Bud with seeds


i heard bud with seeds doesnt get u stoned and if u smoke the seeds it gives u a headache, ive been smoking bud with lots of seeds and ive smoked the seeds, no headache, and im stoned? type of weed i think is african bush.


Active Member
If you smoked only seeds and stems you would not have a buzz, and you may have a headache. But other then the bad taste there is nothing evil about seeds. I pull them out, but hay it's your $.


its weird there like in the bud its been obviously imported from africa or somwhere and been pressed into blocks cos its well hard and stuck together sort of. (im from uk, never seen weed like it over here we've been calling it old school ganj) and yeah i just grinded it and smoked it and im stoned but like a well mellow relaxed sort of way. its weird


Well-Known Member
what you have there is commonly referred to as "brick weed"....

prlly not a great idea to smoke seeds and stems.... your just begging for a headache later.. not to mention the burnt popcorn smell/taste the seeds give off...

i know some old school smokers who dont give a fuck and just throw it all in a grinder and smoke whatever comes out.. i make sure if i am smoking with them i roll or pack up the shit.. not them...


yeah u got it i mean i try and obviously take the seeds out i can see an that but if theres like 1 or 2 that ive grinded i dont mind i dont just fill a j with seeds and spark it, f that.


Active Member
Brick Weed is swag.

The only time I had decent compressed stuff was many years ago. Redhair sense pressed with a little hash oil.


Active Member
I have heard is lowers the sperm cound so one million down to 950000. Most hippes seem to have no problem having children.


Well-Known Member
I have heard smoking seeds can make men infertile...anyone hear of that????

im prity sure smokin seeds causes testicular cancer or some shit. always pull the seeds out, and never smoke them

I have heard is lowers the sperm cound so one million down to 950000. Most hippes seem to have no problem having children.
smoking weed in general lowers your sperm count, but we have so many sperms it hardly matters