Can single leaves be cloned?


Active Member
Does anyone know of a technique?...I'd like to take clones from a plant that is WELL into flowering (prolly another week to go) and I "forgot" to do it earlier!!!


Well-Known Member
yea? so the leaf will just root... and hang out... thats it??? no growing at all???
I was wondering if you could clone leafes and was going to give it a shot... but said fuck it.


Well-Known Member
Care and Handling of Micropropagated Plants

"A brief review of the procedure of tissue culture will clarify the need for specific care and handling. A small piece of the plant to be cloned (the explant) is removed from a healthy, well-maintained stock plant and sterilized in a dilute bleach solution. The source of tissue will vary by species, but shoot tip, leaf, stem, lateral bud, and flower tissues have been used successfully for various plants."


Well-Known Member
yeah, haha, the edit button... that is cool

you can clone from a leafe, isnt that cooler than a polar bears' toe nail.


Well-Known Member
polar bears tonalils get quite cold since they hang out in snow al day...

I read what you said sketch... but I have to reread it a few times... hold on...

I can't say that i understand... but once I send this ill read the link...

but are you saying clones can be attaned from leaves???

I still can't believe there an edit button... thanks man... I see it now


Well-Known Member

yeah, any part of the plant, which leads me to believe that is re-encouraging cellular growth in its dormant stage. but obviously i dont fully understand as well. i found it on craigslist in the bay area to be honest, he was trying to sell kits....

i thought wow, i can grow a plant (eventually) from the leaf i pulled from a nug before i rolled it. so you can see where that went. my curiousty.... but im pretty sure the cell has to be alive. other wise it would replicating dna, which is illegal... shhh