Bonide Tomato and Blossom set spray

Just bought some Bonide tomato spray. looks like it would work pretty good but want to get some feedback. has anybody tried this product?


Well-Known Member
I dont think its bad but i find it hard to trust anything that claims to speed and increase yields. But if you have a problem with blossom end rot or think you might in the future then i would say use it. Its basically adding more calcium to your plants, so you dont really need it unless you think you are lacking.
oh ok i see now. yeah the bottom leaves of my plants were starting to turn yellowish and were falling off. just went out put some on the plants. mixed water with the spray so it wouldnt be as strong. now just gotta wait and see what happens. thanks for the reply smppro
the spray is working beautifuly so far. buds have starting growing way bigger and healthier. outdoor growers should def look into it