Buildng a cure box

I have an entertainment center that I'm looking to build into an all in one center, flower, veg, and cure. I understand their are certain requirements for curing I've heard and read so many ways to do this. What should I be looking for far as temp, humidity and I understand no light should be there as well. I have some pics of the operation, the real entertainment center check it out let me know what you think, and any advise will be helpful. OK...Here is the beginning to the set up of the cure box which actually is a drawer in the entertainment center.


Well-Known Member
There are some books which go into a lot of detail on THC and CBD degradation. Light seems to degrade the most, followed by heat, and last air (oxidization). Anything under 80 will severely limit degradation, anything over 90 will increase degradation dramatically. Humidity I try to shoot for 30-45%. The key here is you don't want to dry too much, or too fast.
Thanks gobbly, this will help me with my cure box that is ultimately a drawer in my entertainment center. I'm hoping to get this all done before my first clipping. which should be in the next month or two. I have need for this cause my last few tries my smoke tasted like grass clippings, it did the trick but the taste wasn't what I was looking for, obviously I have some refinement to do on my set up.


Well-Known Member
Was temp an issue at all in your last grow? Every time I have had heat issues I have ended up with bud that dried to fast and either lost its smell. or smelled like grass.
And if heat was not an issue, are you certain they were ready? It seams like buds that are not fully mature end up fluffy also.
Thanks for the reply i was drying in a closet in my apt. the temp didn't seem to be the issue I think you might be right it wasn't ready. i was going back through some of my notes that I had made. I made sure the pistles were 65% to 70% changed so that may have been the issue. The grow definately had issues in temp range it was moving between 95 to 105 but I have installed 4" fans through the grow area. please check out the real entertainment center you will be able to see the grow set up. I'll also be posting drawn up plans there for this center I'm really wanting to get this all together but time and money always seem to be an issue.
This will be a fairly long processes to get finished, however I would really appreciate any advise that can be given. So here is my first step in the process, I bought a simple expanding screen from(lowes, home dePOT) it was roughly $10.00. I completely disassembled it.

Step1: Using a knife or flat head screw driver pry away(carefully) the rubber hose/place holder for the screen as seen here
Step 2: Getting just enough of the rubber holder of the screen you should be able to pull it away fairly easily without destroying the screen
Step 4: By now you should be able to remove the whole screen from the assembly

Step 3: From here if you picked up the same one I did the ends come apart since they were never glued to gether it should be easy to pull apart. I made a small mistake by breaking a corner piece which i won't worry to much about


Step 4: (is under construction) Plan is to make shelving inside the drawer using the screens. This may take a bit. I have been using a hygrometer to see the highs and lows of the temp inside this drawer as well as the humidity it's been a stable 82-88 degree's (88MPH...oh sorry not back to the future) humidity has ranged from 35% to 43% I picked this hygrometer from Walmart for $8.00 it has served me very well I use one for flower and one in veg. It also tells you the current temp and current humidity.


The idea here is to get 4 dowels from a hobby lobby or an arts and crafts place. I'll be making removable screens to lay the buds flat on allowing sufficient air to flow around them. I'm very hopefull that I can let you know how the cure goes. It may be a while for the info on that, I'll just keep working on the form here.