Budding stage...


Active Member
Hey, I got a clone about 5 months ago and kept it on an 18 hour cycle. Recently, I learnt that changing it to a 12 hour cycle will move it into budding stage... I've done it for about a week and can't see much difference. I'm definitely a noob in this but I'd like to know what other things I can do to move it into budding stage...?

Thank you!


Well-Known Member
12/12 is all you need to do besides changing your nutrients to a higher phosphorus mix. make sure you use a timer so theres no fuck ups and you should get buds starting in about 2 weeks. patience is key!


Active Member
Fluorescent lighting....

I know I know but that's all I have to work with right now. Next month I'm changing to hps.

A phosphorous mix is blooming formula?


Well-Known Member
do not eat you buds!!! cuz you will want to. itll be an almost zombie like craving. almost bit a few of mine really. its getting quite hard to restrain myself..


Well-Known Member
also it's important that during that 12 hours of darkness it's fucking DARK.

like pitch black and no light leaking in (not even a small hole or crack), so make sure your area is light proof.

takes about 2-3 weeks to show sex. look for testicles at your plants nodes and kill any plants with nuts ASAP. (they look like little clusters of balls) males will show sex first and are usually your tallest and best looking plants unfortunately.

any plants with white hairs at the nodes are females and good to go!

flower for 8-10 weeks, when 2/3 of the hairs turn dark colored it's ready to harvest.