BS marijuana information on the internet


Active Member
ok so iv just search "marijuana myths" on google and i fell on some stupid bullshit about marijuana.....

Five Myths About Marijuana

1. MYTH: Marijuana is Harmless
TRUTH: Sure, it can&#8217;t directly kill you &#8211; but that doesn&#8217;t mean that pot is risk-free. Regular marijuana use has been shown to be associated with long-term problems, including poor academic performance, memory loss and lung cancer. To a developing brain, like those of teenagers, marijuana can be especially toxic -- using pot can lead to panic attacks, depression and other mental health problems, not to mention increased anxiety.

ok this is bullshit.... how can it cause depression, kill braincells, and cause cancer if those are the 3 main things cannabis cures... WTF ?

2. MYTH: Marijuana is Not Addictive
TRUTH: But what you didn&#8217;t know is that more teens enter treatment each year with marijuana as the main substance that they abused. In 2004, 64% of teens were admitted for treatment for marijuana as their main drug of choice vs. 36% of all other substances including alcohol. Marijuana is addictive, as it meets the criteria for substance dependence established by the American Psychiatric
Association including:
the kids that are in there is because the fcking judge gave them the option of jail, or rehab..... who wants to go to fucking jail for christ sake ??????????

Tolerance (needing more of the substance to achieve the same effects)
Withdrawal symptoms, using a drug even in the presence of adverse effects (you smoke even though bad things have happened when you do)
Giving up social, occupational or recreational activities because of substance use (you quit your sports team or job because they get in the way of your drug use.)
The desire for marijuana can have a powerful pull over a user &#8211; and can make it hard to quit.

3. MYTH: Marijuana Isn&#8217;t As Bad As Cigarettes
TRUTH: Nope, sorry. Pot actually contains many of the same cancer-causing chemicals found in tobacco. Puff for puff, smoking marijuana may increase the risk of cancer more than smoking tobacco does.

its funny cause research found that marijuana and cancer had no link......

Therefore, if you smoke pot regularly, you may experience the same breathing problems as those who smoke cigarettes. To put it plainly, walking up flights of stairs will seem difficult, and if you&#8217;re an athlete -- that unattractive wheezing and coughing caused by excessive smoking won&#8217;t look so hot (or feel so good) on the playing fields.

4. MYTH: Driving While High is Safer than Driving Drunk
TRUTH: Hardly. In a study reported by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, even a moderate dose of marijuana was shown to impair driving performance, since it affects alertness, concentration, perception coordination and reaction time &#8211; essential skills required for safe driving. Researchers also found that 17% (1 in 5) of crash victims under the age of 18 tested positive for marijuana.

5. MYTH: I Can Smoke Pot and Still Get Straight A&#8217;s
TRUTH: Hey, anything is possible &#8211; but there has been a lot of research done that states the opposite. Researchers have found that heavy marijuana use may be especially problematic during teens&#8217; peak learning years, when the brain is still developing, since smoking pot can impair your ability to concentrate and retain information. This can cause poor academic performance. You might think you&#8217;re doing well in school &#8211; but you&#8217;ll never know if smoking pot is inhibiting your true academic potential. WTF ?????

Some Facts You Just Can&#8217;t Argue With:
Smoking marijuana leads to some changes in the brain similar to those caused by cocaine, heroin and alcohol.

There is 50-70% more cancer causing material in marijuana smoke than in cigarette smoke. Although it&#8217;s constantly promoted as &#8220;all natural,&#8221; marijuana smoke contains more than 400 chemicals.

WTF ???? where the hell did they get this info ??????

THC (or tetrahydrocannabinol), the primary intoxicant in marijuana and hashish, is rapidly absorbed by fatty tissues in various organs. Generally, traces (metabolites) of THC can be detected by standard urine testing methods several days after a smoking session. However, in chronic heavy users, traces can sometimes be detected for weeks after they have stopped using marijuana.

Long-term marijuana use can lead to addiction.psycological addiction.... you wont go running 3 miles like i did for finding cigarettes at 3am

link :

i hate the fuckin liars !!!!

a dog named chico

Well-Known Member
and didn't a new study prove that stoned drivers actually drive slower and more careful when stoned? lets put it this way i would trust a stoned driver over a drunk driver 100% of the time


Well-Known Member
Therefore, if you smoke pot regularly, you may experience the same breathing problems as those who smoke cigarettes. To put it plainly, walking up flights of stairs will seem difficult, and if you’re an athlete -- that unattractive wheezing and coughing caused by excessive smoking won’t look so hot (or feel so good) on the playing fields.
what about that olympic swimmer then? (and others)

4. MYTH: Driving While High is Safer than Driving Drunk
TRUTH: Hardly. In a study reported by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, even a moderate dose of marijuana was shown to impair driving performance, since it affects alertness, concentration, perception coordination and reaction time – essential skills required for safe driving. Researchers also found that 17% (1 in 5) of crash victims under the age of 18 tested positive for marijuana.
actually other tests have shown marijuana smokers make for safer driver than sober ones.

and its obvious you cant trust anything this lot say, where did you get that? dare?
last gasp of the fuckers.

they got pretty good spindoctors though lol

sure is gonna get somebody.

Total Head

Well-Known Member
at least it didn't call it a "gateway drug". that one kills me the hardest. that and when they try to point out all the road accidents where people tested positive for mj, WITHOUT mentioning that the drivers were ALSO drunk and coked out and/or on prescription pills. those are my two biggest peeves.


Well-Known Member
Goes to show to show that what ur morther tells you is true dont belive every thing you here lol


Well-Known Member
No, it's all true!

Every member of this forum is a schizophrenic, addicted dope fiend who gets in car crashes on a regular basis and also has lung cancer.


Well-Known Member
like chico said, i will never get in a car with a drunk driver, or drive drunk. but i ride do in cars with a high driver. as long as theyre not passing out or totally spaced, its cool haha


Well-Known Member
So I heard that if you smoke enough you can actually achieve bartel dew taco. And from what I here, its pretty darn malt lickey.

Is this true?


Active Member
at least it didn't call it a "gateway drug". that one kills me the hardest. that and when they try to point out all the road accidents where people tested positive for mj, WITHOUT mentioning that the drivers were ALSO drunk and coked out and/or on prescription pills. those are my two biggest peeves.
no shit..... especially that coke is schedule 2 along with meth... so if you smoke weed(sched 1) that means you gonna get the gateway effect with what the gov say is better drugs(if you take coke or meth) which would totally defeat the "gateway" effect.... if it doesn make sense.... sorry. fuckin stoned LOL


Active Member

However on point one..
Most people if not everyone I know get's "high" to help cope with the stresses of the real world.. It would make sense that people consuming "illegal" drugs would have poorer academic performace..

Also, what "Academic performance" is a complete crock.. The people I went to school with that are well off now are the ones with the 60% - 75% averages and the odd tokers in school.. I know quite a few academics coming out of school with 75k+ in debt and they are only making ~50k/yr..


Active Member
did u guys know the US had a patent on marijuana oil ? on the patent is states that it cures cancer........ yet Why The Fuck is it schedual 1 ?????????(no known medical uses)


Well-Known Member
and didn't a new study prove that stoned drivers actually drive slower and more careful when stoned? lets put it this way i would trust a stoned driver over a drunk driver 100% of the time
when i'm drivin stoned down the highway, you better stay the fuck outta my way....cuz this guy dont slow down, i think i go faster


Well-Known Member
did u guys know the US had a patent on marijuana oil ? on the patent is states that it cures cancer........ yet Why The Fuck is it schedual 1 ?????????(no known medical uses)
fuckin conspiracy man, it dates back to washington i hear, lol