bottom two sets of leafs wilting and dying


Active Member
My first plant has been coming around nice. after a lot of help on here she has been in her bloom stage for a month and a half she is growing big. we where having some problems with her walls falling down so she would get cold but as soon as we got the temp back she would be great. We started having to water her a lot more than usual so she would have some time wilted but after we waterd her she would be fine a few hours later. we have been watering her every other day and her very first leafs the very bottoms ones are completly dying and turning yellow the next set up are really droopy and not looking great! Should I cut these off? or what is going wrong please help! :weed:


Well-Known Member
Man do you have split personality???? anyway the first two leaves usually fall off... dont trim unless yellow


Well-Known Member
When trimming leaves it is best to either trim them at the very base of the leaf leaving the stem, which will eventually wither and fall off. If ur leaves ar droopy, it's usually because of high heat or over watering. So what's the temps and when do u water?


Active Member
we try to water every other day otherwise, she would become wilted. we are kinda in the trial and error point. its weird because only the bottom 2 sets are wilted all the rest are standing UP GREAT AND GREEN! maybe its are heat fan blowing right on the bottom of the plant?


Well-Known Member
It's relatively normal for a plant far into flowering to auto-amputate lower leaves, and it may not be a temp or water problem at all. The bottom leaves are generally used for root production, so when the plant doesn't need them any more, it will pull nutrients from them in order to concentrate on upper growth, particularly if they aren't getting much light. It does point to a lack of available nutrients, but may not be a serious issue yet.

What are you feeding them, and on what schedule? Also, do you have any pics?


Well-Known Member
1)It's normal for the bottom leaves to turn yellow and FALL off when you are six weeks into flower. 2)Don't cut the leaves off. When the plant is done using them, she'll get rid of them. 3) Flowering plants drink A LOT more water than vegging plants. 4) If the rest of the plant looks good, just keep doin' what you've been doin'. Don't try adding more ferts to fix something that prolly don't need fixing. 5)Put some pics up so we can see that bitch.


Active Member
Okay great! We are feeding her FF Tiger bloom and Big Bloom every other day. she seems to love it. I just trimmed the yellow leafs. I was told to save leafs to make haish later. How do you go about doing that? I will post pictures in a few mins.


Well-Known Member
The leaves that you save to make hash with are the ones that you trim off of the buds when you are doing your final manicure after harvest. Those bottom leaves are compost bro.


Well-Known Member
Lookin' good for your first grow bro. She looks like she is Sativa dominant, so you're probably looking at another six weeks in flower. What type of lights are you using?


Well-Known Member
Would somebody please tell me HOw to friggin' post pics in threads!! i've got some in my album, but they're stuck there. It's not obvious to me how to do it..Any help please.


Well-Known Member
Sure bro, it's easy. When you post a reply or anything in a certain thread, right below the box you type your post in you'll see the "Post Quick Reply" link and the "Go Advanced" link. Click on "Go Advanced" and scroll down a bit on the screen and you'll see the "Manage Attachments" link. Click on that and you can browse your pictures in your PC and add them to your post.


Well-Known Member
pisser it took several bones, head scratching, and button pushing to get them in my album...Then I had to relearn it all over when I could see somewhat more clearly.*lol*


Active Member
Thanks for all your advise. she has come along great and I am so pumped about it. If it wasent for guys like yourself I would of never figure it out right! Does she look like she will be pretty good?


Active Member
im 4 weeks into flowering and have to water her every other day,once a week I give fox f.bloom and some molasses but after 12 hrs hps light shes wilted -then in the morn.shes bright eyed and bushy tailed.