Bubble Cloner attempt


Active Member
Ph is around 5.9 now....didn't wanna try playing with it anymore.
The roots on the cuttings in rockwool are doin great, as long as they were showing roots already this bubble Cloner make these roots grow quick!
Yesterday's roots vs this mornings roots



Well-Known Member
no roots on the cuttings yet but i threw a few of the clones from my humidity dome in the Cloner that were showing roots to see what Happens!
I upgraded the air stones to 8 inch disks, replaced the water in the Cloner with tap water and added a small amount of SuperThrive PH to 5.6 and the temp is around 69 degrees

Last pic is a panoramic shot of flower room
If you use cuttings with less leaf area they'll root faster. More leaf means more transpiration, thats why you see people cutting leaves in half, using humidity domes, and less powerful lighting for clones. It's all an attempt to limit water loss until roots are grown.


Active Member
If you use cuttings with less leaf area they'll root faster. More leaf means more transpiration, thats why you see people cutting leaves in half, using humidity domes, and less powerful lighting for clones. It's all an attempt to limit water loss until roots are grown.
I'll try making some more cuttings later this weekend, I'll cut them back like you are saying and see!
Just another shot of the roots that are rapidly growing now



Well-Known Member
I've had 4 different bubble cloners and an aero cloner and I used to have terrible success at cloning. I started using Clonex gel and Rapid Rooters and I've had 100% success ever since.
Me too. Exactly. Not a 100% though. About 90%. But im still learning.

I did okay with a bubble cloner home made, but i often had to wait 3 weeks or more for roots. The rapid rooters... longest wait so far has been 16 days.