CFL - First Grow - Closet


Well-Known Member
damn, how could they miss that stretched thing??????? from your last pic it looked like it needed three or four more weaks to be much dry weight did you get? and yes trimming those leaves that were yellowing would of helped. try not to let her get pollinated next time let those seeds dry for a month then plant them too, looked like some good bagseed!:joint:


Well-Known Member
I have locks on my door and closet.. next time I should have used them.. lol
Its mainly the outside door lock I forgot one day and its okay.. Uhhm I dont know my scale only weighs in 5g's.. so not sure.. all of my friends say about an ounce tho. 3/4 to a full ouce. Ill keep you posted on how it turns out tho.


Well-Known Member
Thanks. I plan to start a new grow soon and not lock my door and even leave my door wide open.. haha

My idea is to vent directly out the window doing SoG (smaller plants) so I can hide them behind my futon.. oh yah.

Anyone thing this will work or with winter would the backdraft from window being open be to much?


Well-Known Member
Ah! that's too bad you had to harvest it so soon, was looking pretty good, I'm glad I got a chance to go through your journal, by doing so gives me great hope for my plants, let us know how it turns out and give us some shots of the cured bud.