Che Guevara Flags in Obama's Houston Office


Well-Known Member
You must do a little research, he has stated many times his service in Iraq, I can't tell you if it is true, hence the test. Also why are you interjecting? I think he can handle his own battles, especially if he was a marine.
::puts hands up in the air:::
Woah there buddy, didn't mean to intrude on your kill...
:::backs away slowly:::


New Member
hes the new black hitler, just let em take over guys, why not hes black dudes!!!! yes!!! lol i bet he feels real shitty that, this is the only reason anyone is voting for him and its also the main reason he is successful:mrgreen: its like none of his hard work counts cuz what if he got all he got just cuz he was black and people didnt wanna be mean to the poor old black folks no more so im mow opinion the people who do that say with afermative action are the real racists and the ones who are holding the black man down


funny we stopped Hussain in Iraq just to elect him here as president :mrgreen:

Barak Hussain:shock: Obama


hes baaaaaaack

"I do think it does show -- it further confirms my point that Democrats are racist, and they're just stunned to find a black man who can walk and talk. And, you know, not being a racist, I'm not really that impressed with a black man who can walk and talk."

Ann Coulter about sums it up....................


Well-Known Member
He may be weird, but he does have a point.
Sadly, if Obama was white, he wouldn't even be a contender.

exactly my point I would be pissed if people were giving me preferential treatment cuz really in the back of thier minds they pityed me. its an unbelieveabl insult if you ask me if anyone did that to me because of my arabic heratage i would strap on a bomb and blow thier asses up!!!

j/k about the last part:mrgreen:

but for real who is the actual racist the one who treats you like a regular person or the one who fawns over you and then uses you to win arguments about how "humane" and "civilized" they are, they say look at this negro I have helped his poor soul. i know the black folks I hang out with atleast the ones that are not dumbasses feel the same as I do. anything other than that would be an insult to thier manhood., they dont need you liberals to save them they are big boys & can take care of themselves.



New Member
exactly my point I would be pissed if people were giving me preferential treatment cuz really in the back of thier minds they pityed me. its an unbelieveabl insult if you ask me if anyone did that to me because of my arabic heratage i would strap on a bomb and blow thier asses up!!!

j/k about the last part:mrgreen:

but for real who is the actual racist the one who treats you like a regular person or the one who fawns over you and then uses you to win arguments about how "humane" and "civilized" they are, they say look at this negro I have helped his poor soul. i know the black folks I hang out with atleast the ones that are not dumbasses feel the same as I do. anything other than that would be an insult to thier manhood., they dont need you liberals to save them they are big boys & can take care of themselves.
Well fucking la-ti-da. You Manly-men are so fucking funny, anything that might make you less of a hard ass is un-mentionable, excuse me while I barf.


Well-Known Member
infact the reason there are so many broken homes in the black community and all these ghettos and shit is because of this les-far attitude liberals have drilled into black peoples heads of the past decades that nothing is your fault, its all cuz your oppressed you dont have to do anything to lift yourselves up we will do it for you, just lay back here your checks and in reality is just another form of slavery the white man is laying upon the black man but this time its all for votes.

Personal accountability you say? wtf is that homes?

lets ask our friend the mexican who has been starving to death back home?

oh never mind hes to busy becoming a success here in the United Estates


New Member
infact the reason there are so many broken homes in the black community and all these ghettos and shit is because of this les-far attitude liberals have drilled into black peoples heads of the past decades that nothing is your fault, its all cuz your oppressed you dont have to do anything to lift yourselves up we will do it for you, just lay back here your checks and in reality is just another form of slavery the white man is laying upon the black man but this time its all for votes.

Personal accountability you say? wtf is that homes?

lets ask our friend the mexican who has been starving to death back home?

oh never mind hes to busy becoming a success here in the United Estates
Excellent post. I disagree with this though...........but this time its all for votes. That's all it's ever been about, the votes........


New Member
infact the reason there are so many broken homes in the black community and all these ghettos and shit is because of this les-far attitude liberals have drilled into black peoples heads of the past decades that nothing is your fault, its all cuz your oppressed you dont have to do anything to lift yourselves up we will do it for you, just lay back here your checks and in reality is just another form of slavery the white man is laying upon the black man but this time its all for votes.

Personal accountability you say? wtf is that homes?

lets ask our friend the mexican who has been starving to death back home?

oh never mind hes to busy becoming a success here in the United Estates
Look genious, There are only so many jobs to go around. With the importation of immigrants passing 2 million a year (Legal and Illegal), the outsourcing of white collar jobs and the dissapearing blue collar jobs. How in the hell do you expect your black ghetto folks to survive, sell drugs? seems to me that they do that very well exposing a, capitalistic venue that might should be applied to legal status if afforded the chance. The systematic derision of the black race is promulgated by the corporate elites, not the liberals as you profess. I personally would have no problem with hiring a black man or woman to do the job if they were qualified, as I would with any race color or creed. To blame liberals for the state of race conditions is outrageous. It is the liberals that have stood hand in hand with the poor and downtrodden for years. What affiliation do you think all those thousands of white people that marched in the civil rights movement were, thats right, liberals.


New Member
And what party was Lincoln in??
And if you really want to get in a debate about Lincoln, he wasn't the great benefactor that he is portrayed as. He actually opposed liberating slaves.:::

[FONT=Times New Roman, Times, serif]On July 19 the Associated Press and Reuter’s reported an "amazing find" at a museum in Allentown, Pennsylvania: A copy of a letter dated March 16, 1861, and signed by Abraham Lincoln imploring the governor of Florida to rally political support for a constitutional amendment that would have legally enshrined slavery in the U.S. Constitution. [/FONT]
[FONT=Times New Roman, Times, serif]Actually, the letter is not at all "amazing" to anyone familiar with the real Lincoln. It was a copy of a letter that was sent to the governor of every state urging them all to support the amendment, which had already passed the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives, that would have made southern slavery constitutionally "irrevocable," to use the word that Lincoln used in his first inaugural address. The amendment passed after the lower South had seceded, suggesting that it was passed with almost exclusively Northern votes. Lincoln and the entire North were perfectly willing to enshrine slavery forever in the Constitution. This is one reason why the great Massachusetts libertarian abolitionist Lysander Spooner, author of The Unconstitutionality of Slavery, hated and despised Lincoln and his entire gang.[/FONT]
[FONT=Times New Roman, Times, serif]The Lincoln cult knows about all of this, but works diligently to keep it out of view of the general public. The fact that news organizations reported the "find," however, creates a problem for the cult. A cover-up/excuse-making campaign must commence. [/FONT]
[FONT=Times New Roman, Times, serif]The document was found in the Lehigh County, Pennsylvania, Historical Society archives in Allentown, Pennsylvania. The director of the Society, Joseph Garrera, described in the press as "a Lincoln scholar," immediately announced that the document is not at all important, since such documents are "a dime a dozen." [/FONT]
[FONT=Times New Roman, Times, serif]Well, not really. Most of these kinds of documents have been meticulously whitewashed from the historical record. When they do surface and are made public, the Lincoln cult gets to work burying them in an avalanche of excuses designed to fog the real meaning of the documents in the minds of the average American. Garrerra’s statement is the first attempt at this. [/FONT]
[FONT=Times New Roman, Times, serif]Every once in a while, though, a cult member (or an aspiring cult member) slips up and spills the beans. A recent example is the "political biography" of Lincoln recently published by the confessed plagiarist Doris Kearns-Goodwin entitled Team of Rivals. This is Goodwin’s first publication on Lincoln, and she has apparently not been filled in on the standard modus operandi of cover-up and obfuscation that is the hallmark of "Lincoln scholarship." She discusses the above-mentioned "first thirteenth amendment" in some detail (as I do in my forthcoming book, Lincoln Unmasked: What You’re Not Supposed to Know About Dishonest Abe, to be published in October). [/FONT]
[FONT=Times New Roman, Times, serif]Goodwin dug into the same original sources that all Lincoln scholars are familiar with, but unlike most others, she includes the information in her book. Not only did Lincoln support this slavery forever amendment, but the amendment was his idea from the very beginning. He was the secret author of it, orchestrating the politics of its passage from Springfield before he was even inaugurated. Not only that, but he also instructed his political compatriot, William Seward, to work on federal legislation that would outlaw the various personal liberty laws that existed in some of the Northern states. These laws were used to attempt to nullify the federal Fugitive Slave Act. As explained by Goodwin (p. 296): "He [Lincoln] instructed Seward to introduce these proposals in the Senate Committee of Thirteen without indicating they issued from Springfield. The first resolved that ‘the Constitution should never be altered so as to authorize Congress to abolish or interfere with slavery in the states.’ Another recommendation that he instructed Seward to get through Congress was that ‘all state personal liberty laws in opposition to the Fugitive Slave Law be repealed.’" [/FONT]
[FONT=Times New Roman, Times, serif]Goodwin reveals all of this because the theme of her book is what a great political conniver and manipulator Lincoln was and this, of course, is a good example of such deceitfulness. In the eyes of a lifelong statist like Goodwin, lying, deception and fakery are praiseworthy traits for a politician. She praises him for his pro-slavery amendment because it supposedly "held the Republican Party together."[/FONT]
[FONT=Times New Roman, Times, serif]Lincoln’s efforts in this regard were enormously popular in the North, and especially in Boston. A thoroughly racist society, the vast majority of northerners wanted slavery to persist in the South because that would keep black people in the South. They opposed the personal liberty laws for the same reason: They wanted any escaped slaves to be eliminated from their midst. Thus, Goodwin writes of how, when Seward made a speech announcing these two proposals (the constitutional amendment and the abolition of personal liberty laws) in Boston, "the galleries erupted in thunderous applause." Lincoln’s political handler and campaign manager, the thoroughly corrupt New York City politician Thurlow Weed, "loved the speech," writes Goodwin, again making the point that the proposals were good politics because they "kept his fractious party together."[/FONT]
[FONT=Times New Roman, Times, serif]Lincoln’s slavery forever amendment read as follows:[/FONT]
[FONT=Times New Roman, Times, serif]"No amendment shall be made to the Constitution which will authorize or give to Congress the power to abolish or interfere, within any State, with the domestic institutions thereof, including that of persons held to labor or service by the laws of said State. (See U.S. House of Representatives, 106th Congress, 2nd Session, The Constitution of the United States of America: Unratified Amendments, Doc. No. 106-214).[/FONT]

The Lincoln Cult’s Latest Cover-Up by Thomas DiLorenzo


New Member
Med's off of his medications again. :roll:

Che' was a mass murderer. Do a Google search.

Hey it was you that turned me on to Lincoln's true motives, they were pretty disquised but I found a site with a bill that he sponsored trying to make slavery permanent. And he was a republican, so it actually figures. Che might have killed a few, but compared to G.W.Bush, he was a drop in the bucket, and his agenda was to free the poor in S.A. He ended up becoming what he was fighting against. I've seen a coupla of supposedly historical movies about him, can't say if they are factual, but his original intentions were good.


New Member
OK, James Buchanan was part of what party? Cheif Justice Taney was appointed by what party? Robert Byrd? etc. etc.......................selective memory Mao??


New Member
Hey it was you that turned me on to Lincoln's true motives, they were pretty disquised but I found a site with a bill that he sponsored trying to make slavery permanent. And he was a republican, so it actually figures. Che might have killed a few, but compared to G.W.Bush, he was a drop in the bucket, and his agenda was to free the poor in S.A. He ended up becoming what he was fighting against. I've seen a coupla of supposedly historical movies about him, can't say if they are factual, but his original intentions were good.
If by "good" you mean taking over an entire country and subjugating the population through communism, then I guess you're right. Cuba today resembles East Germany before the Berlin Wall came down (Thanks to Ronald Reagan), and for the very same reason; Communism/Marxism/Socialism does not work.



New Member
If by "good" you mean taking over an entire country and subjugating the population through communism, then I guess you're right. Cuba today resembles East Germany before the Berlin Wall came down (Thanks to Ronald Reagan), and for the very same reason; Communism/Marxism/Socialism does not work.

The reason Cubas plight is so dour is the USA and the blockade of trade, or sanctions. Cuba would be a beacon of prosperity if the USA allowed it to trade freely. If the USA pulled the sanctions, capitalism would blossom, but the asshole regimes that have been holding it back now point to Cuba and call failure. It's the same mindwash that the US has been foisting on us for years. If we opened up Cuba, you watch, the tourist trade would boom. Christ you wanna see inventiveness and creativity, look at how those guys have kept those 40s and 50s US cars on the road without nary a part from the USA. They Hand make and adapt parts from other vehicles to keep them going. It's so easy to see how you despise communism so much you tear every aspect of the society to peices, what a loser.