Built it myself


Well-Known Member
not to mention drilling into an igloo will make it worthless. id have to say using coolers for a dwc is a waste of resources.


Well-Known Member
not to mention drilling into an igloo will make it worthless. id have to say using coolers for a dwc is a waste of resources.
trial and error. I have so much useless equipment I have tried on the "cheap" end and it don't hold up to an Igloo. Buy it once, use it forever. Done growing? screw the hinges back on and you have a kick ass cooler!

I have rubber maid buckets I tried to insulate against the heat. I have 2 big 16 plant fiberglass units I now use for Red's veggie's.

I have Gallons of nute's that I don't feed the girls, it goes to Red's outdoor hydro set up. The Igloo keeps temps at 67 degrees for days on end. Easy to fill and drain. Never a chance of tipping over and you are not putting any thru hull fittings in the Cooler itself.

I have LED's and CO'2 Monitors and Tanks I don't use anymore. Crap the list goes on and on.

I need to do a craigslist sale and raise a g note or two with stuff I don't use.

Stuff I do use, Igloos, Air Pumps, Elite Stones, Hydrotron, 2 inch thick styrofoam, and ventilation.

Nutes are GH.

Waste of resources?

It's the Bell Curve.

and ol' boomerb is riding that curve hanging 10,,,,


inside, outside, right side up,,,,,



Well-Known Member
AWESOME set-up bloomer!:hump: that is top notch my friend:joint:
thanks MT, it's a work in,,,

errrr what were we talking about?,,,,,,,,,,

oh yeah, the different ways of growing. gads, i've run the spectrum.

Most women would have scooped up the cash after a good grow and run off with
the hydro clerk by now. Not my Red. Nosirreebobalouie. She's raised an eyebrow once or twice but never really laid into me any longer than a blue moon,,,,,

See, was this time me and a few of the fella's decided to make the Dago Tuna Run one year. Lit outta here about 10pm. Full tank in the dually, 100 gallons in the boat, Kill bags and 7 day coolers full of food and sitting in an Ice Slurry. 30 fatties and a coupla dugouts and we're blasting down the 5. Hit the ramp at 1:45 maybe 2am. Load up on bait, point the bow southwest towards the Butterfly and step up the throttle. Nothing like the noise of a diesel stepping up on plane and gittin some.

Dark as a well diggers crack in february. Taking some waves head on but not too bad. I'm at the helm and have three souls on board. Reports of big schools of tuna now about 90 miles off shore. We're 70-75 miles out, not too far to go. Lots of fuel, seas calmed down a bit, running up on plane and then nothing,,,,,,

Diesel dies out on me. Just shuts down. Check the filters, gauges read 3/4 on the draw tank. Dip it to double check. Yep. 3/4 tank left. Sheeeit. Pump the throttle and hit the starter. Turning over but nothing. Pop open the engine box and get welcomed by a pool of diesel from a ruptured and gushing fuel line.

Oh crap, says I to any that might be listening, this is gonna be one long day,,,,,,,

Got home a day late.
No Tuna. $2,000.00 tow bill. $1000.00 to replace the fuel lines and inspect the fuel tanks. Now when I start to get the Tuna itch, Red runs me down to the Niko Niko Sushi place. And she never complains about the bill,,,,,,

Hell, i've been known to buy her off a time or two, just to make amends and show her it's not all about me:hump:, but anywho, like I said, Red's a good gal and fits me just right.

my name is boomerb,
and I got a story,,,,


Well-Known Member
wow man... not trying to jack the already jacked thread, but i had something similair happen to me many years ago. fishing for striper after dark in neponset rivershed, lost the fuel line. got caught in outbound tide and swept out into greater boston harbor. adding insult to injury the mic shat the bed on the radio, got rescued 20 hours later by the drunkest nastiest smelling but nicest lobsterman ive ever run across, wouldnt take a dime for a 12 mile tow, and gave us all the cigs we could smoke.
now i never step foot on a boat without nylon stockings and duct tape. you wrap the ruptured line with the nylon and then wrap the nylon with duct tape.. itll get you home if your not too far out... and i dont even step foot on a boat thats headed blue water unless its running 2 engines... and i always bring extra smokes lol somethings you learn the hard way.


Active Member
I'm using stealth also. Wild looking. I was told I could grow 3 around on 90 watt fixture. I don't think so. I added a short t-5 and put red 3000 kelvin bulbs in and this is what I'm getting.
is that not satisfactory in your opinion? these plants look well, am i missing something?

Lavender Lady

Well-Known Member
Boomer, interesting story. Interesting about the worthless collections. I appreciate you're tangents. It makes me think that I've done a whole bunch of worthless .... buying stuff and reinventing the wheel..