Can you confirm if this is mag deficiency?


Well-Known Member
I guess this would be the week one update. I think they look pretty good, forgot to take one of the Kandy Kush. I'm pretty proud/happy with the topping on the Cherry Lime Haze and ok with the training on the Durban Poison. The seedling turned out to be female, excellent. However found a slight layer of white dust mold on the seedlings soil yesterday but scraped, mixed, and "tilled" it and seems fine now. Also, found these weird little yellow penis mushroom things about a half inch down in the Kandy Kush soil. I looked them both up and believe the mold to be white dust mold, harmless, and the yellow penises to be yellow mushrooms that are also harmless. But both are signs of over watering/draining/humidity issues that I'm addressing.

Overall I'm very happy.

For those following along for the cal-mag situation, I've used calmag in every feeding and used neem oil to address the fungus. There have been no additional burnt leaves or spotty leaves. There has also been no taco leaves anymore, all are flat, fat, pointy, and dark. The main stem has not changed back from purple to green, however all of the new, and most of the rest of the stems are green. I'm not concerned at all. Starting to smell nice right in the middle of the flower, especially the cherry lime haze! The kush has the bud hairs popping out like crazy already.

Oh, also the Ona pro gel bucket and fan work wonderfully btw



Well-Known Member
Week 2.5 flower update. They've been 12/12 since 8/28 and are coming along great. Not sure if anyone's following along anymore but I'm just gonna keep updating this and turn it into a grow journal.

The weaker kandy kush was quite stunted and remains so, probably due to the original mag deficiency that I started this thread with. The stronger kush has been quite resilient. I even accidentally snapped the main stem, about halfway up and 75% completely off. It was left with just a teensy bit of stem and skin holding it on on the inside. So luckily it could gently rest against itself and I didn't tape it or anything. Formed a nice knot/callous and has recovered very well.

That being said, the Kandy Kush's pale in comparison to the Durban Poison and especially the Cherry Lime Haze. Counted about 18 tops on the Durban and probably well over 20 on the CLH. Both of them are very healthy, continuing to show no signs of stress, nutrient burn, or deficiencies of any sort. They're wonderful. I upped the nutes to 7-8ml instead of the normal 5 as they've been performing with no problems.

However, a few days ago I pulled out the Kandy Kush and I found about 10 of those little yellow penis mushrooms growing out the drain holes. I pulled them out carefully and disposed of them. Let the soil dry out a few more days and then today when I watered I found 2 or 3 more in the top inch of soil. Not a single one in the Durban Poison or the Cherry Lime Haze. Weird. Everything I've read indicates they are no issue and pose no threat to the plants but they obviously indicate too much moisture/overwatering. I'll continue to monitor but would love any input on that.

The little seedling has been growing very nicely despite being cast to the bottom of the room where it's not getting a whole ton of light like it's bigger sisters. However, it still hasn't shown any signs of flowering. I have identified pistils on it so it's a girl, but no budsites yet like the other 3/4. Any reason you can think of? My first thought was that it hadn't reached sexual maturity but I thought that if there's pistils then that mean she's good to go lol

So any discussion on that or the mushrooms would be welcomed. Or anything else for that matter. I'm a noob so if I'm doing ok then just some positive reinforcement would be good too haha :)

Here's some pics!



Well-Known Member

I was positive the plant from seed was a female, but it hasn't been budding at all since I flipped to flower. I think I may have misidentified the small sprouts at the nodes for pistils. Here's some pics, is this a hermie? I see little bud hairs coming out the very top as well as at the next highest node. I'm removing from room until resolved.

Help! Hermie, male, or female?



Well-Known Member
Coming along very nicely. I will update with more pics when I take them out later for feeding. Here's a preview though! Plus they won't be purple then lol

