Breeders Boutique Grow


Active Member
Raiderman will argue with anyone over anything.... dude called me a warmongering child killer (or words to that exact effect) for serving in Iraq....AS AN EOD tech><

When someone that has zero life skills outside weed growing starts tossing about statements like that you can only laugh and hope he doesnt reproduce. The world has enough retards in it.
Some folks have fuck all going on in their lives and have to fill their days up trolling internet forums.


Well-Known Member
need an apprentice hemlock?.

"have trimmers can travel" and " will work for dank" are my slogans.


Well-Known Member
He thought that your Thread's Title should mean that you
are donating smoke to Vets.

He just needed to wait to see how your system works. It is
equitable, and seems to be enjoyed by the members.

The freebie Cheese Surprise, A Dog, and a Sour Cherry made
the line-up for the next crop. They are in their hempys, making



Well-Known Member
Right on everybody been Gone looking at property in Oregon. Found some we'll see how it goes.... Lazy day took some pics...SANY0192.JPGSANY0193.JPGSANY0194.JPGSANY0195.JPGSANY0196.JPGSANY0197.JPGSANY0198.JPGSANY0199.JPGSANY0200.JPGSANY0201.JPGSANY0202.JPGSANY0203.JPGSANY0204.JPGSANY0205.JPGSANY0206.JPGSANY0207.JPGSANY0208.JPGSANY0209.JPGSANY0210.JPG


Well-Known Member
OK lads all the purple stuff is Humbolt Seed Org trainwrek, 90 percent of the other is VorNik Vortex x Sputnik. IMO Trainwrek is Very Stable she stamps every Clone the same way every time so I put my Vornik in the same Bucket and I like the results BTW they have about 3 weeks to go.


Well-Known Member
Hey bro,
I was wondering how the move process was coming along? I am going up to OR next week to the Philomath area, my mom and lil bro wanna see me. Was wondering if you will be in OR still? I would like to buy you a beer and shake your hand. My mom really wants me to move up there so I am gonna look at a few places in the Philomath and Corvallis area, was wondering how close that would be to your future neck of the woods? Anyways, the seedlings are under 1000 watt mh now gonna be some monsters soon!
stay free stay high,

Hey Bro I don't know the first town but the second is about 1-2 from Grants Pass Corvalees... Good dirt there... Looks to me Like you wanna be north of Grants Pass and south of Say Cayonville


Well-Known Member
ok so i got my scissors, what else do i need?

i'd come to oregon for some of this


Well-Known Member
Hey Bro I don't know the first town but the second is about 1-2 from Grants Pass Corvalees... Good dirt there... Looks to me Like you wanna be north of Grants Pass and south of Say Cayonville
good to know bro, we pushed the trip back till after the first the year. xmas is just to crazy time to travel. looking like he wants to head out the frist thursday in jan and come back the following wed. Got about 7 places lined up to inspect, hopefully one will be good for what we are looking for. focusing on water sewer power already instead, and 5+ acres, preferably zoned recreation. thinking of putting a huge ass trailer or single wide in this year, throw up some carport greenhouses, and hopefully do it all in time for this outdoor season. if not, this year, then for sure by next outdoor season. Hes got about 30k cash and is approved for another 90k so we have a pretty nice sized budget to work with.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the congrats mates!!!! I'm fucking ready go out there and kick it in 541. Two large outbuildings one pole barn. pool and pool house I can use it to Veg in. There is a Large RV Shed that has a concret slab under roof but no sides I think I'm gonna close that in for me since my partner and his wife and four kids will live in the house. So that will be a bit costly. But I'm only gonna be there 7 months outta the year the rest of the time I shall live where its warm. At the end of the day we are gonna try to do a farm to retail operation and only push our stuff and we do the whole nine yards flower concentrates edibles. But instead of pushing the strain we will push our brand. Just a different way of going about it I guess. I thought about a coop but I'm not a CoOp guy coming from the Marine Corps we think totalitarian dictatorship works better. So We got 4 grower cards thats 4 patients per grower, 6 mature plants for each patient. HMMMM that seems like a lot when ya do the math.....Oh my Its on Jack!!!