Blue Mystic and Early Special...


Well-Known Member
I got so damn high while I built the god damn growbox, I lost my fuckin camera, I can't stop laughing about it and it happened last night! Lol:mrgreen::joint:

Hey all! I've found my camera, and today I am putting these babies into 18/6 to deal with the heat. They are under my 400W HPS, inside the growbox, They are not directly under it, because its too hot for the larger 3 of 5. About 96 degrees F at hottest part of the day, and I accidently put on of the exhaust fans on a timer (wrong extension cord lol). I transplanted my retarded Early Special. It was about .75 inches when I transplanted now shes like 1/2 an inch. I added a muffin fan inside the grow box, pointing at the light on high, as to diffuse some heat, and give a gentle breeze over the plants. I also found my camera. I am going to put pictures up later on today. Happy Growing all!


PS, I am also having a few other problems, I have waited them out for about 4 days now. They occured the day b4 I put them all in there new home. I'll show you in a lil bit!


Well-Known Member
And now my thermometer and hygrometer, are dead, the batteries are still putting out 1 Volt, but it may not be enough. Went to the store and picked up another thermometer/hygrometer, and forgot to get batteries. damn.


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Ok, today is the day that everything goes wrong!! WHOO HOOO! well not really that excited, everything is going bad. The plants have horrible yellow streaks and spots that i have never seen b4, so im off to research WTF is wrong. I have been reading up on pest control, and found that veggie-safe pesticides shouldnt be used till around the 3rd week, or after about 4-5 nodes have appeared. Well I waited till the 3rd week, didn't have enough nodes, so I waited a little more, most of my plants are working on the 5th node, I applied insecticide at 1/8th strength, and 30 minutes later they look like this....




And the moisture that you are seeing is from some bottled spring water. Not the insecticide, the water I used to try to flush some of the insecticide offa the plants....I gotta go do some research, any comments or suggestions, would be a great help, I have a hard time beliveing that in 30 minutes the pesticide could do that much damage, its a good thing I went out to check on them.....


Well-Known Member
Cut off some of the fucked up leaves. 3 outta 5 of my plants, are deffinatly gunna be male because of them being overstressed. AT LEAST. Prolly 4 if not all of them. The only one that looks any good is the fucking runt I call ES 1. Not a problem with it, except for the fact that it is litteraly 1 inch outta her pot where as every other plant is about i dunno almost 1'.Some a little larger some a little smaller. O well. Fuckit. The biggest three are bagseed, I am not worried about them, I have millions of those bag seeds, thanks to my last grow. That was successful even though I harvested early due to visitor's coming to my home. But I got a million seeds from one of the two that I harvested.....Now I am really getting off topic. Any Way...I cut off some veg growth....alot of veg growth....just a little too much veg growth... and I am going to have to wait at least another week, b4 I would be able to put them into flower. They were supposed to jump right in June 9th. Now, they are nowhere near there timeline! Oh well. Serves me right, if I would have built the growbox correctly in the first place I wouldnt have had the bug problems I am having now. I might just rip up BS1-3, and leave my one blue mystic, and see how it fares, it doesnt look THAT bad, but all three BS look like I've neglected them for about 2 months. And I haven't I just abused them on accident. Anyway, I have many seeds germing right now, so I might rip those up and make room for the 3 BM's and 3 ES's I have germing. I have no idea what I'mma do yet. Thanks for the speedy replies everyone!


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Well, I've come to terms with the fact that I think every one, BS1-3 will die. I had to cut off too much of the newer growth (all towards the main top) because thats where the fans pushed most of the insecticide. I am preparing my germinating seeds for my outdoor grow. We will see how they fair. They are going to be in the natural soil minus about 1/2 cubic foot or less of home made soil. 4 parts topsoil, 4 parts black gold (cow manure), and 2.5 parts perlite. besides that theres only sand down here. But they will be out there and if they survive good if not so be it. My last grow was outside. Thats a pic of the one that was looking the best, had to harvest early due to visitors. O well! See you all later.


Well-Known Member
Just checked on all the fucked up plants, BS 1-3 and BM 1. :spew: BM 1 is doing the best out of the four that are fucked up, I haven't needed to take off any of the leaves because of the yellowing. BS 3 is second best out of them only had to take off two leaves. Looking like this one might also survive along with BM 1. BS 2 which is the one with the giant knuckle by the base is not good at all. The pesticide killed the top two sets of fan leaves, and only have one full fan leave left, and is semi-spotted. ONE FAN LEAF! I doubt it will survive. I decided I will NOT KILL any of my plants off (on purpose) unless they are male, and even then I might just isolate the males outdoors...I dunno. BS 1 is a little better then BS 2 but not by far. It has a few leaves left. not too sure if it will survive. O well, must embrace the concept of work tomorrow, so I am off to bed. G'night all, and happy growing!

p.s. ES 1 is doing just GREAT barely ANY yellowing. And she is up and growing again! It was VERY VERY stunted from me spilling its pot. I gave it a pot full of perlite. Yea yea yea bad idea unless its hydro growign but hey i didn't know. But now, after it surviving for almost two weeks in 100% perlite, she is thriving in the bubleponic system. It has grown about an inch and a half in a day and a half. Anyway g'night its way late i gotta be up at 330am


Well-Known Member
Hey all, sorry no updates at all, my laptop was stolen out of my work van, so no updates for a while I guess, But for now, heres an update. All of the plants seem like they are going to survive, and be just fine! They all have strong new growth, and ES 1 is almost 5 inches tall now. They were all supposed to start 12/12 today, but thats a no go, with all the damage they need to repair, and all the growing ES1 still has to do. I think I'm going to start LST on BS 1 - 3 all the largest, they are all over one foot. But BM 1 is about 7-8 inches. So I am letting them grow some more, and lst'ing to ensure a level canopy. I can't gicve pic's im sorry, I don't have a media card reader, and I don't have a transfer cable for the camera, so no pics, till I get one or the other. Sad part is, Laptop isn't even paid for yet.... :( I need a blunt. or five.


Well-Known Member
Sorry I forgot to reply last time I was on GreySkull, I don't remember and because I didn't want to accidently use it again I got rid of it. It was just some old insecticide from an old vegetable garden.

Anyway, last night I started LST. The tops on BS 2 were covering each other so I had to get them seperated. The only ones that aren't LST'd are BM 1 and ES 1. BS 4 is outside in the dirt now, I was having problems with some type of nute def I think, all the leaves were starting to turn a very light yellow green color, and its uniform, sorry no pictures but still no card reader. Ummm....ES 1's roots finnally made it to the nutrient solution so growth should be bursting soon. Going to top ES 1 as soon as she gets her next node, then I'll wait till it gets one more node on each top and start 12,12. Wish I had pic's for you guys, maybe next paycheck. Sometime around the 22nd.


Well-Known Member
Ok, heres the new problem. For ohhhhh, i dunno three weeks I have been leaving the door to my grow cabinet open do to extremely high temperatures. After putting the 400 HPS inside the box and leaving it closed for 8 hours, my temps SOARED to 104 F. ( and yes the ballast is outside the box, nowhere near the intake, its on top of the grow box away from all intake and exhaust ports.) With the door open and a super strong fan blowing constantly into the box from the bottom, and a muffin fan hung on the lower side of the door facing out to draw the hotter air out from the top, I have been able to maintain highs of 98 F at thehottest part of day and a low of 73 F at the coolest part of the night....if you could call it maintaining. Also my light turns off at 8AM till 2PM to try to keep the box a bit RH is 91% high, and the low is 41%. Any body have any ideas? Mind you I am completly broke, Have to buy an AC unit for the house tomorrow, gunna run me about $4,500. So try to keep some of the ideas cheap. Besides that, LOL, I have spent almost 2 grand on this and last grow combined. Thanks in advance to everyone!


Well-Known Member
Oh yea, my Grow Box is located outside on a cement porch, its raised off the ground using milk crates, screwed to the bottom of the grow box. and the roof is tied up to the cieling. I'll take some pics of how I have it situated later on today when I get home from work.


Well-Known Member
Well, I have started flowering as of today....Well, the HPS was set for 12/12 yesterday, but I forgot that the 65 CFL thats in there, just because I haven't taken it out, due to the fact that it would leave holes, and more places for light to sneak in, has a light sensitive circut. So, after turning off the HPS the CFL came on after secureing the grow room, so inadequte light for yesterday for about an extra 3 hours. But today I unplugged the CFL, so I know they are in 12/12. I will go out and check on them later. I started LST on the two that were LST'ed earlier, but had to be let go because of ants on so on. So lemme see, in a couple of words I said, 12/12 started 6/17/07, and LST started on BS 1,and 2. ES 1 also was damaged beyond repair the other day, went out to check on them and its stem was broken completly in half at the base, poor thing was reaching for light as it lay there with no connection to its priceless nutrient bath it was sooo used to. I was thinking of trying to clone, but have givin up on cloning till I get a cloning machine, I have had ZERO success, and have already wasted about 4 budsites, and multiple fan leaves. So depressing. OWELL!! Here are some pics to hold you over....







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On the second of June, I started an experment to see which techniques were best for germinating seeds, and paper towel with regular tap water worked best for me. yet only 2/6 seeds germed for me. No idea why. dont care about it anymore, but today while I was outside, I noticed ONE of the seeds I put outside directly into the dirt with no preperation, sprouted through the dirt today! Yay. The longest days of the year are here. So thats always a plus. Its really hot down here, so I am watering outside about once a day. Somtimes twice. And I belive one clone that I put outside directly into the dirt might be my first clone to start taking root. Wish it luck. I can't wait to find out how many females I have. Prolly non lol. Oh man. I think Imma buy a homebox, or growtent or somthing. I hate these bugs.


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Just got some advice from Roseman, on wether or not to add nutes to the water I am adding in between res. chnges. I will start adding nutes to the single gallons of water.