Can i do anything now with this main stem?


Active Member
Hi guys,

I have just put my girl into flower today and i am now starting to think i should not have done that. I am worried this top cola section is going to keep pushing up and stopping the lower sides catching up.

I have a scrog net but is it too late to set the net up above the main colas and just grow her horizontally across or will i risk breaking the main stem? And would this even work?

Here is a picture, could someone please describe in detail what i could do if anything as i am still pretty new to this!

Thanks guys all replies much appreciated.

Final Phase

Well-Known Member
If you plan on growing for a long time a cloning machine - some makers go down to as small of a clone maker to 4 clones at a time...
Using an EzClone I make 30 in 10 to14 days... I'd just chop that top cola off n clone it...

Cloning now is easier than a week or two into flowering...


Active Member
I don't plan to grow for long periods, its for personal use so i just grow a few then wait till i'm about 3 months away from being dry and just start another. I'm running out of smoke by the time this one should be ready if left.


Well-Known Member
Hey how are you? how bendy is the stem right now, looks like it will bend but not to much lol, set your net while holding the plant over as much as you can and let it do the rest. They are tough little weeds, just don't snap the stem or you will have to bandage it. Hope it helps, Peace, be safe MD.


Well-Known Member
I have done both cut and bend over you could do either if you cut the plant will think there is no top giving more equal nutrients to the other tops but i know it's heart breaking to cut the cola off