Can't Seem to Get Clones to Survive - Please Help


I am able to grow from seed successfully, and am now trying clones.

The process i use is from Jorges book:

1. Trying both rockwool and grow cubes (peat-like pellets I like these for seedlings) - both immersed in water- rockwool has ph adjusted. Placed in grow tray - tray does not have any water int he bottom. Grow cubes/RW is moist but not soggy.
2. Took 4 cuttings from the Female White Widow this morning (6 weeks old).
3. Cut above last node, cut off first set of leaves near the cut, scraped base stem away, split the stem a bit (all with clean razor) - The branch I take is one that is: > 4" long, has > 3 sets nodes. I leave one set of nodes/leaves on plant and take cutting just below next set of leaves. This leaves one set of leaves at the tip/top.
4. Dipped in rooting gel then into cube or pellet -
They are now in grow dome on a heated seed mat. I mist every few hours. Looking very limp!
Under Florescent lights (single 48" T5) - about 6 inches away.

I must be missing some tying - maybe the type of cutting to take from plant? Maybe the nutes/water bath? IDK:-?

Help is appreciated!

In pic all except front right one are flopped over



Well-Known Member
It seems that you do everything perfect. I could not guess why they are wilting like that... Keep that dome justa COATED in droplets of water and re-mist every 6-8 hours, it seems to keep my dome just right. back them off the light down to about a foot or more away. When you cut and handle them I use a method of being extra gentle with them, it seems to help. Don't bother splitting the stem, it is not necessary and could be stressing the lil clone too much. Also try taking the heating pad away unless it really cold in your house, I never use one, room temp is about 70 degrees where i am. You may have just had some bad luck with those. Follow the careful plan, you should have success.


Well-Known Member
Spraying so much will promote mold.
Using rockwool you should add water every 5 days or so.
Using jiffy (peat pellets) you should not add water at all if you use a dome.

Everyday you should open the dome for a few minutes to let humidity escape.

The most important thing is waiting. It usually takes 2 weeks.


ok, thanks! I'll keep going. I agree - I maybe watering too much.
The noobies curse - doing too much "but if I do nothing they can't get along w/o me!" - They done ok w/o me for thousands of years....