Bucky's Bigot Bingo Series - Question: Jeb/Mitt?

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Have you ever sent a thank you card to your government for all the many things it provides you.

No but I wiped a booger on a wall at the county jail once...does that count?

So, tell me do you like the freedom that government provides you? Isn't it great that we have no fear of growing and ingesting anything we want to, and know as long as we leave others alone we too will be left alone?

Also, its not my government. I never agreed to the atrocities they perform. Since we're free, we can declare our independence right?


Well-Known Member
So, you don't care about shitty service? Rude employees do not bother you at all? A waitress that brings you the wrong food and charges you the wrong amount, those things don't bother you as long as you have a "relationship"?

You, my dear, are what Barnum was talking about when he said "A Sucker is born every minute."
Sky thinks a rude employee IS a relationship.