Buy a War, or Pay for Peace?


New Member
Nearly a trillion dollars have been spent on the war on terrorism.

After 9-11, in an attempt to end terrorism and bring peace to the middle east, the President of the United States started a war. What if he had instead, poured out over the course of 7 years a TRILLION DOLLARS into Iraq and Afghanistan? In programs and in trade agreements and even direct wealth gains to the ruling class and citizens, essentially buying the country, as the 51st state. If that were the case, do you think the problems of the middle east, terrorism and American & world-wide safety would be better or worse then they are today?

What the American people have done is agreed to pay for a war, when they could have bought peace.

This country is very wealthy. Not everyone is, but those who are like to live in nice surroundings and they have created comfortable cities around us all. But the ruling class, which we elect to serve as our representatives are supposed to have peace as their ultimate agenda. That statement is truism. I do not think anyone would argue that we, as Americans, expect the powers which run our country to be promoters of peace. And we should understand, by powers of logic alone, that you cannot use war as a means to promote peace. It’s not conscientiously allowed. A peaceful person wouldn’t war with another. They would find another way to solve the problem.

Now if the president had asked congress and the American citizens to pay, a trillion dollars in taxes, for the purchase of a country they wished to have good relations with, would you accept it? Literally hundreds of billions of dollars could be paid out, in wealth appropriations, to all the right people and the good relations would spawn an economic boom in the region, which Iraqi & American industry would benefit from. And this would be following soon after the attack of 9-11; so world sympathy would be high and then world opinion of the U.S. would soar. That’s what you can do if you are a country of great wealth. You can buy favor and possibly peace with an opponent.

Instead, the president sold us a war. And now, 6 years later, peace is not established in the region. Safety of America from terrorism is not guaranteed by his solution. And the only people benefiting from the war are those who are waging and promoting it.

The truth is, neither paying for war nor trying to buy peace is a good solution to ending terrorism. And I don’t think the American citizens would approve the ‘buying off’ of a nation as a good solution. But then, why was a war approved and not a peace effort; remembering that war cannot be used as a method of peace? The answer is; war was not approved. Congress, our voice in the checked and balanced system we believed we had was circumvented. This is a rouge President.

In our government, he is the man who must answer to what mistakes are made during his presidency. Why? Because we believe that we are appointing him to make these decisions for himself! So, nearly everyone aggress that the war was a mistake. We were sold this war by incorrect data on Hussein’s involvement. Which means we must assume either we have completely incompetent intelligence agencies or the President lied about the data. Assuming either, the mistakes of this President; waging war based on bad data, and then not acting to end the war based on bad data and punish those responcible for the bad data, rest on his shoulders alone.

The good faith the country of Iraq (and the World, for that matter) had in America after 9/11 was squandered and now taken advantage of. And in my opinion, it is the President who will answer to his mistakes but American citizens will share the fault of not ending this war. We have a voice and we have impeachment powers for not only the President but for our representatives, as well.

If a Senator or Representative does not vote and actively pursue an IMMEDIATE end to this war, we must vote them out of office, and replace them with someone who will. It is that simple. Nationwide, I believe mass impeachment proceedings are necessary against anyone in a position of oversight, who is still advocating this war. We must scare the ruling party into hearing our voice, the way they are trying to frighten us into silence.

This is the only way to reach the powers that be, the ones who are making these war decisions for the President. They must hear the voice of Americans who desire peace and not war. They must understand that we know and can use the powers given to us in the Constitution or, that ‘old piece of paper’ as the current President calls it. They must learn that we are a people governed by morality and truth and stop their plans of world subjugation.

They must see and feel the strength of Americans in action.


New Member
"But the ruling class, which we elect to serve as our representatives are supposed to have peace as their ultimate agenda."

Sorry, but the duty of the federal government isn't to "have peace." The duty of the federal government is to protect the rights of the citizens of the various states. That would include the right to life, liberty and property. On 9-11 all of those rights were seriously violated by folks who, at that moment, declared war on the citizens of the United States ... and they are paying the price as we speak.



New Member
The problem with your hypothesis, "the Nation of wealth" squandered the trillion dollars on credit, they broke out our grandkids and greatgrandkids credit cards and proceeded to blow it on war. Now if they would have borrowed to fix our country, maybe I could forgive them, Infrastucture that is rusting and crumbling away, Education to keep us on par with other countries, Health care and pollution controls, an energy policy that embraces the future, These and many other needed things for our own country I might have said, OK Borrow away, but to squander it on war, shameless. I doubt many citizens would have approved of giving Afghanistan or Iraq the trillion bucks so their despots could sock away billions in Cayman Island accounts.


New Member
"But the ruling class, which we elect to serve as our representatives are supposed to have peace as their ultimate agenda."

Sorry, but the duty of the federal government isn't to "have peace." The duty of the federal government is to protect the rights of the citizens of the various states. That would include the right to life, liberty and property. On 9-11 all of those rights were seriously violated by folks who, at that moment, declared war on the citizens of the United States ... and they are paying the price as we speak.

I do not mean to say they take a vow of 'no war'. But, generally speaking, I would posit that we, as Americans, expect our elected officials to desire peace. You know, not looking for war.

And I personally see something very fishy with the bullshit Al queda story of 9/11 the government gave us. To me, and many other Americans, the men and money behind our government planed and executed 9/11. They are the lovers of war.

Even if you disregard our theory, you must concede that war was brought to the wrong people. Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11, Al queda or declaring war on American citizens. They're paying the price for this Presidents 'intentional' mistake. How can you continue to feign support of a unjust war?

What is American had bombed Rome instead of Hiroshima because the CIA fucked up and thought Italy was responcible for Pearl Harbor? Would you have the U.S. army continue to fuck up the Itilian's daily lives or would apologize and make ammends.

I've never heard this President apologize for starting a war with the wrong Country. He just keeps asking Americans to give him hundreds of billions a year to fight this bullshit war. And we keep giving it, instead of cutting him off.


New Member
The problem with your hypothesis, "the Nation of wealth" squandered the trillion dollars on credit, they broke out our grandkids and greatgrandkids credit cards and proceeded to blow it on war. Now if they would have borrowed to fix our country, maybe I could forgive them, Infrastucture that is rusting and crumbling away, Education to keep us on par with other countries, Health care and pollution controls, an energy policy that embraces the future, These and many other needed things for our own country I might have said, OK Borrow away, but to squander it on war, shameless. I doubt many citizens would have approved of giving Afghanistan or Iraq the trillion bucks so their despots could sock away billions in Cayman Island accounts.
I am in no way suggesting that U.S. citizens would approve buying Iraq. It is not a good solution. But neither is preemptive war!

War efforts only line the pockets of war companies and add to the unrest of a region. War does not work as a method if your objective is peace!

The nearly a trillion dollars spent on this war could have been used for better ways to promote peace then greasing the wheels of this countries war machine!

War is not the answer.


New Member
I am in no way suggesting that U.S. citizens would approve buying Iraq. It is not a good solution. But neither is preemptive war!

War efforts only line the pockets of war companies and add to the unrest of a region. War does not work as a method if your objective is peace!

The nearly a trillion dollars spent on this war could have been used for better ways to promote peace then greasing the wheels of this countries war machine!

War is not the answer.
And an amen to that!
1.They borrowed the money to run the war.
2.It was the wrong war.
3.That money should have been spent on our citizens.
4.WAr is never the answer.
5.our grandkids (If alive) will hate us for being so docile when we could have stopped this insanity.


New Member
Sorry, I cannot debate with someone who believes our "government" was behind 9-11. It just doesn't compute in my brain.



New Member
Sorry, I cannot debate with someone who believes our "government" was behind 9-11. It just doesn't compute in my brain.

Think about it, it's a beautiful ploy. Get the public behind a trillion dollar war for the elites to profit from. Could happen. I'm not totally convinced, but those fuckers are very capable of it. Bush executed more prisoners than any Governer in the history of Texas, whats a few thousand more?


New Member
Sorry, I cannot debate with someone who believes our "government" was behind 9-11. It just doesn't compute in my brain.

Well, how many brains do you need? With growing evidence by experts & learned men you must at least assign it a probablity factor.

False flag events have been used by probably every nation in the past and somehow you believe the rulers of THIS country to be morally above it?

What exactly about this country's ruling elite impresses you so much?

They are time and again proven to be criminals who do not live by the laws they force upon their citizens. You owe it to yourself to examine the evidence. Having done that, I don't see how you cannot cry foul. It's blatent, man!