Captain Ahab's Nirvana Bubblelicious and Ice T8 SOG


Well-Known Member
how far are your lights, they seem too far.... with a fan you can put them 18" away and get more foliage and more yield

Captain Ahab

Active Member
Thanks, Waji, And yes, it IS a pretty good camera.

My lights are kept 1" from the plants. 18" would be very far; they're flourescents. In some of the pictures the lights are raised for the photo.


Active Member
Hey Capt. the grow looks great. I just finished off two plants of Bubblelicious the buds very dense and purple in color yours are a very different tone. I notice a little tip burn on your pics, do you find this strain touchy with nute concentration? I am using GH at 1200 ppm for most of the flowering stage.


Great grow so far, I've really been enjoying this with you. Keep it up and can't wait to see how much you harvest. One question though; do you change anything with your lighting from veg/flowering besides the 12/12 timing?

Captain Ahab

Active Member
Thanks Waji, your grow is looking good as well.

Kevo. From my little experience with it, I've found that Nirvana Bubblelicious is very variable- the four seeds I popped were each unique in appearance from day one, as opposed to my four Ice plants which were extremely consistent; It doesn't surprise me that you got a purple pheno. Also, I did find one of my Bubblelicious phenos to be more nute sensitive than my other plants. Thanks for the post, the compliment, and the questions.

Thanks, Relax, glad to have you along. EXCELLENT question, and thank you for reminding me to document it here if I forgot to post it somewhere above. Yes, I did change something else. I've got a total of 12 bulbs in my fixtures, and all were 6500K color temp prior to 12/12. 12 days into 12/12 i switched 8 out of 12 bulbs to 3000K. I left the 6500K's in for the first week to minimize stretch (red light stimulates stem growth in a HUGE way). Also, that was your first post? Welcome aboard!

Thanks for the posts, guys.

Captain Ahab

Active Member
I just smoked a bowl of bubblelicious from a lil nug i clipped off BB1 at the week 6 mark and I've gotta say... im quite stoned.

Captain Ahab

Active Member
Had to move the whole grow into my closet over the weekend. A little cramped in there, but still enough room. I'm glad this happened so close to harvest.


Well-Known Member
Hey Capt. the grow looks great. I just finished off two plants of Bubblelicious the buds very dense and purple in color yours are a very different tone. I notice a little tip burn on your pics, do you find this strain touchy with nute concentration? I am using GH at 1200 ppm for most of the flowering stage.
hey u got any pics of yr bubbl? i got some nirvana bbl, wonder woman, snow white in veg right now bout 1.5 weeks from flower. have u tried any other nirvana strains?


Active Member
Just caught your grow, Captain. Looking great. Not sure I'd call it a SOG, but whatever you want to call it, it's damn fine work. I'll be subbing for sure.

Captain Ahab

Active Member
Just caught your grow, Captain. Looking great. Not sure I'd call it a SOG, but whatever you want to call it, it's damn fine work. I'll be subbing for sure.
Hah perhaps not, though it is a SOG in concept... more small pots versus fewer large ones. Thanks for the kind words, and glad to have you along. Not too long to harvest now.


Active Member
Yes I think I have a few but the Capt.s pics are killer mine are weak in comparison. What is your picture taking procedure Capt. if you don't mind me asking? Do you use lighting and a tripod? I grow under HID so that sucks to start. Any ideas?

I have some terrible luck with the last 2 grows both the seeds were from nirvana but the bubble is great so its hit or miss I guess. I will hold on to my mothers from now on.

Captain Ahab

Active Member
Kevo I just point and shoot with my DSLR. Haven't used the tripod yet though I plan on it, just braced shots on whatever was around. I dont see why you wouldn't be able to get decent pictures under HID. I would recommend a tripod and perhaps a circular polarized filter to reduce glare (If you have an SLR). With a tripod and a little patience you should be able to get decent pics with any camera.

Captain Ahab

Active Member
well Waji this Saturday will be the 8 week mark, and Nirvana lists both Bubblelicious and Ice as 8-10 weeks flowering. Meaning thats the earliest they recommend. We'll see. Right now I'm looking around and with my naked eye it looks like most of the plants are at about 30% white and 1-2% amber trichomes. I'm probably gonna wait for like 10-20% amber trichs on the Ice and like 50%+ on the Bubblelicious. All three of my BB1 plants (calyxes and tips of bud leaves only) gained a faint but clearly noticeable purple hue over the course of the last 12 hours... I'd been crossing my fingers for a purple pheno and it looks like I might have one after all :bigjoint: Anyhow, I could see myself waiting until the 9 week mark to harvest. Might chop the main colas earlier though.


Well-Known Member
Good thinkin, yeah I'm in the same boat. My Royal Dwarf has started to turn some trichomes amber but its really smart to wait for the ratio you want.