Building a stealth box, and would like some input.

I had some boxes at a friends house but he can't hold them anymore, so the babies have made their way to my domain. The problem being that I need 100% stealth. I took an old speaker cabinet I had lying around for 20 years, and gutted the thing out. In the manner of being nostalgic, I've decided to keep all parts so that one day this can become a speaker cab again. Until then, it's going to be a stealth cab. With that said, I would like some suggestions on where I should take this. I would like to have everything be inclusive, and inside of the box itself. This is where the problem lies, is heat. I have tons of computer fans, power adapters, and various pumps so there is a lot to be made. I cut a piece of glass to try to isolate the lights from the growing chamber itself. As far as lights go, I either can do 2 x 70 watt hps security lights, or a plethora of various sized cfl's. Also, a hydroponics system would be nice, but I am trying to keep this thing silent. The only thing I can think of that is silent would be a wick system. The overall internal dimensions are 8"x15"x19"*, the asterisk is that the height is up to where I have the glass plate. Otherwise the height is 24". Odor control is also an issue, obviously. But not necessary just yet. Anyone have any suggestions?


The first pic is the outside, the second pic is inside looking up, and the third pic is the outside on top. I would like to use the holes that were previously horn tweeters to vent my light area.


Active Member
ok so i will just copy paste what i wrote in another thread about stealth pc growboxes( i guess this applies to a speaker growbox too )

I'm no expert and nor am i in any authoritah to give advice.
I'm doing a pc grow now too. I''ve documented myself quite a bit before i started and i can tell you from personal experience what to do/expect.
>:leaf:first use the bigger pc case for flowering( havent flowered yet, but i''ve heard you need space, the more the merrier)
>:leaf:second: for ventilation install pc case fans (you hook the up to a 12v DC power source )
>:leaf:third: dont try to make or use a carbon scrubber as you will fail, pc fans dont have the power to suck ENOUGH air through enough carbon( so it can work properly). just buy and air Ionizer
>:leaf:forth: light will leak out of your box unless you are prepared to really work on it (I.E. use like 3 rolls of ducktape and aluminium foil )
>:leaf:fifth: to put the lights in, just solder some wire to CFLs parallel attach them ( . if you put the in series they wont work, trust me or read the damn article, beyotch.
to attach the lights just drill holes in the roof and tie the with some metal wire ( worry not for it works fine )
>:leaf:the top part of the pc will get warm. MAYBE even hot if you dont vent it properly. i have 2 80mm fans in front( where the cd/dvd was ) and it sucks enough air to keep my box at 29 celsius ( 26 celsius in the room ) .
>:leaf:sixth: dont expect it to be quiet. it doesnt make huge noise but people can hear the fans working ( just hide it in the attic or basement, somewhere people dont enter or where there usually is some ambient sound)
>:leaf:eight: you know how they say move the light to be 3-4 inches above the plant ? move THE PLANT to the light not vice-versa . it''s easier, just put a stack of books underneath until the little plant-plant grows enough
>:leaf:ninth: ScrOG or SoG is the way to go . ( that is Screen of Green and Sea of Green , google if you dont know what it is ) a normal growing plant won''t have enough space to properly grow, i'm going for scrog as i like challenges
>:leaf:tenth: get an ionizer and a power socket with a timer, they will really help you .
these are my only 10 tips i can think of right now. Don''t bash on me people i''m a noob too

hope that what i learned is good and that i can pass it on