building an rdwc


Well-Known Member
hey guys, im currently on my 2nd build attempt, using 2" pvc pipes with bulkhead fittings .

my 1st attempt i used hdx totes and they leaked, i used 3" hole saw and i read on hereci shouldve used 2 7/8". i ruined 10 bulkhwad fittings by gluing pipe into them and not being able to remove them from the tubs.

im planning on rebuilding tomorrow with a 2 7/8 hole saw, is it possible for me to assemble the rdwc before gluing anything and running it with water?? just to see if it leaks? or would it leak out of the pvc joints?

i dont wanna have to waste another 100$ on this. i just tried it with 5 gal buckets and they both leaked. i know bulkheads arent meant for round surfaces but thats what i wanna use. any advice plz ill use the hdx only cause its got flatter sides but id rather the 5 gals cuz it uses less water


Well-Known Member
Are you using PVC ?

If Yes, you should be able to dry fit everything and run it without leaks, or minor leaking anyway. PVC fits pretty snug even without glue.

If your using soft lines, im of no help, i havent used it


Well-Known Member
You can still use your other bulkheads if you have enough pipe in between to cut and glue on a coupling, or even a no hub adapter works too.


Well-Known Member
Also I don't think the bulkheads would work with a bucket, you might be able to get it to work for a while but the stress on the bucket being formed to the bulkhead might crack after some time..


Well-Known Member
Try to use a hole saw that makes a hole just large enough for you to insert the fitting through the tote.
If you want to do a test run, you could use RTV silicone sealant-I use this on my system. If you let the sealant cure overnight, it will bond to both surfaces. The beauty of using it is that when I want to disassemble the piping, a pair of channel-locks will twist the piping right out of the fitting. A bit of removing old sealant and it's ready to reuse.


Well-Known Member
Try to use a hole saw that makes a hole just large enough for you to insert the fitting through the tote.
If you want to do a test run, you could use RTV silicone sealant-I use this on my system. If you let the sealant cure overnight, it will bond to both surfaces. The beauty of using it is that when I want to disassemble the piping, a pair of channel-locks will twist the piping right out of the fitting. A bit of removing old sealant and it's ready to reuse.
so you dont use pvc glue at all for the pvc? or do you use a threaded bulkhead with a male pvc adapter?


Well-Known Member
ok ok another question, i havent drilled hoses for my air pump hoses yet, im thinking now i should drop my air hoses around the sides of the totes rather than towards the middle. let the undercurrent carry the bubbles throughout the tote? from the naked eye i dont see a current but i can feel one.

im stonned and feel like this might like the roots to grow towards both ends of the tote?

i cant wait to pop.some beans in here ill put up pics soon.


Well-Known Member
Can't help you with the air plumbing. That was one of the biggest draws when I switched to a UC setup-getting rid of the air stones. Waterfalls all the way.


Well-Known Member
Can't help you with the air plumbing. That was one of the biggest draws when I switched to a UC setup-getting rid of the air stones. Waterfalls all the way.
This seems like a common thing among hydro growers currently, many are moving towards waterfalls and away from air stones. Waterfalls seem to be the way to go.


Well-Known Member
I look at it as a consolidation of jobs. I already have to recirc the solution so why not use that energy to aerate it with a simple physical action. Makes me feel good...


Well-Known Member
I love my waterfall system I built. Explosive growth from start to finish and the recirculation of 30gallons of water constantly I never have a problem with any nasties growing in my solution. Since using a chiller I dont bother running sterile anymore.


Well-Known Member
would a 700 gph pump be enough to createv4 waterfalls? i curently have it running into the res and it makes a good amount of turbulence


Well-Known Member
I use a 600gph on 6 sites, 3/4" pvc from pump and it goes to 1/2" just before it enters the buckets.


Well-Known Member
would a 700 gph pump be enough to createv4 waterfalls? i curently have it running into the res and it makes a good amount of turbulence
I run a 700gph on my 40gal. I pump it through my chiller and discharge using 1/8" jets on 3 totes and a pair of 1/2" fan nozzles I fabbed by heating the plastic tubing and squeezing to the desired shape and dunking in cold water. Moves quite a bit of water.


Active Member
Great info. I'm in the process of building my rdwc with totes as well, but concerned the PVC won't be exactly straight from tote to tote bc the walls of the totes are slightly inclined downwards, but not much. I think I may need to heat up the PVC to creat an ever-so slightly bend w a heat gun. I hope not tho. I'm using 2" PVC electrical male & female fittings for each tote in the 12 bucket system. I would love to use waterfalls instead of air stones, but with 12 buckets,,it seems like a bigger project, but I'd like to learn more options if possible.