BUSTED in Florida. Just got out of county...


They found three mothers and an empty, eight site, DWC set up in my tent.

They also found several jars full of regs, (less than a HP total), a jar that was curing from a dead plant, a scale, and a journal outlining a small previous grow.

This is my first offense EVER of anything. I could use a little insight.

Please help me RIU! Kinda freaked out right now.

Dirty Harry

Well-Known Member
Zip the lips! Don't discuss anything with any officer, investigator, or agent. They will act your friend but are not.
If the person who wants to talk to you IS NOT A LAWYER ON YOUR SIDE, you say NOTHING.


Well-Known Member
the most i see u getting is probation i don't know what the laws are down there. If your going to admit it's yours is say it's for personal use u don't want them to pin it as intention to sell on top of possession and yeah get a good lawyer don't cop out to first thing they give you unless it's really a good deal but usually there is always a better one depending on how strong their case is.. Like did they have a warrant to get into your house ? .. on another note u kids are only 16 ? i thaught this was more of a mature forum


Got nabbed with a grow operation and about half pound back in 1991, was not growing at the time but they got my lights, hydro system and scale ECT. They charged me with possession over 30 grams less than 500. 10,000K for a lawyer 9,500K fine and 30 days in the hole was what i received. Oh almost forgot a felony conviction. Don’t ruin your life by running cause you be on the lame forever more face the music and be done with it.


Damn. Yeah, spend the money on a good lawyer. A cheap lawyer will be over-worked and won't have the time to really fight for you. Your best bets are 1) finding an issue with the warrant to make it faulty, and any evidence gathered as a result of the faulty warrant being thrown out; or, 2) getting such a good lawyer that the prosecution (most have political ambition) is scared to go to trial and lose -- then you could cut a heck of a deal.

And don't say shit to anyone but your lawyer. And FYI -- he can't knowingly present info that he knows to be false in court, so let him ask you the questions. He knows the answers he doesn't want to hear. Don't go spilling your beans like Chunk in "The Goonies."

Find the lawyer that represents the big boys that get caught. It will be the best money you ever spent.

That sucks dude.

smokey green

Active Member
Im interested to see how this plays out.... Florida treats weed offenses hardcore. Good thing is this is your first offence...you should just get probation and some fines...like everyone else says, find a good attorney...

Mr.Therapy Man 2

Active Member
Im in Tennessee and I got hit in October with about 85 plants and Ive still not been indicted yet.Ive hired the best lawyer I could find but hell all these lawyers think your crazy for growing smoke no matter how sick you are.

Mr.Therapy Man 2

Active Member
They searched my house with no warrant!!I was deer hunting and they found a jar in my pack and my daughter pulled in to get me and they found another jar in my car then they hit my house with no warrant


Well-Known Member
Did you in any way shape or form 'let' them in? you have to very carefuly deny them entry.

Like everyone said get a lawyer. Dont talk to ANYONE about it. cops love to lie to you


Active Member
Ya dude they would never come in unless you open the door. I had a cop walking all around my house one time just knocking on every door. PEEKING in windows, SO the next time he come I left a video camera on the desk where he keep peeking in the window. You should have seen his face when he seen that camera, Cops cant peek in your windows. What if your wife girlfriend was naked. He walked away and NEVER come back. That video is so funny!!! Get a good lawyer if you can, the more money the better the chances you can get the case dropped if you find a lawyer that can find a flaw in the warrant or the way they served the warrant or better yet find one that knows the judge and get the lawyer to pay off the judge, remember its all about MONEY!! GOOD LUCK!!


Well-Known Member
Well Im not suggesting you do this but it is an option. You could move out of state.
Felony convictions dont carry from state to state and warrants expire after 7 years of being issued unless its re-issued which rarely happens. You just have to stay away from your home town for 7 years.

Otherwise I would call a marijuana attorney.
They only help people with mj convictions and in my city their known for a high success rate. The sooner you can talk to him the sooner he will prepare your case which could mean visits to the doctor so don't delay, make up your mind


Well-Known Member
No shit!!!your funny ha ha
Sorry for the assholeishness but it just seems pretty like a ignorant thing to do imo, how were they able to search you to begin with? Were you hunting illegally? What kind of sickness do you have that would require 85 plants... if its really for personal use I doubt the cops would believe that for a second and give you manufacturing to distribute instead of just manufacturing.