Cheap Fermentation CO2 System

I don't have the money at this time to buy a fancy CO2 set up for this grow. I heard about making CO2 with sugar water and yeast so I figured some CO2 is better than none so I set out to make something up. I don't know how good these work, I don't have a meter to read the levels of CO2 in my room. The thing bubbled about every two minutes for five weeks so I guess it had to do some good. It all starts with a humming bird feeder. Take a look and see what you think, I didn't know how to post the pictures with comments like a tutorial so just check the pictures out in order from 1-7 and see what you think.


Wow that's pretty cool :)

All you need to do now is brew something you can drink afterwards :) I'm definitely going to be doing a bit of fermentation CO2 but I wanna drink the booze once it's finished. :)


Active Member
Thats a pretty good imagination man nicely done but dry ice works good and its alot more less mind boobling..... NICE WORK THO


hey talon, im interested in how to use dry ice in my closet grow room, think you could explain? i would imagine some co2 is better than none.



Active Member
just let it melt in your grow some how as it melts it releases to a gas which is carbon dioxide its up to you how you want to demenstrate this but it does work and has had good changes in the yeild and swelling of the buds....
Does it stink up the room? or relatively little odor?
Didn't stink it up to bad. Kind of smelled like bread or light wine. Fans would take it right out when they kicked on but that means all the CO2 probably got sucked out too. I tried to exchange the air all night and left the fans off for a couple of hours at a time while the lights were on so they could suck up some of the CO2. The plants grew like hell untill about half way through the flowering stage then just stopped. I'm still trying to figure out what I did wrong they looked so strong and grew so fast. Pots may have been to small but I still think they would have finished flowering. Oh well, I'll change up some things on the next grow and see what happens.