C-99 Pine-apple Pheno DWC grow


Well-Known Member
OK so I have been waiting for these babies for a while now, but I got them today!
32 (un-rooted) c-99 clones(princess99xprincess). Feel free to comment, and also if you have grown this, and have some tips, glad to hear them. If you see me doin' something bad as this is my first time with any kind of hydro, PLEASE, tell me. so...heres the specs.

C-99 Pineapple pheno
going to select 8 good of 32 to grow, and a mother or 2.
Clones under 2 105w CFL's 24/7 until rooted, then 18/6.
Will remain there through 2 weeks of veg.
transplant 8 to larger DWC buckets,
put under 2x400w HPS for 1-2 more weeks of veg, then put into flower.
Using Superthrive in bubble cloner with RO water. , planted 3 in soil w/ rooting hormone, and the rest in rockwool w/ the wick water setup. (kinda expiermenting to see what roots faster)
In veg, transplant to bigger piece of rockwool, bigger wick system for 2 weeks.
Using AN Sensigro A+B for veg.
For Flower I will be using AN Connoissuer a+b, perhaps somthing else if I can decide by then.
its a 8-9 week,heavy yielder. cant wait :)



Well-Known Member
OK so I have been waiting for these babies for a while now, but I got them today!
32 (un-rooted) c-99 clones(princess99xprincess). Feel free to comment, and also if you have grown this, and have some tips, glad to hear them. If you see me doin' something bad as this is my first time with any kind of hydro, PLEASE, tell me. so...heres the specs.

C-99 Pineapple pheno
going to select 8 good of 32 to grow, and a mother or 2.
Clones under 2 105w CFL's 24/7 until rooted, then 18/6.
Will remain there through 2 weeks of veg.
transplant 8 to larger DWC buckets,
put under 2x400w HPS for 1-2 more weeks of veg, then put into flower.
Using Superthrive in bubble cloner with RO water. , planted 3 in soil w/ rooting hormone, and the rest in rockwool w/ the wick water setup. (kinda expiermenting to see what roots faster)
In veg, transplant to bigger piece of rockwool, bigger wick system for 2 weeks.
Using AN Sensigro A+B for veg.
For Flower I will be using AN Connoissuer a+b, perhaps somthing else if I can decide by then.
its a 8-9 week,heavy yielder. cant wait :)
scribed #1 w00t!

hey you said the clones were (princess99xprincess) but then later called it a pineapple pheno? Whay do you call it pineapple?


Well-Known Member
Well that's what c-99 is, but the clone guy told me it was a pineapple pheno. I've heard it's also crossed with pineapple express, bit don't quoat me on that yet. I got some lookin up to do.
All clones are perked up and looking good, I'll take pics when roots appear. I'm very excited about this grow. I hear the high of c-99 is amazing. Thanks for the scribes :)


Well-Known Member
ok...from what i gather...a pheno, or a phenotype, is just a characteristic carried on by genetics. there are many that have nothing to do with tastes....leaf type, height, stretchy, etc....as long as its carried on in genetics. this variation of c-99 has a pineapple smell to it, so its a pineapple pheno. dont know how it got there. o and to correct myself, in my broweing i discovered i made an error. c99 is princess x princess 88.


Well-Known Member
sorry took so long to update, went on vacation for awhile. after all is said and done, i got 8, possibly 9 to successfully clone. i have 8 on feeder tubes for now, going to keep them there til roots show out the bottom of the 3" x 3" rockwool. so heres the pics.



Well-Known Member
here is a few pics. this grow is kinda in the air right now cause of we might be moving, so im kinda holding off on them. i might just keep the best clone for a mother. I think im just going to get new clones, already rooted, for the grow. i just dont want to be moving plants around while moving, kinda risky. plus heightens risk for pests to enter the grow room.



Well-Known Member
Ok, so the verdict is, I am moving. So, since only 6 made it, im going to pick 2-3 of these clones to be mothers, for future clones. I could just take clones from my successful clones and start over so to say. Well see the rock-wool doesn't like me much, and i find roots like dirt so much better. What seens to be the solution is those peat pucks. Im pretty confident i could get 8 to root and be good to go, but thats time I dont have. I have vouched to get new c-99 clones, rooted this time, to save time. then i can give the mom(s) time to mature a little before cloneing.
The hard part is going to be tearing down the closet, packing all the stuff. Transporting "the goods", putting it all back together, all without drawing too much attention, and quick enough my plants don't die or get some mites or thripes...

Anyways, heres some pics. about 3 weeks since rooted. gaining ground a lot in the past week. Im keeping the one for a mom in the pot for sure, maybe 1 more or so. we will see how it goes.



Well-Known Member
oK I know it has been a very long time and you thought I abandoned the journal, but it is not so. There just has been a lot going on...after moving, setting the new closet up, and trouble shooting with these babies...
Ok...so. not using that rig i had before. roots dont seem to like the rockwool. the plants always showed signs of overwatering. VERY stressed, stunted growth, lock-out. I saved what i could and planted what i saved in FF Ocean Forest soil. they took off, got very nice looking. befor I messed anything up, i turned 2 into moms to take clones later. (Pic1&2) The rest are still building a healthy root system, and 4 already have. I know its not reccomended, but i transplanted 4 Cindys to the DWC bucket and put them under a 400w HPS. I gently as possible rinsed the dirt off the roots ( i had them in 16oz cups.)fed some roots through the plastic net and gently added the hydroton. (after a good night of soaking in 5.5ph water w/ weak root enhancer. )i added drip feeders to the inside of the nets, but not sure the schedule i should use for them, I dont want to drown them. They already have the misting action of the bubbles very close below the net. I turn it on once or twice a day for 5-10 min.

Ok, so I transplanted them and they looked pretty healthy, as you can see in the pics. (this last sunday) It has been 5 days since and they are looking crappier by the day, although the roots seem to be fine, even showing signs of growth as you can see in the pics. The white ones are the new ones since i couldnt get the brown stain off the roots already in existence. I know plants go into shock when transplanted and they dont like thier roots being bothered, but i read it only last for a few days and the plants looks droopy, then goes crazy w/ growth. Well...I know this may take a little longer as not only did i transplant, but i put it in a whole new environment. cooler temps, soiless growth. I know it would be harder, but i want to make sure before i wait too long. should i be worried? The leaves are beyond droopy now, they are fading in color from the bottom up. smaller leaves turning yellow, and fan leaves fading in green.
Here is what i am doing.
Room temps 69-73
water temps 65-70
using 2 dual diaphram air pumps (4 air stones, plenty of bubbles)
ppm started at 100 sunday, now at 38
ph kept between 5.5 and 6.1
nutes, just 1.5 tsp in 15 gal res.
( i heard use weak nuts or plain water for a soil to DWC transplant)
Also been foilar feeding 1-2 times a day with RO water with a few drops of FF grow big.

ok...so should i be worried?
I was thinking of purchasing AN's Revive if nessesary...dont really have the money right now though..
If anyone has any soil to hydro/DWC/aero transplanting exp., please chime in.



Active Member
Man its a nice setup and everything, but you forgot one crucial step on ur DWC resevior. Its not light proof! you see how ur roots are all brown and slimy looking, its algae on them. algae comes from light getting into ur resevior. i recommend duct taping the whole out side of the resevior, including the lid too.


Well-Known Member
The resivor is light proof. There is absolutley no light leaking inside. The brown you are seeing is from the soil I used to start the clones in. It was there while I gently rinses the roots off. Also, the roots arn't slimy at all. A few new roots have slowly started growing, that are stark white. The problem is the top of the plants. I fear the switch from soil to DWC has been too much stress and whatever I can do is too little too late. Anyways, thanks for the input.


Well-Known Member
No one else has anything to advise? All these growers and no one has attempted a soil to DWC grow?? Please, need advice on still wilting plants. How long will it take to recover? It's been just over a week now. I added some superthrive yesterday to see if it will help with the stress. I was hoping to see some improvment, but 24hrs later, not much of a change. Again, would love some more input.


Well-Known Member
Ok so another complication... Since I added the superthrive yesterday and today I checked my res and the roots had a lot of clear slime on them... Any suggestions???


Active Member
I'm really looking for someone to explain your problem because I have just started a DWC and one of mine is really droopy and getting worse each day. I transplanted them from soil to DWC also. If you would, please read up on my situation and maybe you can help me Mattike. The past couple of days I have had 1 of my 2 become really droopy and saggy like its being overwatered. The other looks like a million bucks... The pics don't show it because it's just gotten bad the past couple of days.

Here's the link to my setup / situation...



Well-Known Member
the only things i saw that you mentioned that caught my attention was the temps in your room. do you know your res temps? they should be between 65-71. 68 is the perfect temp as it is the point that the water can absorb the most oxygen. every degree higher you go decreases how much oxygen your nutes retain for you plants. also warmer temps help bacterias grow. makes the solution nasty pretty quick. the other thing, you said you kept the Ph at 6.1. Here is my rule of (green)thumb: If it is under 4" ph is to be 5.2-5.8, When 4" and over ph is to be 5.5-6.1. However, you say one is doing ok. if this is still the case, then maybe it wont make it. In the past few days I have read that soil to DWC is not recommended and is very hard on the plants. A lot of times growers that try this dont get a 100% success rate. in other words, some don't make it, its a gamble. i mean dont throw it out yet, maybe it will spring back. who knows. At least yours came back the day after, mine still look crappy and droopy.

since we are on the topic, I did some work in the growroom tonight. I got out the babies and rinsed the root off got all the slime off, bleached and cleaned the res and parts. put it all back together, gave it 1/4 strength Advanced Nutes Seni-grow A+B, 1 drop per gal. of superthrive, and H2O2 to kill off any escaping backteria. Turned on the drip lines...Also chopped off all the big fan leaves that were almost all yellow anyways. now the undergrowth is green and open to the light. Hope they spring back. *fingers crossed*


Active Member
I'm waiting on a tds/temp meter to arrive so I'm not sure about my res temps. I noticed some clear slimed on my roots also and my healthy plant is starting to droop now. I have 2 pumps with 4 air stones. I think I have enough oxygen bubbling. Last night I lowered the water level forcing more air exposure to the roots and my healthier plant perked back up. I'm hoping I was just drowning my roots by having the water level too high. Time will tell. My ph has been consistently 5.4 to 6.0. Time will tell. Good luck to us...


Well-Known Member
Jus curious, what are you putting for nutes in the res water? Also if your temps are high, freeze some water bottles. id advise you get started before the thermometer arrives, so you can put ur mind to ease immediately if it is high. Jus throw them in the res, replace when temps go back up. good luck


Active Member
I'm using fox farm liquid trio about half strength as directed. I will probably get started on the frozen bottles. Good idea


Well-Known Member
yeah ive heard 1/4 strength for the beginning, but maybe im mistaken. yeah remeber to freeze a couple so you can have a cycle goin and enough bottles. depending on how large you res is, it should keep the temps down for a few hrs. in my small veg. DWC (2gal.) i have 15 small plants growing, and i take the temps down to 65 w/ ice, then it taked about 3-4 hrs for them to hit 72, then i apply more ice.

on my grow, i ordered Great White Benificial mycorrhizae/bacteria and it arrived today. I put a few scoops as directed in my res tonight. i hope in the next few days i see increased root growth, maybe the plants will perk up...if not i just took 22 clones this last sun., so in a week or so, i should have some clones ready to go. I think im just going to have to grow some plants in soil, and construct a 3 site DWC 5gal bucket to mess with until i can do it right, then ill bust out the bid tubs again. I heard it is supposed to be easy, but i wasted so much time doing it...ill get it down soon enough. anyways...keep your fingers crossed, this aint over yet :)