choosing a rental propert uk


Hi people, just looking for advice on choosing a rental property in uk that I can set up a grow tent in. I'm not specifically renting it to grow in but I want 2 4x4 tents in one of the rooms. Just concerned about landlords wanting entry for whatever reason or tenants coming round plus other unforseen risks. I'm thinking a two bedroom detached house would be ok and if I can get a private landlord then maybe there's less chance of unwanted visits. I guess it's best to have a plan in action for when the landlord does come round. What's the risk of getting caught with smell, light noise etc and what can I do to significantly minimize the risk. Any advice from anyone that's set up a grow in a rental would be much appreciated

beaves IOW

Active Member
I have thought about renting a 1 bed flat or studio flat in the UK aswel...but to no avail :/ I have a discreet friend where I run my setup in a quiet area. As far as I am aware if your renting a house/flat the landlord can't just enter your home without permission or turn up uninvited. On the other hand if it's a visit that he/she requires entry the best solution is to turn the whole set up off for the entire visit to minimize sound and with some luck he won't want to look in the room in question where you have your buds growing lol

Happy Growing :)

beaves IOW

Active Member
My best advice is to rent a place for say 6 months and get to know what your landlord does in respect to the property and go from there

Happy Growing :)


Well-Known Member
Get ready to go for a couple of dozen viewing pal. In the UK DO NOT FUCK AROUND WITH CHOOSING YOUR PROPERTY. TAKE YOUR FUCKING TIME. I know toooo many stories of disasters such as let agency wanting to come around every 3 months for a house check, similar with landlords, twatty neighbours, helipocpter surveiled areas and other dickheads with fucking hand held flir cameras going around to knock your door down and bust your toes with a hammer for your plants and equipment among others and the like.
Go to the biggest, smallest shithole you can find and get a semi or detached house private let with a decent landlor who you have some sort of relationship with, or absolutely none at al, ie the guy leaves abroad.
Also do not put any security cameras on the house unless everyone has them, nor a guard dog, big give away signs. Do not get an electrician to do your wiring and pinching, Learn to do it yourself its easy enough. Electricians can be serious twats.
Dress like youre a posh cunt, that helps i think. Take a pretty woman to viewings, if you have to pay a prostitute do so you have no idea how having a stunning woman helps with viewings.
Most and foremost dont listen to loud jungle :fire:


Cheers for that klete that is quite enlightening. I especially like the part about the whore, Na seriously tho you've definitely given me some things to think about,
. Cheers mate


Well-Known Member
The thing is, you won't know a landlords habits until you've been there a solid year. Will he pop round every few weeks/ months? Some do, some don't. WIll he even respect tenancy laws and give you notice about entering? Again, some do, some don't. My sister recently had a landlord let himself in without notice nd she was in the shower. My landlord, i've seen about 4 times in 5 years ,and most of the those times we called him , all of those times he gave notice. You need to see what sort of landlord youve got first before growing, becuase many will check up frequently as they are all too awae of people using their property for illegal purposes and you will be a paranoid mess wondering if this is the week he is going to call in. You will do what your gonna do anyway, but this is the facts.

My advice is go really small, and really stealth so you can get it down reall quick in an emergency and give you the chance to fade an unexpected visit. But you should still wait a while and see whts up. And imo, a grow the size your thinking of should only be done with absolute 100% security guaranteed, ie your own house in a specially insulated room
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Well-Known Member
What puffdatchronic said is very true. Landlords are very different. I only used to deal with a landlord if i was 100% sure of what level he was on, otherwise agencies really are the best option, just ask for the contract and you can see how they 'operate'. Best agencies are the slightly bigger ones where the agents are too busy to give a shit and are most likely managing properties for some dickhead in property development or the like. They always have to give a weeks notice for a visit anyhow so worst case scenario you rent a couple of ford transits and shove your plants and equipment in there for the visit day. Needless to say the vans need to have been bathed in ona lol
Ye whatever you do keep a male in your veg room so if shit hits the fan you can claim in court that you were attempting to create your own strain for x condition that you suffer from and the whole crop is intended to be seeded. By court time evidence has usually already been burnt so no way to check veracity.


The thing is, you won't know a landlords habits until you've been there a solid year. Will he pop round every few weeks/ months? Some do, some don't. WIll he even respect tenancy laws and give you notice about entering? Again, some do, some don't. My sister recently had a landlord let himself in without notice nd she was in the shower. My landlord, i've seen about 4 times in 5 years ,and most of the those times we called him , all of those times he gave notice. You need to see what sort of landlord youve got first before growing, becuase many will check up frequently as they are all too awae of people using their property for illegal purposes and you will be a paranoid mess wondering if this is the week he is going to call in. You will do what your gonna do anyway, but this is the facts.

My advice is go really small, and really stealth so you can get it down reall quick in an emergency and give you the chance to fade an unexpected visit. But you should still wait a while and see whts up. And imo, a grow the size your thinking of should only be done with absolute 100% security guaranteed, ie your own house in a specially insulated room
Do you think the insulation is essential puff puff ? I have a friend who owns part of the lower floor of quite a large house (it's split into four flats) what would be your reason for insulating ?


I actually thought it'd actually be worse to have an agency but from what you've said klite that actually sounds like a better option


Well-Known Member
Yeah agencies are best, as, first, generally it is landlords who are too busy, or too lazy to check up on the property, who will contract the work out to an agency. .and second as klite said, agencies are busy , they have many houses to worry about and you will be visited only on the agreed dates.

The insulation is important in my view for that size of grow.. 2 4x4s.... your talking a few k watts.. that is enough to heat your room up significantly and the eye in the sky is capable of seeing that sort of heat sig.. your gonna have a lot of plants and product with that set up , so it is important to cover all the bases. Lower floor might cover your ceiling, but what about the walls? Unless it's below ground.. if you can get a cellar they are the best areas.


some good insulation on this guys walls could have prevented this bust.