Blue Himalaya Deisels For dummies from The dummy


Active Member
Yea i was gonna wait acouple more days so there alittle bigger and I was gonna add 2 more 26w cfl's at the top. Got light cycle on 18/6 and will stay there til harvest. Temps stay steady at 85F with lights on and about 70F when they off. I will transplant the other 2 BHD's at week 2 into 5 quart buckets I got. I can already tell these are gonna be short and fat, I'll be happy with 1/2 ounce a piece is my high expectations but 7g a piece will do fine.


Well-Known Member
I think you can do better than that so hopefully you will surprise yourself. Me personally I need to see an ounce or better. They are getting there. I am still tweaking my soil mix a little here and there and re-arranging pots and lights to get the most out of my space.

Concord Dawn

Well-Known Member
i was thinking that too, then i could do 2 in there and have plenty of room, maybe a couple party cups, LoL. how big are the pots you finish the auto's in?

Concord Dawn

Well-Known Member
A gallon and a half is what I use and most auto growers will say to try to go no lower than 1 gallon.
cool deal man, thanks for the info. these pots are right at 2 gallons each and would be perfect then, they are the ones i'm using right now. i think when the girls are done and then i finish the KK clone, im gonna get me some. i looked at herbies and they have the B.H. fem for $10.69 a seed and lowlife blueberry fem for $13.55 each. what light schedule did you use? thanks again!!



Well-Known Member
I got some Blue Himalaya beans from Herbie's, too. I'm going to try to go 24/0 again and see if they do as well as my Fast Bud did.

Teflondummy- Have you ever grown BH on a 24/0 schedule?


Well-Known Member
So going into week three on my first few BHDs and I have 3 females, 1 male, and one that still has not shown sex. I pulled the other male yesterday. He was half the size of his brother and only a couple of days younger. Here are picks of the blues I have going now.
#2day22.jpg#7day24.jpg#8day24.jpg#5day11.jpg#6day22.jpgbonnie and clyde.jpg
This is the one that has not shown sex at 22 days old it looks a little different than the others in structure and color.



Well-Known Member
Thats what I am on now. I am going to start on 20/4. The breeder, Stitch recommends 18/6.
Oh, I thought you were still growing BHDs. I wonder how they compare...the BH and BHD?

I don't have room, but I'm tempted to crack a BH bean and crowd things.

I might cut back from 24/0 to 20/4, but I'm afraid I'll hermy the Speed Devil2 I've already started.


Well-Known Member
Found another girl this morning. She finally showed at 24 days old almost a week behind the others. On the bright side she will probably be plus sized.
And here is the rest of the family.