Built it myself

Lavender Lady

Well-Known Member
I have some clones I want to try in DWC. I have grown successfully in soil and want to increase my yields.

I've used a 90 qt rubbermaid type container and have duck taped the outside, drilled openings in lid for pots, drilled hole in tub for valve, got airstones and pump working, and I'm set to go.

Clones are now installed and took no time to adjust. No leaf curl from shock. Here are some pictures.

I have some clones planted in soil veging in the same area and they are 2 weeks older. It will be nice to have the two methods to compare taste, growth rate etc.



Active Member
is that SOIL in the Netty pot??? Not trying to hate but you could of done a little bit cleaner job on the netty pot holes! and its just a pre-caution but the guy at the hydro store said you want to go with Black air lines to just be extra careful on not getting light in there, so you have no algea growth!!!


Well-Known Member
So i'll keep telling people,,,,

Igloo Ice chest's.

No light. No heat issues.


This one 54 bucks at sports authority.

And what the frig is the SOIL doing in there?

my name is boomerb,
and you have DIRT in yer HYDRO!



Well-Known Member
WTF is soil doing in your hydro setup? lol just when I thought I've seen everything....

Get an inert medium in there any you'll be on the right track.

Lavender Lady

Well-Known Member
Not soil. Coco mix called Roots coco fiber. I couldn't hold the drill steady for clean holes. I do need to neaten up. An the nettie pot had to be cut down. Those tubes are for air. Will the air tubes get alge in them?

Your setup is a beaut.

Lavender Lady

Well-Known Member
Allright. You guys are right, that is a type crap in the netty pot is a soil type medium. I called the hydo store and they said, "oops sorry. wrong stull". Now I have to get things changed around today.
Buying an igloo cooler will be my next effort. Thanks for you pictures.


Well-Known Member
its a pain in the ass, the igloos are thicker than than the rubbermaids, by a long shot, and theres 2 layers of plastic, so if your not steady, the holes wont be lined up and your pots wont seat right.
you did a great job for your first build, better than my first hydro lol!
clear airlines act like little fiber optic tubes, light travels through them quite well, and algae will grow wherever light hits, try having an aquarium in direct sunlight and you will see....
in the future, use hydroton in the netpots, or if you cant find that, natural aquarium gravel works great in a pinch...

Lavender Lady

Well-Known Member
Awesome, keep us updated. You're definitely on the right track. Any idea what nutes you are going to use with the hydro setup?
Nutes: I'm having good luck with FoxFarm. I have a friend who swears by advanced nutrient. What do you like?

Pulled the plants, nettie pot and all out of the tub and have put them back into clone chamber and watered the very dy "soil". I'm rethinkng my tub setup and will look for an "igloo". the clones are very confused at this point. :confused: The leaves didn't curl, maybe the humidity was high enough from the bubblers and it penetrated that "soil".

I thank you guys for pointing out the mistake I made.

Lavender Lady

Well-Known Member
Those tubes are for air. Will the air tubes get alge in them?

if you think about it where the tube connects thru your hydro tub its a small diameter hole, and therefore if your tubing is clear it will allow a slight amount of light in! its just a precaution tho!:weed:
I understand now! Thanks. I need and igloo also. Do you think light will go thru duck tape?


Active Member
it shouldnt, the igloo set up is AWESOME! def. will be light proof. i did two layers of duct tape then a 3rd layer of black duct tape! (maybe a little overkill) then did foil tape on the top! heres some pics


Lavender Lady

Well-Known Member
it shouldnt, the igloo set up is AWESOME! def. will be light proof. i did two layers of duct tape then a 3rd layer of black duct tape! (maybe a little overkill) then did foil tape on the top! heres some pics
What is the size of your tub? Quarts? I might have too many plants for this 90 qt tub.


Active Member
in quarts i think it is 12! it is a single plant hydro tub! could be 2 but im wanting to test it first. It is for my stealth dresser grow!


Well-Known Member
Nutes: I'm having good luck with FoxFarm. I have a friend who swears by advanced nutrient. What do you like?
Fox farm is great....if you're growing in soil. For hydro, I recommend a chemical fertilizer to keep the water and roots clean. You can use the FF in hydro but be prepared for the nasty water that comes along with organic fertilizers.

Lavender Lady

Well-Known Member
in quarts i think it is 12! it is a single plant hydro tub! could be 2 but im wanting to test it first. It is for my stealth dresser grow!
I'm using stealth also. Wild looking. I was told I could grow 3 around on 90 watt fixture. I don't think so. I added a short t-5 and put red 3000 kelvin bulbs in and this is what I'm getting.



Well-Known Member


You also need to get some styrofoam insulation from lowes, 8x4, cut it to overlap the cooler.
tape it completely over then cut out your holes for net pots.

Don' ruin an expensive cooler.

check out my so I got to thinking threads,,,,,