Can single leaves be cloned?


Well-Known Member
Even if you didn't take clones before flowering you can reveg the plant after harvest then take the clone from her. There's quite a bit of info on this site and on the net. Also I think you can get a plant from a leaf but it's tricky and takes quite a while. I'm revegging a few plants myself right now. GL HH


Well-Known Member
Rhododendron, for example, will produce plantlets from flower petal tissue.
the production of thousands and in some cases millions of plants a year from a single explant has been demonstrated!
very cool indeed... in fact increadibly cool... does it work with marijuana though???


Well-Known Member
Rhododendron, for example, will produce plantlets from flower petal tissue.
the production of thousands and in some cases millions of plants a year from a single explant has been demonstrated!
very cool indeed... in fact increadibly cool... does it work with marijuana though???
im pretty sure the guy trying to sell the product i saw was intending its use for cannibis production for i found it with a 420 tag


Well-Known Member
hohoho tricky guy... how much did he want???
I just finished cloning like 10 minutes ago... all thoes leafs I threw out could have been plants...sigh...not that I have the room. but I hate to see a wated plant!
sounds more like cloning than cloning is... or something like that...
that would be crazy if you could take a bud somone had of a lost strain and bring it back... one day...

I hate illegal stuff!!! :)