Carport GreenHouse 2011

Well-Known Member
yeah i've been hearing on the news and stuff about bay area dispensaries gettin the slap down, but have yet to hear how it might affect the ones in so cal. there are quite a few down here.

way to go obama, rape the people who want to do it by the book. now youre stifling tax revenues and promoting the illegality of street transactions. shutting down dispensaries will not stop people from smoking weed, or didnt u get the memo?


Well-Known Member
Well we are going to have to make that RIU secret meeting happen now DJJ.. I know that I can at the very least meet you because you are local. :)


Well-Known Member
now youre stifling tax revenues and promoting the illegality of street transactions.
a Quote from the Union (a Documentary on Marijuana growth)
i can grow plants and make $200,000 in a Year, why would i work some 9-5 where i only make $60k a year?
This is EXACTLY How i feel. i dont give a fuck about legalization any more. i have been growing Illigaly for a LONG time now. and im not going to stop any time soon.

as Much as some people hate me, i would rather have marijuana ILLEGAL, that way i make MORE MONEY.

P.S: Think about it. The USA is going into a depression, whats the best Money Maker? DRUGS. the president is going to bi one of the biggest Dealers in the USA Soon enough......


Well-Known Member
I heard last night on the news that the federal government gave the California dispensaries 45 days to shut down or they will be in violation of federal laws (they already are) and subject to arrest/prosecution. Sounds like the shit is going to hit the fan! I wonder how that law will effect the co-ops? I'm guessing they will be violation too! Going to be interesting to see how this pans out!


Active Member
I apologize doublejj, as I know this is your thread, but it has over 80k hits on it.
I found out what Im using in my greenhouse next year, its gonna be glorious, to watch the plants grow. Im thinking instead of just keeping them in veg at night, to have them grow and size up at night, ofcourse the electric will be thru the roof.

250 watt hps street lamps
400 watt industrial high bay metal halide
400 watt industrial high bay switchable
all complete with plug, the bulb, and reflector, can be 110 or 220 volts
you decide!
The price complete, plug and play...... 20 dollars each.

Not pretty and cool digital, but hey they are like me, crude, functional, and cheap.

Happy growing, this message has been brought to you by the membership of double jj- molly farms.



Well-Known Member
Well we are going to have to make that RIU secret meeting happen now DJJ.. I know that I can at the very least meet you because you are local. :)
Your right ABM, I think a 'meet'n'greet' BBQ with patients & growers might be just what the dr ordered. They can close the dispensaries but they can't stop us from having swap-meets.
Once harvest is done, I'm gonna buy a pig & invite everyone on RIU for some BBQ pig! I just gotta find the right spot.



Well-Known Member
Your right ABM, I think a 'meet'n'greet' BBQ with patients & growers might be just what the dr ordered. They can close the dispensaries but they can't stop us from having swap-meets.
Once harvest is done, I'm gonna buy a pig & invite everyone on RIU for some BBQ pig! I just gotta find the right spot.

You find the right spot and you can count on me man...I'm totally into it!! Name the time and place and I'm there!


Well-Known Member
Your right ABM, I think a 'meet'n'greet' BBQ with patients & growers might be just what the dr ordered. They can close the dispensaries but they can't stop us from having swap-meets.
Once harvest is done, I'm gonna buy a pig & invite everyone on RIU for some BBQ pig! I just gotta find the right spot.

You hit me up at the right time and I am down to help pay for a spot. Unless you can find a nice public park. I think I might be fucked on my norcal tripped because I just got a speeding ticket (GOD DAMMIT!!) but hopefully after turning a few crops I can bolt on up for my fantasized norcal garden tour.


Well-Known Member
Man i wish i was still in vegas because i would def come i love to bbq, im a true sothern boi i love to watch ppl get full and happy of my q with some nice smk to boot and to finally get a chance to meet the real tree man dude tht would have made my year. Say Doublejj now i know wht the 2 j's stand for JUMBO JUNGLE!!! LMAO


Active Member
P.S: Think about it. The USA is going into a depression, whats the best Money Maker? DRUGS. the president is going to bi one of the biggest Dealers in the USA Soon enough......
For those old enough to remember the words of Fat Freddy (and the Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers):

"Dope will get you through times of no money better than money will get you through times of no dope..."


Well-Known Member
Most of the public parks in Sacramento, are no-alcohol, so I am looking for someplace along the river or maybe Folsom lake. Or some private land somewhere.

Anyone know of a place?

I'm thinking maybe a couple of campsites at a campground. We could put up some tents & I'll park my camper, that way some people could say the night if necessary.

Let's put our heads together & find a place. Anyone know of a private lake or campground in the area?



Well-Known Member
Don't know of anything up there. I've been a few places but don't know if they allow alcohol. But I am in full favor of a camp site. River/lake would be cool too.


Active Member
Camp Far West lake is somewhat private and an easy drive from Sac just north of Lincoln. They have group campsites I do believe and definately shoreline camping. Some camping is remote... off the beaten path. $10 entry. No speed limit if you happen to have a drag boat ;) Alcohol OK> Never been harrased by the po po here, but like every other lake, rangers do visit.

Otherwise. Search out Poo Frog ranch. Know they have a facebook. They are in the hills above Marysville near challenge. About 1 1/2 hrs from Sac. They have a 100 acres and more like a commune, lotsa 'rainbows' if you savy those gatherings. No lake or river. This year they started to hold gatherings with bands and you can camp out there. Seems like they are always trying to host some type of get together lately so they might be open. Every fall they have a MJ competition, best bud contest, etc. for the growers. Very 'rustic' people. Lots of room.


Well-Known Member
Thanks iam, Camp Far West should be perfect for us!

This is gonna be fun

I hope enough people would show up, I would hate to try & eat a whole pig myself?lol!



Well-Known Member
I have some history with Camp Far West. We used to party it up out there. What's the name of the wildlife area behind there? I harvested my first pig and turkey from there. We would watch the SR-71 take off and land at the Air Force base near there. 22+ years ago since I was there last, I remember lots of turkey farms between Lincoln (lived in Lincoln for 2 years) and Camp Far West.
About 4.5-5 hour jog for me, but I'm in!


Well-Known Member
I have some history with Camp Far West. We used to party it up out there. What's the name of the wildlife area behind there? I harvested my first pig and turkey from there. We would watch the SR-71 take off and land at the Air Force base near there. 22+ years ago since I was there last, I remember lots of turkey farms between Lincoln (lived in Lincoln for 2 years) and Camp Far West.
About 4.5-5 hour jog for me, but I'm in!
oh man, I can't think of the name of that area.....but you can see Beal AFB operations from there for sure!! There are alot of Turkeys still in the area too.