california special MJ question


Active Member
umm...does california special need full sun even when a sprout or just part sun? Also, what is the THC % of it, plus the yield inside and outside??????


Well-Known Member
fucked if i know ????????/

but im growing cali special atm, dude all i can say is fertilize ,fertilize,and fucking fertilize mines booming

lol i give it so much fertlizer its growing like 16-17 fingers out of one leaf


Well-Known Member
here's mine (california special) in soil grown with a variety of quality organic proucts,it was under 24/7 of light for about month and a half.
its now into its third week of flowering light phases.



Active Member
how did this strain come out? i have big buds on mine! Only thing is is that the smell is gone. It never really smelled like strong had like a pine smell...But if you dig into the bud you can somewhat smell some decent product. Ive had mine hanging for a week now...just trimmed the small buds today and put them into a mason jar...the big buds seem like they are dry enough to put into jars now but i was told to wait another week. Did your smell come back? Was it decent smoke? Please update...i'll reply with a pic of what i got...