Check out this device


Active Member
Haha thats kind of funny. If it were cheap I'd probably buy it just for the novelty of it. but there's no price, and I'm probably just fascinated cause im high hahah :bigjoint::leaf:


Well-Known Member
Now I gotta have a fucking computer operated internet enabled moisture gauge. Nice. Wonder if it emails the feds you are growing weed, HMMMM , and where to find you.


Well-Known Member
Now I gotta have a fucking computer operated internet enabled moisture gauge. Nice. Wonder if it emails the feds you are growing weed, HMMMM , and where to find you.

How would it know what your growing?

I think thats genius. You could have a special ring tone for calls from your crops....hahahaha :weed:



Well-Known Member
duuude... what kind of stoner want to sit down and try to assemble this thing. it ain't rocket science, but damn, couldn't they have some kid in singapore sling'in these together.


Active Member
Twitter status updates to your mobile phone. When your plant needs water, it will post to let you know, and send its thanks when you show it love.
"Oh officer, I wasn't using my cellphone while driving, I just received a text message from my plant telling me Thank You for the water." Yeah, that excuse will go over REAL big! Nevermind this message came from a pot plant. What's next, it will automatcially dry out your buds and self roll too?


Well-Known Member
that just goes to show they can make anything.....just got a text my plants meters batt is going dead lol neat toy if your away i guess....i like hang n with my girls :)


Well-Known Member
I can see the commercial for those things.

The stoner of the old days sitting there,magnifying glass in hand closely inspecting the soil,trapped in a room with 10x the power of the sun & bitching about how much time he has to spend on his garden.

Fast foward,now the same grower is a modern grower, taking control of his life,he's on the tennis court laughing with other tennis idiots when his pager goes off,the tennis idiots ask him if its an emergency & he responds "not since i got the water wizard",cut to a cheesy scene of his backswing & stupid smiling face.

Whoever invented that mess should be hit on the head with a rock.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I like how you have to assemble it. They really should outsource this and give some kid 5 cents to build them in quantity.