CFL Closet farming , here we grow again!!3 new strains start to finish. PICS PICS PIC


Well-Known Member
so after a promising start to my clones, they kinda crapped out while the roots were developing :( i have 9 rooted so i can start flowering but none of the Kush x Widow clones rooted . I got 1 with 1 root that i transplanted with the other ones but im not sure if the lone clone is going to make it ?? tomorrow im going to cut another 4 clones per strain so i can keep the semi perpetual cycle going and i will have a nice stash of rooted cuttings for trading and gifting :)

i normally just transplant right into my 1 gallon bags but i am running out of fox farms ocean forest so they have to hang out in the cups until i get to the hydro store .

if anyone has ideas about why the kush x widow didnt root like the bomb and critical feel free to chime in! i keps humidity around 60% and temp between 75-80f. they all were a little slow starting until i heated the box with the incandecent bulb then they got kicking .



Well-Known Member
i took 4 new cuts off each p0lant. i cut them all from the lowest spots on the plant that i could , i used fresh new razor blades sterlized with alchol and allowed to air dry. i trimmed all cuts to the same size so they all get equal light and moisture and im starting them off with the incandescent bulb in the box to keep them warm and humid. if the kush x widow does not keep up im going to start a different strain. with the mini farm in full swing i dont have time to wait 3-4 weeks for roots, im trying to get it down to 5-7 days and if that happens i will add another cabinet for a total of 3 flower chambers . scrog , sog and mini perpetual perhaps? i may even make a small hydro setup in one chamber with the pvc rails and an ebb and flow system. will be cool to see soil and hydro next to each other . i tried hydro before and had no luck but if i keep it small and simple i can pull it off.IMG_0287.jpgIMG_0288.jpgIMG_0289.jpgIMG_0290.jpgIMG_0291.jpgIMG_0292.jpg


Well-Known Member
the clones look beautiful after 4-5 days in the bubble but the rooted girls seem to be frozen in time with no new growth popping yet. it took a long time for them to root because my temps were too low early on . i transplanted the rooted girls in fox farm ocean forest but they were also rooted in it so i dont think they are in nute shock . maybe my last few strains were faster growing so thats why they seem slow to me . temps are always around 70f in the veg box and around 80 in the green house (clone dome) and that should be fine. im also learning that three strains with different growth rates might throw things out of wack . i dont want to have 3 different feeding schedules and nute mixes so if they dont all get along i will switch out the slowest weakest strain for another strain more like the other 2.

check out the pics from now and a few days ago and let me know if anyone has opinions or tips or am i just worried over nothing ??IMG_0296 - Copy.jpgIMG_0296 - Copy.jpgIMG_0297.jpgIMG_0298.jpgIMG_0299.jpgIMG_0300.jpgIMG_0301.jpgIMG_0302.jpgIMG_0303.jpgIMG_0304.jpg


Well-Known Member
my clones that are in the cups are really standing still barley any growth? and my fresh cuts seem to be taking a long time to root and even longer to recover.

here is a list of things i have changed since last grow (my most successful season ever)

soil- i used fox farms ocean forest for everything this season , i used to start rooting clones and seeds in store bought "starter soil (schultz)" but i used the ffof for everything this time and really slow rooting and rebound after transplant.
is the ffof soil too hot with nutes or maybe the wrong nutes for rooting ??

i also packed my cups and grow bags pretty tight, usually after a few waterings the soil settles and there is empty space in the container . i packed them alot tighter to avoid that settlement and maybe its restricting root growth? i gently fluffed them all up a bit after their last feeding to see if that helps

temps- normally the veg side of my cabinet is warm 70+ when the flower side is on 12/12 . but since i started 3 new strains from seed the flower side has been off during the rooting and growing so its cooler in there closer to 60f.

water- i use spring water for my girls so i dont have to worry about ph and chlorine/heavy metals. i get different brands but usually deer park

i think thats it for changes so any advice is welcome !

pics to show health of moms , slow growing but thats ok with me

pics of cuttings turning yellow and transplanted rooted clones in cups looking wierd
they are coming around but should be way bigger by now .

note the few rooted cup girls that are vegging are really tight spaced the nodes are on top of each other and they almost look like they are starting to flower . they are not autos and i doubt that shock made them grow really tight like that , but maybe the tight soil is holding them back?

check it out! any tips or ideas to help feel free to post!



Well-Known Member
ok so the third set of clones from the three moms are starting to root , critical is in the lead followed by bomb and in third is kush x widow just like 1st and 2nd round none of them are rooted yet.

take a look at the solo cup clones some are still frozen in time and some took off as soon as i loostened the dirt and let them dry out! they were all cut at the same time and treated the same but it looks like 8 random plants there is nothing consistant between them and i need 9 pretty girls all the same size to fill my flower chamber evenly.

as of now i think its the fox farms ocean forest soil thats screwing things up , it is like black gold for hearty rooted plants but i think its too hot for rooting and babies. i have always had great success cloning in fact i usually have too many rooted clones and i give them away or plant them outdoors gorilla style :)

in previous seasons i have used store bought starter soil and regular potting soil from the dollar store or walmart. i have even used miracle grow soil with time release nutes with good results . now im using ocean forest for everything and things are pretty ugly in the veg chamber so i will get some starter soil and perlite to make a gentle mix that drains well because the ffof also stays wet for a long time (maybe too wet , my fault ?? i just get worried when start to dry up so maybe im over watering and the cant get air?

if this keeps up im going to build another bubble cloner and maybe a pvc rail system for cloning and veg then soil transfer to flower them..

LOOK AT PICS AND GIVE ME YOUR THOUGHTS ON THE CLONES AND THE NEWER CUTTINGS.....IMG_0419.jpgIMG_0420.jpgIMG_0421.jpgIMG_0422.jpgIMG_0423.jpgIMG_0424.jpgIMG_0425.jpgIMG_0426.jpgIMG_0427.jpgIMG_0428.jpgIMG_0429.jpgIMG_0430.jpg


Well-Known Member
DSCN5480.jpgDSCN5481.jpgDSCN5482.jpgDSCN5483.jpgDSCN5484.jpgDSCN5485.jpgDSCN5486.jpgDSCN5487.jpgDSCN5488.jpgDSCN5489.jpgDSCN5490.jpgDSCN5491.jpgDSCN5492.jpgDSCN5493.jpgDSCN5494.jpgok i took new clones again and this time im using starter soil. "Soilite" i have used before so i used it for the majority of the cuttings (the ones that will become my flowering plants) . i also took a couple of each strain and put them in the Miracle Grow starting soil to see if there is a difference in rooting time and plant behavior. i took pics of the crappy clones that have been growing in the cups. I have never seen such a sad and sorry looking bunch of clones in all my years of indoor farming. all of the clones in the red cups are growing in Fox Farms Ocean Forest , it has been a great soil for me in the past but i never used it for cloning or rooting . some say its too hot for seedlings and clones and some say its not but im not sure . i hope the new cuttings stay healthy until they root because my flower chamber is empty and i refuse to put slow growing plants in there . i only have room for 9 1 gallon bags in my 12/12 side and i like them all about the same size so the canopy can use the light efficiently .

look at the cup clones they are all different sizes shapes and at different stages of health and growth . i have never had such a hard time getting my girls into the flower side ???? im hoping the soil helps things get going properly if that doesnt do the trick i dont know what else to do ...... advise is always welcome feel free to give some ideas to get things on track.


Well-Known Member
i gotta get the 12/12 party started! its not a perfect set of girls but im sure they will do fine. and if any of the new cuttings take off fast i can slide a few of them into flower a few weeks late. or i can start spacing them a month apart 3 at a time that way i can get the perpetual season going again. i did ok with it before but its slow starting but when its rolling i will be clipping fresh buds every month and putting 3 new plants in .


well out of the 9 rooted clones i have 7 that i think are ready to flower. i will start transfering them into 1 gallon bags with ffof and then 24 hours in the dark before 12/12

the newest cuttings are starting to get roots and root buds . i will hit them with weak root horomone solution that will make the roots go nuts. but if too early and the little roots burn , and too late and it wont really do anything.






Well-Known Member
DSCN5543.jpgDSCN5560.jpgDSCN5559.jpgDSCN5558.jpgDSCN5557.jpgDSCN5556.jpgDSCN5555.jpgDSCN5554.jpgDSCN5552.jpgDSCN5551.jpgDSCN5550.jpgDSCN5549.jpgDSCN5548.jpgDSCN5547.jpgDSCN5546.jpgDSCN5545.jpgDSCN5544.jpgDSCN5561.jpgall of the rooted plants and even the cuttings are looking amazing , less than 24 hours ago they were trimmed and I cleared all the ugly and damaged leaves . then after a strong feeding they really took off! some plants got almost a full inch bigger over night and the color has really returned to its rich even color. I TRIED TO USE DIFFERENT SETTINGS TO GET BEST PICS AND TRUE COLOR REPRODUCTION . THE FLASH MAKES THE PLANTS LOOK PALE AND YELLOW BUT YOU CAN SEE IN SOME OF THESE PICS I GOT THE SETTINGS ALMOST RIGHT . YOU NEED TO USE BACKLIGHT AND FLASH UNLESS ITS A REALLY BRIGHT DAY THEN YOU SHOULDNT NEED EITHER :) SORRY FOR THE HUGE CHUNK OF PICS BUT I NEED TO CHECK THEM OUT SO I CAN PICK THE CAMERA SETTINGS THAT WORK THE BEST.


Well-Known Member
after three failed batches of clones I switched back to cheap starter soil. I got Soilite and Miracle Grow starter soils for under $5 per bag at walmart. Both of the cheap soil mixes out performed the Fox Farm Ocean Forest in my test . Now right off the bat I want to say this was not a scientific study I just needed to get healthy clones rooted faster . I used the same tools and horomone gel with all batches and all cuttings were taken from similar spots on the mother plants . I started all three strains in FFOF from fem. seeds and all three got pretty ugly in the first few weeks , then when they got bigger they perked up (because they were old enough to handel the nutes in the FFOF. with the new cheap soil they are all staying green and show no signs of stress. I also got my first roots 9 days faster then the FFOF. im not bad mouthing fox farms ffof in fact I love it! its the only soil I flower with and I spent years developing my own soil mix . so if your having trouble getting cuttings to root try some cheap starter soil , its really gentle the MG has nutes in its peat based mix but its time release so the young plants don't stress from shock. the Soilite is a more loamy and has perlite but uses a natural compost to feed the babys so no stress with this either , plants green and perky still and roots starting! here is another chunk of pics to showe how healthy things are looking!DSCN5562.jpgDSCN5563.jpgDSCN5564.jpgDSCN5565.jpgDSCN5566.jpgDSCN5567.jpgDSCN5568.jpgDSCN5569.jpgDSCN5570.jpgDSCN5571.jpgDSCN5572.jpgDSCN5573.jpgthis is my favorite DSCN5574.jpgDSCN5575.jpgDSCN5576.jpgDSCN5577.jpgeverybody looking happy and healthy!


Well-Known Member
Now that the cloning is back on track i got the flower chamber all spruced up and ready for the begining of 12-12 . I still have not decided if im going to put 9 plants in at once or if im going stagger them by 2 or 4 weeks 3 plants at a time?? I picked up 8 new 23 watters that are installed and i will add the other 8 bulbs as the canopy becomes full. 8 bulbs produce 12800 lumens at 184 watts and all 16 bulbs produce 25,600 lumens and burn 368 watts. Thats about 70 lumens per watt and 6400 lumens per sqfoot . Here are some pics of the cabinet all spruced up and i plan to start putting plants in within 24 hours!DSCN5612.jpgDSCN5613.jpgDSCN5615.jpgDSCN5617.jpgDSCN5618.jpgDSCN5610.jpgDSCN5619.jpgDSCN5620.jpgDSCN5621.jpgDSCN5622.jpgDSCN5625.jpgDSCN5627.jpgDSCN5628.jpgDSCN5629.jpgDSCN5632.jpgDSCN5614.jpgDSCN5611.jpgi also took pics of my light hood and the cabinet and a big ass light bulb i use for lighting effect when shooting pictures:) hope you guys like everything i will post pics again soon. Thanks drbudwannabe


New Member
I actually spoke with a FOX FARM rep on the phone, who told me that Ocean Forest has enough nutes in it that you don't need to start Grow Big (or even Big Bloom, for that matter) until you flip the light cycle to 12/12. The Feeding Schedule they put out does NOT assume that you're using Fox Farm soil...that's why it shows using Grow Big during case you're using shit soil. Good luck to ya!!


Well-Known Member
I spoke to a woman "kathy" at fox farms so that she could decode the date codes on my 3 pack . She explained that certain delicate strains will burn in ffof but all three should not have gotten shocked. I think my cuttings were too young when i cut the first round of clones so they couldnt handle the nutes in the ffof(took first 6 growth tips off each plant 2-3 weeks after germination ) . Now that the moms are bushy i can take as many hearty cuttings as i want and i will try another set of clones in the ffof to see if the more mature cuttings come out good! Thx brian!


Well-Known Member
OVER WATERING IS BAD SO I THOUGHT I WOULD SHOW HOW MUCH I LET MINE DRY UP BETWEEN FEEDINGS! the girls love drying out so the roots can breathe plus the plants really perk up after a good feeding . I guess they are thirsty so they really suck up the nutes and have growth spurts! I also bent a long branch in the mom roo, to see how it grows :)DSCN5836.jpgDSCN5842.jpgDSCN5844.jpgDSCN5845.jpgDSCN5846.jpgDSCN5848.jpgDSCN5849.jpgDSCN5852.jpgDSCN5853.jpgDSCN5855.jpg

diet coke

Active Member
under watering is bad also :) I water when the soil feels light and before the droop.
I use fox farms and 2 55w(actual) 2700 and 2 55w(actual) 6000 . I think I need 2 more bulbs. 3x3 space

Yours are looking healthy.


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010.jpg014.jpg015.jpg028.jpg037.jpg038.jpg039.jpg040.jpg041.jpg042.jpg043.jpg044.jpg045.jpg046.jpg029.jpg030.jpg031.jpg033.jpg034.jpg035.jpgthanks bud ! I forgot to add the extra 8 light bulbs in my flower cab and im still seeing nice buds so 9 bulbs in a 2x2 is actually enough! I run 16 normally but I don't see much change using 8..../so I just put a ton of pics up will take new ones tonight and post soon


Well-Known Member
IMG_0463.jpgIMG_0465.jpgIMG_0466.jpgIMG_0467.jpgIMG_0501.jpgIMG_0502.jpgIMG_0509.jpgIMG_0448.jpgIMG_0452.jpgIMG_0453.jpgIMG_0455.jpgim seeing lots of cloudy trichromes and about 15-20% dark amber trichs . I usually start clipping right around 50% amber/brown trichs however some of my lower buds are not up to their potential . to fix this im going to do a few separate harvests by cutting the big colas on top so the lower buds can eat up the nutes and blow up. I have done this a few times before and it works out well in the end . by clipping all the buds at the same time I can sometimes have down time before the next set of girls are ready to go 12/12 this gives me more time to veg and build hearty going to post a bunch of pics from the last week or two. the fan leaves have all fallen and I burnt the girls a little bit by pushing too much steroids too fast but my flush seems to have waken them back up! IF ANYONE HAS QUESTIONS OR NEEDS HELP WITH THEIR SETUP FEEL FREE TO HIT ME UP I ENJOY TALKING ABOUT CLOSET FARMING AND I CANT EXACTLY SIT DOWN WITH MY BUDDIES AND DISCUSS MY PLANTS :)