Check this Blister out :D


Well-Known Member
this is what happens if you grip to tight.... ^^


:finger: cant play anymore ^^
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Well-Known Member
ouch man.... that looks like it hurts...... playing video games a bit too much huh.......


New Member
^^ i allways make fotos of my boo boo's ^^ want Lacykins to kiss it better. :p

Grim, for sure....but jordann 9e's avatar of a squeezed zit will take your will to live away........I couldn't drink my coffee.............:o:o:o:o:o:o:o
Ewwwwwwwwwww....gross...was that your avatar? That w as discusting:spew::spew:

^^ rofl....................... :blsmoke: :roll: i dont do that :P :roll:
Yeah sure sure.....:roll:
your's is good. I like the moving pookie????? 's cat a conda sort of thing
Yeah now that dudes got a freaky avatar. :shock::clap:


Well-Known Member want Lacykins to kiss it better. :p

Ewwwwwwwwwww....gross...was that your avatar? That w as discusting:spew::spew:

Yeah sure sure.....:roll:
Yeah now that dudes got a freaky avatar. :shock::clap:

^^ rofl................... ^^



Well-Known Member
ouch! that definitly looks like it stings. maybe you should put something on that...
no...... no...... its just a blister.... thank god not on my foot or i would be in pain, dont use my thumb for much these day's except hit the space bar each time but its looks worse than it is :)