
Well-Known Member
Yup...just way to many females..& cheaper to run synthetic at the moment.
23 females x 7 gallons soil = alot of $
Sorry guys but I don't buy this! How do you get cheaper than free? OK I bought a 20 kilo bag of 4-4-7 for 40$ 2 years ago haha still over half full. All you need is a massive worm bin and be a little crafty at feeding them worms for free. I use lots of comfrey coffee ground and egg shells amongst other thing.. and whatever is in season, like apples!! ALL FREE!

I understand this is not for everyone but organics can be free, synthetic not, plus makes it hard to reuse the soil due to salt build up with chems


Well-Known Member
Sorry guys but I don't buy this! How do you get cheaper than free? OK I bought a 20 kilo bag of 4-4-7 for 40$ 2 years ago haha still over half full. All you need is a massive worm bin and be a little crafty at feeding them worms for free. I use lots of comfrey coffee ground and egg shells amongst other thing.. and whatever is in season, like apples!! ALL FREE!

I understand this is not for everyone but organics can be free, synthetic not, plus makes it hard to reuse the soil due to salt build up with chems
Is a worm bin gonna produce by this weekend?...40 bucks is not free.

Definitely not new to organic growing...just none on hand.
And I'm not going forage for nothing..

And I reuse my chem soil with no ill to the plants.

But I understand what you saying.


Well-Known Member
Is a worm bin gonna produce by this weekend?...40 bucks is not free.

Definitely not new to organic growing...just none on hand.
And I'm not going forage for nothing..

And I reuse my chem soil with no ill to the plants.

But I understand what you saying.
If you started the bin last year you would!! Lol, seriously at your scale you would need a really large bin. I raise my worms on the ground, can't harvest the worm juice but I'm happy with the insane amount of castings alone.

Again I understand this is not a viable option for everyone but simply wanted to point out for other new growers that might be watching that synthetic can be a lot more expensive than organics.

I know u know all of this, you obviously know what you are doing, I have been looking at pics of your grows for a long long time... and btw, that $40 bag is still over half full so that's $20 !!


Well-Known Member
Yup...just way to many females..& cheaper to run synthetic at the moment.
Life gets in the Way at times !
Yeah ,gonna do that just for now AS i got em right there paid for & financed / simple is what is needed atm , just came off a full g/h gro all "O" start to finish teas , my 1st all 'O' gro fantastic stuff Too
scaling that back for indoor will take awhile to ramp up but with left-overs chems , I can run a quick set during my ramp up
I got soil to mix & cook yet & the worms have been working hard .
sometime ya gotta go back to the dark side briefly:wall:

v.s one

Well-Known Member
Wouldn't leaf deformity be seen as a bad trait? A mutation caused by colloidal silver or other stress factors at some point in the breeding?
I would say it's a dominate trait in my cross. I got a couple alien crosses that the shells are so tuff they need a scuff or a score. Most beans don't make it unless you have patients I will take the leaf deformity any day. Now it goes from chuckers to breeding out traits. I'm good as a chucker.