this morning on my community radio, and it reminded me of you. and I was like, fuck yeah, zappa at 530 on a monday morning! Happy birthday, do the things you enjoy doing with the people you enjoy doing them with.
That’s one of the more excellent birthday wishes I have ever read, thank you.

Thank you all so much. It has been a great day.

CO2, my keeper - day approximately 64.


Well-Known Member
What kind of smells are you getting?
Citrus/bitter background, but getting sweeter the older she gets. Has another smell accompanying the citrus, but I cant quite nail it just yet. The pheno pictured above is seemingly maturing a bit slower than the others but her smells are the best of the 3.

Red,you do plants justice.
Thanks @CoB_nUt , I'd love to take credit for how pretty she is, but thats all Amos :joint:.


Well-Known Member
Just increased the size of my stash.
Day 51 for Graveyard Whisperer no.2 chopped with just a touch of amber.
20181204_062720.jpg 20181204_062527.jpg 20181204_064329.jpg
No evidence of intersex, note the tiny popcorn shit I let stay, will update if this changes as I trim.
Same for Lucinda Williams
51 days probably a touch early for both, but today works for my schedule so they came down.