can't get it outta my head!


Well-Known Member
My favorite Wayne songs are Drop The World and his collab with Eminem, No Love. Which is really an Eminem song.

I wish I could say I liked more of his pieces, but I think there's way more soul in his work on those two songs than every other song I've heard. And I DID try to like the rest of the stuff. It just felt less genuine to me.

I love the slow groove he pulls off in Drop The World... with that one song he proved to me that rap does not need to be fast to be awesome. And I feel the lyrics are EXCELLENT compared to a lot of the crap he spits.


I got:
ice in my veins.
blood in my eyes.
hate in my heart.
love in my mind.

I seen:
nights full of pain.
Days of the same.
You keep the sunshine...
save me the rain.

I hurt, but never cry.
I search, but never find.
I work, and forever try,
but I'm cursed. So nevermind.

It gets worse. But better times
seem further and beyond.
The top gets higher,
the more that I climb.

The spot gets smaller.
And I get bigger.
Tryin' to get in where I fit in...
no room for a nigga'.

But soon, for a nigga,
it be on, mu-fuckah...
'cuz all this bullshit?
It make me strong, mu-fuckah.


The chorus lyrics are, of course, hilariously juxtaposed against the poetic verses. Heh. But even it has it's charm as he expresses a level of rebellion that is hard to pull off.

Also really love this part:

Uh... my word is my pride.
But wisdom is bleak. And that's a word from the wise.
Served to survive. Murdered and bribed.
And when it got too heavy, I put my burdens aside.

buddha webb

New Member
I respect your passion Altar-nation,
Get this...

Postman Pat
Postman Pat
Postman Pat and his black and white cat
Early in the morning
Just as day is dawning
He picks up all the post bags in his van!!

yo Altar-Nation,,,

Rap off??


Well-Known Member
LoL... is that something you just made up then?

The lyrics up above are Wayne, just to be clear. But we can still rap a bit, if to thou heart it's dear. Did someone mention shakespeare? That motherfucker is the shit. He spits his rhymes like yoda, with no need for edits. I give him credit. He's faster and he's smoother than I. I'm more an amateur. I try, but my flow's anything but tight. I give it up to God and let him sort it out at night. I got a thumbscrew. Turn it and you'll see what I become. I won't alarm you. This shit is not a battle, just some love. I'll spit it for you, if you respect me like a tiny nightlight. I could have warned you, but yoda said to do. There's no try. The beat rewinds...


Well-Known Member
Hey man, we can rap, but what exactly is a rap off? It sounds like you've got beef, or a burrito with it's hat off? I like chicken or pork, and I can eat it with a fork, but why's a rapping session always got to be 'bout "back off!"?? And "Slack off!" and all that other hostility bull spit? Can't we just ignite the light and shoot a round of bullshit? I will sit, and pray, under the bodhi tree all day. I heard you liked that Buddha talk, so this is what I say. I like to learn truths. And say them with my one unblinking eye. I've got a full roost of parakeets all singing in my mind about the five truths the Buddha spoke of once upon a time. Does it alarm to know I'm all alone, but I'm not high? I shoot the sky. I can elevate myself without the reefer. She's a pretty good assist, but I am my own teacher. She left me lonely months ago; now I sit with my mind. I was once a slave to her, but now she's on my side. That's what I like.

You comin' back to play with me, or am I a lonely seeker? You say you want to make believe, but then you hit the streets, sir? Collaborative alchemy is filling up my beaker. I'll pour it out for you to see. What do you make of these words? Who's alone when loneliness is only in the mind? If nothing is an optimism, nothing! Nevermind! I heard the buddha's good at nothing. Cannabineer told me. In another thread about some kind of dumb shit we made holy.

buddha webb

New Member
Altar,i cant compete not rap competent really,but,check this out!!

Well here he is the Pink Panther
Pink Panther
Everybody loves a Panther thats pink
He really is a groovy cat
And hes a gentleman a scholar hes an acrobat!!


Well-Known Member
Ho ho. It's Santa Claus. He's come to make me present. It's commonplace to misconceive the meaning of such lessons. The green and red, the Christmas Trees... it's all about ascension. The buds of green help free our heads from heaviness and tension. So we grow. And we flow. And we wish for something nice. It's not about a box of toys, but living up your life. Toys are nice, don't get me wrong. I got a bong that I find holy. But boys and girls know what we don't: that the present is the momentary light.

buddha webb

New Member
You really are good Altar,i love words,but when it comes to rhyme and thought at the same time,you can di it bro.....i prefer to copy nursery Rhymes...check this out muvvabruvva....
Flinstones meet the flintstones
There the modern stone age family
From the town of Bedrock
There a page right out of history...motherfucka.....


Well-Known Member
Who's competing? I'm just beating 'round the bush to entertain... my self and my associates, the right and the left brain. I like to write the words, yeah, some absurd, and some divine. I'll mix them up like alchohol. I had a cup of wine. Now I feel fine. I like well cured buds and flowers so much better. But I'm waiting on my lady luck to find me when she's ready to subside. Now, she grows. And I love her in my midst. I'd like to have a taste of her, but I must resist, until it's time...


Well-Known Member
You really are good Altar,i love words,but when it comes to rhyme and thought at the same time,you can di it bro.....i prefer to copy nursery Rhymes...check this out muvvabruvva....
Flinstones meet the flintstones
There the modern stone age family
From the town of Bedrock
There a page right out of history...motherfucka.....
This I like. Wait, where's my LIKE? MOTHERFUCKERS STOLE MY LIKE! I'll be going down in infamy for blowing up their lines about these likes. But why oh why would they take away my likes? I'd like your post, but honest, it's like my like button's been wiped.


Well-Known Member
I appreciate your warm regard, but really, I'm no blaster. I do my best to spit some lines, but I don't flow like those true masters. I kind of just repeat the same rhythmic pattern and same rhymes... over ad infinitum, a disaster with the mic. I best resign.

buddha webb

New Member
Your Defo winning bro...but get ya pints around this...

Risin up,back on the street
Did my time took my chances
Went the distance now im back on my feet
Just a man and his will to survive
So many times,it happens so fast
You trade your passion for glory
Dont lose your grip on the dreams of the past
You must fight just to keep them alive


buddha webb

New Member
my like buttons vanished too,as likewise i would have liked your post if indeed the button of likeness was present...wheres the ~LIKE BUTTON....Love like button


Well-Known Member
Your Defo winning bro...but get ya pints around this...

Risin up,back on the street
Did my time took my chances
Went the distance now im back on my feet
Just a man and his will to survive
So many times,it happens so fast
You trade your passion for glory
Dont lose your grip on the dreams of the past
You must fight just to keep them alive

Again I'll say it lightly: I don't fight, and we're not fighting. But I appreciate the "winning" in a Charlie Sheen-esque sense. That man's the best, just like a Benz, with his Tiger Blood and shit. Your wit is tight. You got soul. And it's not all about the rhymes. I start to sound like Dr. Seuss when I don't keep in mind that I can mix it up, fix it up, do it up a different way. Your words remind me to rewind and try to make best of this. It's testing me. I'm guessing ye be strong like mighty dragon? If yoda had his way with me, I'd be dragged behind his wagon for these rhymes.


Well-Known Member
my like buttons vanished too,as likewise i would have liked your post if indeed the button of likeness was present...wheres the ~LIKE BUTTON....Love like button
It's like it haunts me. It knows how much attachment I've got for it. It's not a fan of grasping, and it's best that I ignore it til a time when I can sigh and say, "Aww fuck it, I abhore it." Then I swing myself back towards center, because in secret I adore that little LIKE.


Well-Known Member
Im all for musical expression, but cant say it makes me happy, when my daughter is listening to this shit.

bring on the satanic metal any day.

buddha webb

New Member
Dont like my daughter listening but luckily she thinks its shit,,,,but,,,she does love a bit of Anal Cunt Thrash....mostly the early stuff,after the Vomit Cunt Puke album....shes currently crazy keen on the,,,,Virgin Nun Fuckers and the Carpenters,shes 12,shes experimenting!


Well-Known Member
I like Six Foot Seven Foot. A few moments where my ears pricked up and thought this man has a real flair for analogy. I am not a fan of the incessant 'fuck, bitch, pussy, ho' standard rap outline but I was surprised and impressed by Wayne when friends (white friend's too lol) made me check him out.

I made up a song called 'Black Man Wagon' satirizing this whole standard rapper's vocabulary thing. I'll make millions one day...