Can a subforum change the WORLD?


Well-Known Member
I just had a baby about a week ago so I'll answer but it will be sweet short and straight to the point not to be confused with being rude I just don't have the time to be lenghty about it

A lot of these things you have asked for cannot physically be implemented like it isn't possible in the system we have to realistic we aren't going to buy new add ons for xenforo so we gotta work with what we have :)

In addition to that a lot of these things cannot just be done for one subforum it would change the entire forum rollitup
Ie the music videos
So try to think of changes that don't impact the entire forum of rollitup

I can't change the entire forum to make led forum happy that's just not a win win situation or the rest of the forum it's not fair and a lot of other users would not be happy about it so I have to decline on the YouTube video suggestion

We are not interested in allowing thread starters or advertisers to mod their own thread that would be heavily abused by most forum users sadly we have been asked this before and we decline it

Advertisers have their own area so I won't touch on them here well just talk about users

I'm not going to penalize new users who are just annoying with their help threads

This is an open forum everyone has the right to talk here , join make threads

Yes a lot of times newbies don't understand how the forum works but we're not going to penalize them because of it
I get it it's annoying I get asked like 20 times a week how come people can't like posts and yet I have a well done sticky thread in support detailing how to use the website to a T so I emphasize with you guys

This also goes for general chatter i get that it's distracting or frustrating but it's again an open forum and it isn't against the rules to have a discussion with your buddy frank about your dog and how your wife is doing so to delete those messages users would scream of censorship they would be pissed they can't have a general talk with a friend on open forum and it isn't against the rules at all or the TOS so your mods would seem very delete happy

As for new mods sorry we have no plans for new mods at this time however you can help the staff by using the report feature should you think something needs to be removed this is a community therefore it takes the effort of the entire community to help make it a nice place so please use the report feature that's why it's there that's basically being a mod so use it please :)

What I do agree with is

Picture size they can be freaking gigantic I will send off a message to the owner

Stickies I have always said if the LED group wants to create a sticky please do so I will review and sticky it for all you guys
Collaborate together in PM or a thread whatever you guys wish to do and get back to me when you want it stickied :)

Editing time , for whatever reason in the new update it went from 72 hours to 12 I will ask to get that fixed
Riu has always had an editing time 72 hours since the start in 2006 most forums have time frames
You can always ask a mod to edit your thread for you that's allowed shoot a mod a message we are happy to do those things for you

I hope that answers some of your questions feel free to brainstorm some more and I'll check back in a bit
I'm sorry we are unable to implement everything you wished for but in sure we can compromise and make the LED section happier it just has to be within our physical limits and reasonable for the rest of the forum
'I just don't have the time to be lengthy about it'

TLDR! :lol: J/K!

I'm a led noob but I think this forum is the best at this website. I would not even have registered if this forum didn't exist. It may be messy but much better than some other sub forums here.


Well-Known Member
understand your position, and congrats on a new baby and surviving child birth.

BUT if you want status quo, this forum will end up wasting away just like any other forum on the internet, because the people that made the led forum one of the leading forums aren't sticking around.

stickies are useless, because nobody can keep them up to date except as a neverending rambling story.

I am absolutely certain that you can assign rights to the creator of a thread the rights to delete posts or to lock a thread. its not technically impractical or impossible. BUT that is a policy decision by the owners of RIU.

so you wouldn't want to allow a paid advertiser to have some control over a fee paid advertiser thread? very strange for a forum which is trying to make $$ via paid advertisers.

I just had a baby about a week ago so I'll answer but it will be sweet short and straight to the point not to be confused with being rude I just don't have the time to be lenghty about it

A lot of these things you have asked for cannot physically be implemented like it isn't possible in the system we have to realistic we aren't going to buy new add ons for xenforo so we gotta work with what we have :)

In addition to that a lot of these things cannot just be done for one subforum it would change the entire forum rollitup
Ie the music videos
So try to think of changes that don't impact the entire forum of rollitup

I can't change the entire forum to make led forum happy that's just not a win win situation or the rest of the forum it's not fair and a lot of other users would not be happy about it so I have to decline on the YouTube video suggestion

We are not interested in allowing thread starters or advertisers to mod their own thread that would be heavily abused by most forum users sadly we have been asked this before and we decline it

Advertisers have their own area so I won't touch on them here well just talk about users

I'm not going to penalize new users who are just annoying with their help threads

This is an open forum everyone has the right to talk here , join make threads

Yes a lot of times newbies don't understand how the forum works but we're not going to penalize them because of it
I get it it's annoying I get asked like 20 times a week how come people can't like posts and yet I have a well done sticky thread in support detailing how to use the website to a T so I emphasize with you guys

This also goes for general chatter i get that it's distracting or frustrating but it's again an open forum and it isn't against the rules to have a discussion with your buddy frank about your dog and how your wife is doing so to delete those messages users would scream of censorship they would be pissed they can't have a general talk with a friend on open forum and it isn't against the rules at all or the TOS so your mods would seem very delete happy

As for new mods sorry we have no plans for new mods at this time however you can help the staff by using the report feature should you think something needs to be removed this is a community therefore it takes the effort of the entire community to help make it a nice place so please use the report feature that's why it's there that's basically being a mod so use it please :)

What I do agree with is

Picture size they can be freaking gigantic I will send off a message to the owner

Stickies I have always said if the LED group wants to create a sticky please do so I will review and sticky it for all you guys
Collaborate together in PM or a thread whatever you guys wish to do and get back to me when you want it stickied :)

Editing time , for whatever reason in the new update it went from 72 hours to 12 I will ask to get that fixed
Riu has always had an editing time 72 hours since the start in 2006 most forums have time frames
You can always ask a mod to edit your thread for you that's allowed shoot a mod a message we are happy to do those things for you

I hope that answers some of your questions feel free to brainstorm some more and I'll check back in a bit
I'm sorry we are unable to implement everything you wished for but in sure we can compromise and make the LED section happier it just has to be within our physical limits and reasonable for the rest of the forum


Well-Known Member
It used to be that small groups of people here would start group PM's to talk about things,don't see them much anymore or maybe I'm just not invited but it's a good way to talk about things without distractions.


Well-Known Member
QFT. Though I would have used caps and an exclamation mark, i.e. LOL!

On the other hand, even you Bibled thumpers deserve a better forum than this abomination of a poltics forum posing as a grow site. You couldn't have picked a worse place and I mean this is in the best possible way, from one cannabis enthusiast to others: do yourself a favor and find a better administered alternative. Admin lost his mind here, banning good growers and fucking up my account because I'm skunkdoc too lol (in his head...), yet trolls the forum with a ton of sock puppets.


Well-Known Member
Is that why I love cheese? There are still groups at ICmag,I belong to one and for the most part everyone in it is respectful of others.
we love cheese...I love cheese(exodus) and if ICMAG was a country it would be England with its corrupt aristocracy dibbs(gifts) to each other to keep in rank

..icmag has been around a long time, and some very good info their, but its outdated and corrupt as...just don't ever ask how they judge their cup

...and do may ask urself why so many members are banned, and their post still up...???

ICMAG have been gleaning it long its an institution not a website, a much needed change of admin is required

one good thing about icmag and co, once they go banning members for the slightest infraction

members launch their own highly successful weed sites as ICMAG continually pass the grifts

good luck


Well-Known Member
Congratulation's on the Baby sunni :clap::hug:
No it can't change the world, the folk in it can, as long as there sure what it is there changing is definetly for the better of all and not just a few, as is often the case.
For editing old post's, isn't that what admin is for?
(still got a dodgy signal).


Well-Known Member
My thought as an advertiser is that it wouldn't be that useful to mod/edit a post. From a DIY perspective it would be highly useful. I think Sunni offering to update a post would make a link thread possible.

Someone would offer to be the editor. A thread is started which asks for links (otherwise it will be a ton of work for an individual). People contribute with suggested links. The editor organizes the links and starts the sticky thread. Over time the editor can update the thread and submit it to Sunni to replace the old thread. If the editor gets tired of being the editor they could pass it off to someone else. It may not be ideal, but it would work using the resources available.


Well-Known Member
You know what this thread needs, @Growmau5 to be able to edit the top post to reflect all the brainstorming, for longer than 72 hours.

@PurpleBuz has a great point about the stickies becoming useless, not just in the led subforum, but the entire site. No need to make more work for mods, keeping crazy amounts of threads updated. Just leverage the users we already have.


Well-Known Member
Can you put a inactivity limit on the posts, to remind them to tidy up like keep / delete ?


Well-Known Member
agreed, forum is not moderated. and your beautiful grow report can be ruined by some guy posting some huge ass pictures that takes all off the space on the page of some irrelevant shit.
we need our own forum with LEDs and hookers


Well-Known Member
use a wiki not a sticky
Honestly I'd rather read one properly curated top post than a wiki full of some of the crap I've heard spread as facts around here. And have discussions with other people about it, sort of like a forum maybe.

That's also double the work for user contributors, not to mention an entirely new site for rollitup to set up and then run. And it would just collect orphaned outdated crap, peppered with occassionally useful pages that would just get linked to discussions here anyway.

Sorry, that was kind of negative.

@Herbal_Essence you could have control back if you could add posts to the top of your threads, and edit the ones already there. At least it would be a start. And wouldn't require hiring programmers like some of these suggestions.


Well-Known Member
Someone could take the role of "editor", put together a mass list of helpful "posts" (since the topics go off the rails in just about every thread), lock said thread, sticky the thread, and then periodically update it via a mod's help when new and updated material is available. Basically this subforums bibliography. It's the best scenario for the current forum tech unless the forum can create a new user profile that allows unlimited editing.


Well-Known Member
I like the concept of a wiki-stiki, a core set of data based on the COB grow light or other fundamental subjects, not a long set of q&A, but the basic data in factoid form that can be updated with the latest data, in a wiki format with people able to produce references to their changes and people can agree or disagree in the form of changes, seems like a way to provide cutting edge data with not too much white noise