Can I trim roots hanging into the bottom bucket?


Active Member
ender, the brain or control bucket is 7 gallons but the pots are 3 gallon. the system works great. i have had mine for about 18 months or so. it has some safety features built into it like auto water shut off, in case there is a prob with the system it dont flood. the slanted bottoms drain water all the way out so roots really dont want to grow down into the bottom. i have had problems in the past with side feed systems not draining all the way, roots would grow down and plug up the water lines, starving my plants. this system stops that problem. it also has screens for the bottom drains that keep stuff out of your lines. its well worth the money.


Well-Known Member
There is no need to trim roots. They are fine. I ran ebb and grow type systems for a couple years. Just use hydrogen peroxide.

If I were you I would rebuild the system. Keep the controller, but ditch the cheap-o small ebb and gro buckets and replace them with three gallon buckets. Is simple to do and you will get bigger yields.


Well-Known Member
First of all, its not root rot because right before I cut them off I sprayed them first and sure enough the parts that came clean exposed roots that looked fine. White with slight discolor from using organic nutes and such, but not rot.. Besides once u have rot u can't fix it, only try to contain it from hitting more of your root system.

Anyway they seem to be doing fine since I cut them, ill keep u all updated. And ill have to look into that system..


Well-Known Member
I have trimmed for a long time,but this time I cut a lot off 1 plant (I got 4 in 5 gl) put it in bucket by self,I don't believe it even slowed down this time.I won't put that many in any more.


Well-Known Member
I've wondered about the 3 gl buckets for dwc.Are they big enough.I see people that grow in soil talking about bigger bucket bigger yield,is this true in dwc?