Carport GreenHouse 2011


Well-Known Member
It is!

It was even worse 'back in the day' before all this legal mamby pamby stuff!
Today, High school kids are probably growing Cannabis as a class project somewhere!

You should have been in it when there was no "legal" weed!
You had to pony up some gut's every time you visit your plants. It's a much easier game today



Well-Known Member
You had to pony up some gut's every time you visit your plants. It's a much easier game today
dude i remember one of my grows around the mid 80's. it was in horsefly BC, some of the worst mosquito country i have ever been in...... when i tell people that you LITERALY could die from blood loss in around 15 mins if you went out naken most people dont believe me, but there are actually forestry warning signs about the mosquito's. Anyways, it seemed like the perfect place to grow, since the popo probably wouldn;t go through all that trouble for like 50 plants, right? Wrong.

the Po-Lice staked out our grow for 3 weeks. we drove by in out hunting vehicles looking, asking "whats going on back there, do you guys find a body!?!?" they didn't say much and never realy suspected us..... but they were out there, in HELL for 3 weeks trying as hard as they could to catch us.... thats for dam sure.

we never got to harvest that crop, because we never had the balls to go back. these days i walk into a provincial park with 150~ Clones in a box and plant them somewhere i feel is "safe". it never used to be anything like this, its gotten SOOO much easier in the last 10 years.

High school kids are probably growing Cannabis as a class project somewhere!


Well-Known Member
I saw the most beautiful sight today.

On the fence next to the greenhouse, a big handsome Bluejay.
With a big white butterfly in it's beak, beautiful!:lol:



Well-Known Member
Thats a a nice site! Do you think the roots have the sides and bottoms yet? Some guy in the organic section using 225 gallon smart pots. Like i was sayen earlyer makes me wanna go back north get all that gold country creek dirt! Seems to make the girls sooo green : ) So many options! I helped my friend so were gona use his truck to get the soil and amendments.. Costco is calling my name! haha


Well-Known Member
So, I had to get "Papillon"(my butterfly net), & start this years collection!

Once they get inside the greenhouse they're like "problem bears", "incorrigible"& have to be eliminated.

I lay their dead bodies out as a warning to others!:evil:




Where abouts you live JJ? Hows the fishing? Anything happenning on the lower Rouge yet?

Hey treeman, sorry I couldn't meet-up while you were thru here, but you went thru faster than a band of gypsies! I would have given you some salmon personally, I'm glad you liked it. Now I'm out, so I have a good reason to go salmon fishing again!:-o
Glad you had a good trip, I know Hodge really appreciates it, & she does make the best blackberrie pie!:clap:

No Hodge, your still in the front of the bus, your OG will out produce mine & I know it!:-P



Well-Known Member
Haven't been out again. Maybe next week.

I'm in Sac

They are catching the shit out of them in the ocean right now!



Well-Known Member
lol hell yeah man its been awhile since ive run a butterfly net! Butterflies be warned!
When I catch them in the net I recite my favorite quote from Pulp Fiction

"Ezekiel 25:17.......The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he, who in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness, for he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who would attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. And you will know my name is the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon thee."

"Just some cold shit I memorized to say to a mother-fucker right before I pop a cap in his ass":o



Hey Double JJ, so you pull leaves? Just dying yellow leaves, or do you pull large water leaves to the the plants get more light penatration? Also, where did you order your plastic trellis material from...My 7 foots started flowering and I definately need to trellis them. Thanks in advance

Yeah, this will slow yah down pulling leaves. But hey I'm retired now. I'll just pull up a stool & sit in there between them & pluck leaves & talk to Molly. It will sure go slower with the trellis.



JJ....I dont know buddy, I lagged and now my plants might be to tall to tray and cover with a carport. Besides, I went to the costco website and wasn't able to find carports anywhere....where exactly did you find them, online? or in the store? Any suggestions at this stage of the game?/

Having a cup of coffee this morning & thought I should answer some questions. Thanks for keeping this thread active, I enjoy the exchange of information.

dralion, I looked at your grow pic's, beautiful job. I think a Costco carport would be just the ticket for you. & I think you could easely build it right over your plants. For what the carport has saved me in bud worm & bud mold loss, I would put one up if I lived in the middle of nowhere!:hump:

The drip reservoir is too small for these plants (10gl). It worked great though. I would need a much larger one. I put a pressure compensator on the drip system & just connect to the garden hose. I water with a timer. I've been giving them like 1hr a day!I hand fertilize.

All the plants were topped at least once, some twice. I topped everything soon after they were planted, because I have height issues. They would be much taller if I hadn't topped. A couple bigger ones got topped a second time, just cut the tips off all the longer shoots. I did this before they went thru the cage so all the new growth would spread out and go thru seperately. The Lavender I even topped a 3rd time!:shock:

I'm waiting on a delivery of plastic trellis. I'll be putting it on as they start to flower.

Have a great day



Well-Known Member
OK, I'm officially tired of pulling yellow leaves!

I've got scratches all up & down my arms from scraping against the wire cages, pulling leaves. I'm just pulling the dead/yellow leaves.

I think it might be time to lure, er., uh,.. I mean invite, some people over to spend some time with me in the garden!

It can be such a wonderful relaxing place to watch people work!



Well-Known Member
They have them at every Costco I've ever been too. $199 in the store.

I ordered the Horti trellis from a company called Agriculture Sollutions online

You can put the carport on blocks. Mine was 14' last year!



Well-Known Member
just checkin in on you jj, man those babys look good. Im lovin the pink pistils too. Its about to be the most beautiful time of the year :) :) :)


Well-Known Member
<3 how your lavender is PUSHING the tent up..... its better than a pole.

that medi bud is almost the size of your leg there boss!

judging from you>the chair>the plant i would say the lavender is 15~ feet tall?!? shyt.


~ Out-Dawrz ~ Moderator ~
Looking good as usual JJ, Ill be sitting over in the corner for the rest of your grow. Good Luck to you my friend


Well-Known Member
amazing as usual i see some very sore fingers in your future

JJ You inspired me to throw up a ghetto make shift macgyver type greenhouse lol
i was wondering what did you use to keep the plastic from diping down between the poles ? (tape?)
im going to do the roof over and want to do it the right way ;)