brown paper bag on top of the fridge? questions..


Well-Known Member
I have heard from two reasonably reliable sources(calling them that because theyre both ~50-60 years old and have been growing weed since they were younger than me) that if you just harvest and/or manicure your buds, drop them loosely in a brown grocery paper bag and set them on the fridge over night, the bud will be perfect..

what are your thoughts on this? my first drying session really failed me, conditions too cold and bud was watered too soon before i clipped it.

help? PLEASEEE? :))
Old smokers dnt care about the taste as much in my exp the heat is not good fore the buds n the paper bag will work but u need to hang them up for a couple of weeks. Then a.paper bag 4 2 weeks then a jar


Well-Known Member
I just can't get the hanging drying method, ive hung aerogarden buds and soil grown buds in closets and show boxes on strings with holes in the side... everytime I hang it just does not dry well, it always stays moist after 2 weeks or so, even though i live in the south the humidity in here isnt bad at all. I dunno you guys.

you were right about the old people and the not caring about the taste thing, i thought it over. those old farts NEVER brought me anything other than some brown frown thats real stringy or flattened.

anymore help?!! im 12/12'ing my aerogarden so it should only be.. not too long!


Active Member
I usually hang dry for 4-5 days, then ill do the paper bag for a good day or two, then go to jars. When i go straight from hang drying to jars, the buds feel dry before entering the jar but after a few hours with the lid closed the buds become to moist and start to smell grassy. Why i use the paper bags is it seems to absorb more moisture, so after a day or two in the paper bags ill put them in the jars and they smell way better


Well-Known Member
I usually hang dry for 4-5 days, then ill do the paper bag for a good day or two, then go to jars. When i go straight from hang drying to jars, the buds feel dry before entering the jar but after a few hours with the lid closed the buds become to moist and start to smell grassy. Why i use the paper bags is it seems to absorb more moisture, so after a day or two in the paper bags ill put them in the jars and they smell way better
This method sounds smart, utilizing the hanging with the bag method. A question though:

When I put the buds in a bag after hanging, do i close the bag up, roll it up, or leave the top open? and I can just leave it in a dark place or do you recommend on top of the fridge?


Active Member
...When I put the buds in a bag after hanging, do i close the bag up, roll it up, or leave the top open? and I can just leave it in a dark place or do you recommend on top of the fridge?

I would recommend the paper bag method too as I also find paper to absorb a lot of the moisture from the plants and helps to dry before jars.

Doesn't necesarrily have to be on top of the fridge, but anywhere room temp in a dark, dry place (cupboard, drawer, closet etc). Open/closed bag does not matter.... the point of bagging is moisture absorbtion.


Active Member
This method sounds smart, utilizing the hanging with the bag method. A question though:

When I put the buds in a bag after hanging, do i close the bag up, roll it up, or leave the top open? and I can just leave it in a dark place or do you recommend on top of the fridge?
Yes you want to roll up or close up the paper bag, but you want to burp it a couple of times, this means just open it up and let some fresh air circulate in the bag but when it is sitting you want it closed up


Well-Known Member
Yes you want to roll up or close up the paper bag, but you want to burp it a couple of times, this means just open it up and let some fresh air circulate in the bag but when it is sitting you want it closed up
By fresh air circulating do you mean shaking the buds around to even out the moisture absorption in the buds? or just leave the bag open for 10 or 20 minutes and close her back up? thanks you guys :joint:

northeastern lights

Well-Known Member
I hang them for 5-8 days depending on humidity, then sweat em' for at least a week before putting in jars for long storage. Keep the air moving in the room.


Active Member
By fresh air circulating do you mean shaking the buds around to even out the moisture absorption in the buds? or just leave the bag open for 10 or 20 minutes and close her back up? thanks you guys :joint:
You got it, basically just open the bag for a minute to let the buds breath some fresh air and the bag will do the rest. I noticed in the first post you said they told you to go with the paper bag for 2 weeks, i might advise against them being in their that long, they might too dry by then, a couple of days has always worked for me.


Well-Known Member
You got it, basically just open the bag for a minute to let the buds breath some fresh air and the bag will do the rest. I noticed in the first post you said they told you to go with the paper bag for 2 weeks, i might advise against them being in their that long, they might too dry by then, a couple of days has always worked for me.

alright, well I just got ANOTHER tip:

a friend of mine told me to put the whole plant inside of a dark pillow case, with the root attached, and hang it and dont open it for 4 or 5 days. How does this sound to everyone? Anyone tried this? Sounds like it would work with the darkness and material..

northeastern lights

Well-Known Member
alright, well I just got ANOTHER tip:

a friend of mine told me to put the whole plant inside of a dark pillow case, with the root attached, and hang it and dont open it for 4 or 5 days. How does this sound to everyone? Anyone tried this? Sounds like it would work with the darkness and material..

Sounds like your asking for mold and or rot problems. If you have any decent size buds I'd say your almost gaurenteed to get some rot.


Well-Known Member
hm, maybe yeah, i didnt see the point in point SO much stem and all of that root (considering i grow in all water for this batch) to be in there with so much moisture in it. and not opening it up? not a very good idea... but would a full plant upside-down in the pillow case be a better choice then a paper bag filled with loose buds?

northeastern lights

Well-Known Member
Ditch the pillow case. Hang them or leave them on a sreen/plate something for almost a week depending on humidity. Then put them in a sealed container (preferible glass) for 24 hours.Then take them out so they can air out for few hours. The moisture from the stem will redistribute into the buds. Repeat this until dry enough to cure.


Well-Known Member
Ditch the pillow case. Hang them or leave them on a sreen/plate something for almost a week depending on humidity. Then put them in a sealed container (preferible glass) for 24 hours.Then take them out so they can air out for few hours. The moisture from the stem will redistribute into the buds. Repeat this until dry enough to cure.
oh, so the reason people have been telling me to leave the stems on is because it slows the drying process in a good way. that way the buds don't get dry too soon and you don't have a rubber stem you're trying to snap haha. it makes a little more sense now. time is quality :) thanks you guys! ill just eyeball it all and tell you how it comes about :joint: