Bud Rot, too much rain. Pick 'em? please help..

Bonerary Pill

Active Member
I Have three good looking plants outside right now, there has been alot of rain this year and over the last few weeks my plants have experienced some Bud rot.. No big deal, I cut off the rotting pieces, and salvaged what I could of them for hash later on..

This is my first outdoor grow and about a week and half ago harvested one plant prematurely, before having leached out all the nutes, and am afraid my buds won't turn out as well..

I have already smoke-tested a few, and have some curing and it really doesn't taste too great (premature, nutrients, drying time?).. the stuff curing is starting to taste better, so I am not so worried, but will the quality really be affected by how early I have picked 'em, and the chemical levels?
I have had them in pots rather than the ground, and have been easy on the nutes since day one.. I backed off them altogether after I harvested the one plant last weekend..

I apologize for the paragraphal-compound question,. but what I really need to know.........

My live plants look pretty nice now, and the triches are somewhere between few clear-almost all milky-some turning ambery.. but is so close to harvest time, and it has been rainy here, and STILL there are little signs of bud rot.. it is forecasted rain for the next week (Southern Ontario) and I wonder if I should pull 'em now, or wait it out for more sunshine.. will the bud rot get way worse with this much rain and humidity?

Please excuse my long-hand explanation as it's my very first post (ever) and I like to look like know what I'm talkin' about when I uhh.. does anyone have any cookies?


Well-Known Member
I have not experienced bud rot, but, I would not expect it to get better with continuing humidity and moisture issues. Do you have any way to protect the plants from being rained on? A little hat or something?

Bonerary Pill

Active Member
A little hat? I'm not sure what kind of hat would fit on a six foot christmas tree that would protect it from the moisture and rain.. maybe a poncho? hehehe.. I thought about a conopy or moving them but what where (other than inside) would protect them and keep them from moisture and not be completely redundant? hmm..


Well-Known Member
If you can keep them from being rained on directly, wouldn't that be some help? If you can move them inside AND provide sufficient lighting for them to finish, then that might be ideal because indoors it tends to be drier than outdoors.

And you wouldn't have such a problem finding them hats if you wouldn't grow them so big. :-P

Bonerary Pill

Active Member
I could move them but I can't really bring 'em inside or provide sufficient lighting because of the size and them... I guess what I really need to know is whether or not I the quality will suffer if I harvest now, or hope for more sunshine.?.?.

Its October now (almost) and I'm not really sure if there will be any more sunshine before the frost comes.. Like I said the trichromes look like they are getting pretty milky and some are starting to Amber... I'm asceered..

Bonerary Pill

Active Member
yeah, I think I may just wait it out and just keep monitoring the colours, and if they get any worse, I'll just pick'em.. the sun started shinin' and I shook the hell out of them, hopefully I can keep them dry that way, if not...


Well-Known Member
I'm having this prob as well. I might harvest mine here in the next few days to be safe.



Well-Known Member
I'd take them now! you'd be suprised at how fast bud rot can spread .And in the rain it will spread even faster.

Bonerary Pill

Active Member
well it seems that I am in the clear for now, Ither hasn't really been that much rain, and I have taken good care to shake the fuck out of my plants every morning... the rot hasn't really spread, it was a few minute little spots, so I'm still Golden, for now....

Big P

Well-Known Member
just be careful and thourghly check them every single day, that shit will spread to everything in a matter of a few days

dont smoke the rotted but its not healthy, if anything make hash out of it

does anyone know a spray or somthin you can buy that help ruduce or prevent budrot?

i need smothing to stop this scurge i consider it public enemy #1