Cast quality important


Well-Known Member
Got 2 worm castings. And the npk score are as follows.
Thisone is a local guy
"Our worms are grown in a composted bark bedding with an addition of 20% shredded wood fibres. They are fed twice a week on a bran meal with a protein of approximately 16%. They break the bark medium and feed down over a four to six week cycle."
Determinand Value Units Determinand Value Units
pH 6.5 Cond. at 20 C 243 uS/cm
Density 456 kg/m3
Ammonia-N 22.5 mg/l
Dry Matter 25.1 %
Nitrate-N 0.8 mg/l
Dry Density 114.5 kg/m3
Total Soluble N 23.3 mg/l
Chloride 81.7 mg/l
Sulphate 7.6 mg/l
Phosphorus 156.6 mg/l
Boron 0.15 mg/l
Potassium 170.8 mg/l
Copper 0.02 mg/l
Magnesium 8.6 mg/l
Manganese <0.01 mg/l
Calcium 10.3 mg/l
Zinc 0.08 mg/l
Sodium 24.2 mg/l
Iron 0.26

And i have another whos is

Tiger Worms digesting horse manure and vegetable matter.
Ingredients: Biohumus 100%

Nutrients (mg/kg): Nutrients (N) 11422, Phosphorus (P) 8258, Potassium (K) 7173

Micro-elements: Fe, Ca, Mn. Mg, Zn, Cu, B. pH 6.5-8; moisture 45-55%

@DankFrank from icmah makes a recipie and pulls like a bitch prob bihhest yields i seen livingsoils and said his
NPK profile of 740-1110-945 on his soil.
He changed amendments to hit this exactly
So id say its pretty good info hes like wiki science

Is this worm cast exceeding his npk? Does thst mean i dont need amendments?
Im sure i do like.. But the numbers?

Which cast would you use and why.
Or a mix?

Would i still need my poultry compost to mix with this for nutrients? Or is the cast more thsn enough?